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Using E-Communication to your Professional Advantage

Tips for Staying Professional with Online Communication. Using E-Communication to your Professional Advantage. E-Mail. E-mail is very important to employers It is part of a company’s permanent record Employees are expected to follow the rules of Standard Written English

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Using E-Communication to your Professional Advantage

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  1. Tips for Staying Professional with Online Communication Using E-Communication to your Professional Advantage

  2. E-Mail • E-mail is very important to employers • It is part of a company’spermanent record • Employees are expected to follow the rules of Standard Written English • Always send professional e-mails no matter who the audience

  3. Tips for Writing E-Mails • Always have an appropriate e-mail address • Appropriate e-mails include: • ssmith@email.com • S_smith@email.com • SallySmith@email.com • Sally_Smith@email.com • ssmith1@email.com

  4. Tips for Writing E-Mails • Do not use any silly e-mail addresses • Inappropriate e-mails include: • SamluvsJohn@email.com • partygirl@email.com • ilovebeer@email.com • boycrazy42@email.com

  5. Tips for Writing E-mails • Always type something in the subject line • Appropriate references for the subject line include: • Staff Meeting Agenda • Request for Appointment • English 102 Take Home Exam • Sally Smith Resume

  6. Tips for Writing E-mails • It is important to avoid informal subject lines • Examples of inappropriate subject lines include: • Hey • Question • What’s up • Confused • Help

  7. Tips for Writing E-mails • Use regular capitalization and complete sentences • Do: • I am writing this letter in reference to John Smith. • Don’t: • this letter is re: john smith • Always use complete sentences, correct punctuation, and correct capitalization

  8. Tips for Writing E-mails • Include a salutation • Examples: • Dear Mr. Smith • Dear Dr. Thompson • Dear Ms. Allen • It is extremely important to include a salutation whenever writing an e-mail, no matter who you are writing to

  9. Tips for Writing E-mails • Proofread every e-mail •  Proofread for even the smallest mistakes • Taking the time to proofread your e-mail helps eliminate any unnecessary errors • Always spell-check your e-mails before sending

  10. Tips for Writing E-mails • Always “sign” your name • Do: • Sincerely, Sally Smith • Best Regards, Sally Smith • Thank you, Sally Smith • Don’t: • Later • Seya (see ya) • Peace • Never end an e-mail without “signing” your name

  11. Tips for Writing E-mails • Remember, an e-mail can be forwarded to anyone without your knowledge • Once you send it, you have no control over it • Make sure there is nothing in the e-mail that you might regret having writtenlater on

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