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Learn about Florence Nightingale's contributions, the essentials of nursing concepts like health and person, and the aims of nursing.
Unit 1Development of Nursing Wentao Peng, MD, Associate Professor West China Second University Hospital
Objectives • State the contributions of Florence Nightingale to the development of nursing • Identify the four concepts essential to nursing • State the aims of nursing
Evolution of Nursing • Nursing: art and profession • Nursing:来自拉丁语nutricius, 意指nourishing • A mother caring of baby is seen as early nursing • Nurses accepted no special training
Evolution of Nursing The lady with the lamp
Evolution of Nursing • Florence Nightingale(12 May 1820-13 Aug.1910) Family background -the daughter of the wealthy landowner in England -Well educated -Dissatisfied with dull, routine lifestyle of up-class women -Became aware of the inadequate care being provided in hospitals
Evolution of Nursing • Florence Nightingale Contributions Crimean War (1954s) -Set up diets kitchens, a laundry, recreation centers, and reading rooms, and organized classes -Death rate reduced from 42% to 2% -Great success changed the prejudices against women and elevated the status of all nurses
Evolution of Nursing Nightingale was receiving the wounded in Scutari
Evolution of Nursing • Florence Nightingale Contributions -Established the first school of nursing: Nightingale Training School for Nurses in London -Written documents: Notes in Nursing (护理札记) Note on Hospital (医院札记)
Four Concepts Essential to Nursing health person 护理 nursing environment
Concepts of Nursing • Person -An integrated whole which consists of bio-psycho-social aspects 人被视为是由生理-心理-社会诸方面构成的一个整体 -Being greater than the sum of parts 整体人的功能大于其各方面机能的简单相加
Definition of Nursing • Environment -Healthy environment leads to healthy people -Physical, social, political, economic and cultural environment all influence health
Concepts of Nursing • Health -Healthy is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity 健康是一种生理、心理和社会适应的完好状态,而不仅 仅是没有疾病或虚弱
Concepts of Nursing • Nursing -art and science -helping and caring
Aims of Nursing Health promotion Health maintenance M1 M2 M4 M3 Health restoration Care of the dying
Aims of Nursing • Health promotion(增进健康) -help people to develop resources to maintain or enhance their well-being • Health maintenance (保持健康) -help clients to maintain their health status
Aims of Nursing • Health restoration (恢复健康) -help people to improve health following health problems or illness • Care of the dying (临终关怀) -provide comfort and care for people of all ages while they are dying
Questions • What main contributions has Florence Nightingale made in the development of professional nursing? • What are the four concepts essential to nursing? • What are the main focuses of nursing?
Unit 2Health and Illness Wentao Peng West China Second University Hospital
Objectives • Define health and illness • Describe the characteristics of health definition of WHO • Differentiate illness and disease • Identify the factors that influence health
Vocabulary • Holistic 整体的 eg:holistic nursing整体护理 • Abnormality ab-不,没有 normal正常 • Electromagnetic electro- means electricity
Definition of Health • A state of presence or absence of disease • A state of being well and using individual’s every power the person has to the fullest extent -身体处于良好状态并最大限度发挥个体所有的能力 (南丁格尔) • A dynamic state of being in which the development and behavioral potential of an individual is realized to the fullest extent possible -一个能尽可能发挥个体发展和行为潜能的动态过程 (AHA)
Definition of Health • A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity • A wide variation in personal meaning and perceptions of health -个体的健康含义和感受方面的一个大范围的变异
Definition of Illness • Illness -The personal experience of feeling unhealthy -A state in which the person’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social , developmental, or spiritual function is reduced or impaired compared with previous experience 人的生理、情绪、智力、社会、发展或精神活动方面与以前相比有所减退或削弱
Definition of Disease • Disease -An interruption in the continuous process of health, manifested by abnormalities or disturbance in the structure and function of body parts, organs or systems. 疾病是健康连续过程的中断,通过机体各部分、器官或系统的异常或紊乱表现出来 -Abnormalities appear clustered together -Being objective -A reduction of capacities or a shortening of normal life span
Disease\Illness\Well-being • A person may feel ill or just not feel well because of a disease • A person may also not feel ill even he has specific disease • Illness may or may not be related to disease • Well-being eg. physical well-being psychological well-beling
Factors Affecting Health • Physical factor -genetic makeup, age, race, developmental level, and sex • Psychological or emotional factor -mind-body interactions and self-concept 身心互动和自我概念 • Environmental factor -housing, sanitation, climate, food ,air, water, soil, sunshine, etc.
Factors Affecting Health • Lifestyle factor -persons’ behavior and surrounding that they control 涉及人的行为和可控制的环境等方面 • Social factor -stable marriage or intimate family relationship, economic level, occupational situations and culture, health care system, social violence and traffic accident, people’s cultural background, etc.
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