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16 th Century Physiology

By John Lang, Michael Roxin, Sam Katz. 16 th Century Physiology. Galen. Famous for dissecting pigs and apes Detailed the organs of the body Demonstrates blood is in living arteries Examined pulse and blood Hypotheses about liver, heart and brain.

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16 th Century Physiology

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  1. By John Lang, Michael Roxin, Sam Katz 16th CenturyPhysiology

  2. Galen • Famous for dissecting pigs and apes • Detailed the organs of the body • Demonstrates blood is in living arteries • Examined pulse and blood • Hypotheses about liver, heart and brain http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/pics/Galen.jpg

  3. Vesalius • Born in Brussels • Decided to dissect corpses himself for data • Controversial • Proves Galen’s ideas inaccurate • Book on the structure of a human • Galen followers are not happy http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/historicalanatomies/Images/1200_pixels/Vesalius_Pg_178.jpg

  4. William Harvey • Worked on the idea that blood circulated throughout the body • Experimented on live animals and dissecting the bodies of executed criminals • Proved the heart was pump that forced blood around the body and veins bring the blood back to the heart in which it is recycled http://www.daviddarling.info/images/Harvey_William.jpg

  5. Rembrandt • Brain science • Pertaining to emotions of female vs. male • 74 % of women tilted their heads to the left • Men to the right • Right side of brain expresses strong emotions • Left side of face shows them • Artists paint the left side http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.jamescgroves.com/rembrandt/6.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.jamescgroves.com/rembrandt/rem1.htm&usg=__

  6. Da Vinci • Found out bones were hollow • Nerves give sense of touch • Organs expand and grow from young to old humans http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eN0-TqBueE0/Ta-LoV3rhSI/AAAAAAAAAR8/em8a1ILfZZU/s1600/leonardo-da-vinci-study-human-proportion.jpg

  7. Bibliography • http://www.bookrags.com/research/the-science-of-physiology-galens-in-scit-0112 • http://www.mmi.unimaas.nl/people/Veltman/articles/leonardo/Lenardo%20da%20Vinci%20Studies%20of%20the%20Human%20Nody%20and%20Prinicples%20of%20Anatomy.html • http://www.world-science.net/exclusives/051013_rembrandtfrm.htm • http://www.comptonhistory.com/compton2/harvey.htm • http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?gtrack=pthc&ParagraphID=kvb

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