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Hitler. 1889-1936: Hubris Chapter 11: The Making of the Dictator

Hitler. 1889-1936: Hubris Chapter 11: The Making of the Dictator. Ian Kershaw. Introduction and Background. Is a biography of Hitler The first volume of two Used secondary sources of info including Hitler’s speeches and writings

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Hitler. 1889-1936: Hubris Chapter 11: The Making of the Dictator

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  1. Hitler. 1889-1936: HubrisChapter 11: The Making of the Dictator Ian Kershaw

  2. Introduction and Background • Is a biography of Hitler • The first volume of two • Used secondary sources of info including Hitler’s speeches and writings • An examination of Hitler’s power – how he obtained and maintained it • Looks at how German people saw him, not necessarily at him himself. • Sees Nazi state as more important that the personality of Hitler • ‘Cumulative radicalism’ – end result is a result of endless bureaucratic power struggles • Model example of Weber’s ‘Charismatic leadership’ • Simply played a role within political and social structures • Was careful in how he portrayed his image and people saw in him what they wanted to see • Came to power in Germany through hard won domination of the Nazi Party, along with his skills as a public speaker and clever use of propaganda

  3. Timeline of the Transformation • 30th Jan 1933 – Hitler became Chancellor • Feb 1933 – civil liberties extinguished • March 1933 – Reichstag surrendered its powers, giving Hitler control of its legislative • May 1933 – trade unions dissolved • July 1933 – all opposition parties forced into voluntary liquidation, leaving only NSDAP (Nazi Party) remaining • Jan 1934 – sovereignty of Länder formally abolished • Summer 1934 – all organisations, institutions, professional bodies had aligned themselves with new regime and adopted Nazified mentalities • This process of ‘coordination’ was called Gleichscaltung • Managed to apply to every organisation, except Christian Churches

  4. Quotes • ‘It can’t be denied: he has grown. Out of the demagogue and party leader, the fanatic and agitator, the true statesman...seems to be developing’ • ‘What the old parliament and parties did not accomplish in sixty years, your statesmanlike insight foresight has achieved in six months’ • In nine months, the genius of your leadership and the ideals which you have newly placed before us have succeeded in creating, from a people inwardly torn apart and without a hope, a united Reich’

  5. 30th January 1933 – Hitler’s Appointment to Chancellorship • Given Chancellorship by Reich President Hindenburg • Mixed reactions across society – fear, anxiety, optimism, indifference • Many ordinary people apathetic – doubted it would bring improvement after Depression • For existing Nazi’s – saw it as opportunity for prosperity, advancement and power • At the time, there already existed aspects in German political culture that helped him: chauvinistic nationalism, imperialism, racism, anti-Marxism, glorification of war, placing of order above freedom – exploited and warped beyond recognition as Hitler’s regime took hold • Hitler at first, cautious, willing to take advice • Addressed the people – ‘German people, give us four years and then judge and sentence us’ – allowed them to feel involved • However, still Authoritarian: ‘removal of the damaging cancer of democracy’

  6. The Rise to Power • Hitler had good instinct for propaganda – lead towards initiative in motor car industry – this caught the public’s imagination and help already recovering economy • He elevated it to ‘most important industry of the future’, and despite his lack of specific plans, the mere promise of them caused the industry to pick up • This helped his election campaign • Mass media at his disposal – speeches broadcast on radio • Got army on his side – convinced even previously aristocratic, conservative officers. • ‘Partial Identity’

  7. The Use of Legislation • After Fire at the Reichstag, fears of a Communist uprising • Emergency Decree soon drafted (not by Hitler, but in his style) ‘For the Protection of People and State’ • Gave executive power to Reich Government – strengthened his position • DFPOPAS – freedom of speech, of association of the press, privacy of postal and telephone communication suspended, autonomy of Länder overridden by Reich Government • Enabling Act - needed two thirds of the vote to be passed – bullying • Other parties gave in to Hitler’s tactics of pseudo-legallity • Power now in hands of national socialists • Hitler now had no constitutional constraints on his power • Steps towards consolidation of his dictatorship now followed in quick succession…

  8. Spring/Summer 1933 - Gleichschaltung • Germany fell into line behind its new rulers • What was happening in politics was being mirrored in every other form of organized form of social activity • Hitler actually took very few initiatives…’the ball was rolling’ • With all constraints towards Jews removed, became brutal • Hitler reactive towards Jew’s planned boycott of German goods – Boycott of Jewish business • Hitler’s role confined to giving sanction to legalization of measures often already illegally introduced by party activists • Any remaining parties caved in – Nazi’s only party left • Personality cult surrounding him was booming, even though he had rarely been personally involved

  9. Summary • “Charismatic rule has long been neglected and ridiculed, but apparently it has deep roots and becomes a powerful stimulus once the proper psychological and social conditions are set. The leader’s charismatic power is not a mere phantasm – none can doubt that millions believe in it” • Hitler’s dictatorship showed how an advanced society can sink into barbarity • Importance of Co–Dependence – Hitler needed traditional power groups in order to impose the counter revolution, and they need him to provide mass support • Hitler did remarkably little – mostly authorised and legitimated actions of others • Disdain of the Parliamentary system that was perceived to have failed resulted in willingness to entrust monopoly control over state to Hitler • Had harsh values and was ruthless in his aim of regaining political power: • No tolerance of opposition • ‘Those unwilling to be converted must be crushed. Extermination of Marxism root and branch’ • As much to do with those around him as Hitler himself

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