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Modern Global Challenges: 21st Century Concerns

Explore the pressing issues of our time: natural disasters, nuclear power risks, terrorism threats, and the AIDS epidemic. Learn about the impact of these challenges on our world and how we can address them effectively.

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Modern Global Challenges: 21st Century Concerns

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  1. Global concernsinthe 21st century Earth

  2. Natural disasters : Volcaniceruptions, fires, earthquakes, hurricanesandtornadoeshappenseveryyearsomewhereinthe world. Earth

  3. Some ofdisasters :New Orleanswasdevasted. Hurricanestotallydestroyed city. More than 1833 peoplewerekilled, andthousandandthousandpeoplewerehomeless. Earth

  4. NUCLEAR POWER: It is one ofthecheapestsourcesof energy but it cancausedangerousradiationswhichcankillpeople or damagetheir health. Thoseradiationscancausecancer. Earth

  5. One ofthenucleardisasterhappenedinChernobylin 1986 whereanexplosiandestroyed place andcauseddeathsandillnessmanyyearsafterwards. Earth

  6. Whenwedeveloped new tehnology,terroristorganizations are becoming a real threat to oursafety. Earth

  7. Themost popular terroristattackwas on September 11.2001 terroristattackedanddestroyedthetwintowersofthe World TradeCenterin New York. More thanthousandpeoplewerekilled. Earth

  8. Aids is veryseriousdisease. It is causedbytheHiv virus. The most effectedcontinent is Africa. Therepeoplecan’t afford building hospitalsandthey don’t havedoctors or nurces. Globally a childdiesof Aids every minute andabout 30 millionpeoplehavealreadydiedof Aids. Earth

  9. Goodsides Becousewedeveloped new technologypeoplecreatedrobotsandwithhard work theycanhelppeople, theywill do most ofthe work andwewillhave more free time. Earth

  10. Ifourscientists work hardtheycan use nuclear power withoutconsequencesandwithoutconsernsofradiation. Earth

  11. Questions Earth

  12. Why is nuclear power dangerous? • A) Radiation • B)Technologyinterference • C) It causeshurricanes Earth

  13. Whenwasterroristattack on World Tradecenter? • A)11.07.2006. • B)11.09.2001. • C)28.12.1654. Earth

  14. What is AIDS? • A)Virus • B)Disease • C)Eruption Earth

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