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Emergency Action Plans Disaster Plans

Emergency Action Plans. Simple written planUsed to evacuate personnel from a building in an emergencymedical emergencyfirebomb threathazmat spilletc.. Emergency Action Plans. Consist ofa map of the building by floorgiving evacuation routeslocation of fire extinguisherslocation of first aid

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Emergency Action Plans Disaster Plans

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    1. Emergency Action Plans & Disaster Plans

    2. Emergency Action Plans Simple written plan Used to evacuate personnel from a building in an emergency medical emergency fire bomb threat hazmat spill etc.

    3. Emergency Action Plans Consist of a map of the building by floor giving evacuation routes location of fire extinguishers location of first aid kits, wheelchairs, flashlights types of alarm systems present

    4. Emergency Action Plans Consist of a simple one page written guide who to call in case of emergency methods to use in case of fire location outside to evacuate to the system to be used to ensure everyone in the building is accounted for

    5. Emergency Action Plan Additional information names of first aid qualified persons locations of any disabled persons that will need evacuation assistance

    6. What should you do? Ensure EAP’s are posted in the buildings occupied by the personnel in your unit on each floor Ensure personnel review EAP’s have new personnel review the EAP during check in

    7. What should you do? Ensure those needing assistance are identified are assigned a “buddy” to help them out Occasionally inspect emergency equipment fire extinguishers flashlights medical supplies, etc.

    8. Disaster Plans A Comprehensive plan intended to provide preplanned response to those unexpected or disastrous events. Hurricane Earthquake Terrorist Actions Flooding Tornado Civil Unrest

    9. Disaster Plans Prepared by the company usually with input from security & fire medical operations civil engineering intelligence tenant commands

    10. Considerations Safety of employees & public Immediate short-term needs maintaining communication identifying injured providing medical attention

    11. Considerations Long term needs food shelter transportation, etc. Protection of property & environment Restoration of business to normal

    12. Steps to building a plan Evaluate potential hazards Assess & prioritize harm to people environment property Identify the warning time you will have

    13. Steps to creating disaster plans Identify the disasters that could occur hurricane flooding, etc. Identify the time you will have before the incident occurs - notification time how much time will you have for evacuation or implementation of your plan

    14. Creating Disaster Plans Identify potential damage to people property environment Identify the time you will need to remain self sufficient

    15. Disaster Plans Identify the resources you will need for people: food; clothing; shelter; sanitation (water & toilets) property protection from fire; flooding; and further damage environment identify those controls needed to protect form flooding, damage, or release

    16. Disaster Plans Identify those personnel who will act in command communication security medical resources & logistics sanitation fire fighting transportation

    17. Disaster Plans Include instruction on how to: establish your chain of command establish your communication system implement medical services shut down existing systems & buildings

    18. Disaster Plans Include instruction on how to: evacuate personnel & property implement support systems auxiliary power, sanitation, food & shelter determine when to “secure” from disaster response activities perform post response activities turn systems back on - resume normal chain of command

    19. Training You must train if you want a smooth disaster response train or drill for each type of disaster you expect training helps prevent panic and confusion during disasters at a minimum personnel must know their roles

    20. You Should…. Know where your company plan is Review the plan determine if your unit plays a part Participate in disaster drills Be able to answer questions about your company’s plan

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