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Single Photon Sources: Parametric Down-Conversion & Quantum Dots

Learn about single photon sources, Parametric Down Conversion, Quantum dots, and more in this comprehensive course outline. Explore how to create single photons using various systems and experimental results in the field of quantum optics. Dive into the theoretical models, fluorescence from single molecules, and the behavior of quantum dots as single photon sources. Understand the principles and applications of Parametric Down-Conversion, a quantum phenomena producing entangled photon pairs, with detailed explanations of various experiments and methods for achieving phase matching conditions.

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Single Photon Sources: Parametric Down-Conversion & Quantum Dots

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  1. December 2009 Parametric Down-conversion and other single photons sources Assaf Halevy Course # 77740, Dr. Hagai Eisenberg

  2. Outline: • Single photon sources • Parametric Down Conversion – inside look • Entanglement from PDC

  3. Number of photons in a typical laser beam Each photon carries energy of For the energy is A laser beam with power of Emits How can we create single photons?

  4. Atoms as a single photons source Sodium atoms prepared as A two level system System contains few atoms in each given moment Laser frequency tuned to the Energy gap between levels Coincidence counts recorded As a function of time

  5. 2nd order correlation function Antibunching demonstrated After each emission The atom has to be stimulated Again – low probability For two fold coincidence Experimental difficulty to Ensure only one photon Exists in the system

  6. Imperfect diamond as a single photon source Diamond is an allotrope of carbon In every diamond some of the carbons are replaced with Nitrogen and a lattice vacancy The Nitrogen-vacancy pairs are well located In random points of the lattice

  7. Experimental results

  8. All measurements presented here were made on a single NV center! emission events recorded From the same center Key parameter – mean time between Excitations: Low power – lower excitation rate – the System is ready after each excitation to Emit a photon High power – bigger probability of the System to be in an intermediate level

  9. Theoretical model Three level system - Intermediate level necessary Saturation as a function of pump rate K12

  10. Fluorescence from a single molecule Problem: molecules posses rotational and internal degrees of freedom, as well as electronic levels Solution: placing single Pentacene molecules in a p-Terphenyl lattice Pentacene – consists of 5 Benzene (C6H6) rings

  11. Experimental results

  12. Quantum dot as a single photon source Bulk semiconductors – band gap is fixed Energy levels in the valence and conduction bands are continuous Applying stimulus on the bulk can create excitons – electron hole pairs When the exciton decays – it emits a photon with the fixed band gap energy

  13. Quantum confinement De Broglie wavelength In bulk semiconductor is much smaller than crystal size When one or more dimension are at this scale the motion is quantized This behavior is called Quantum confinement

  14. Quantum dot Consists of tens of semiconductor atoms (up to 50 nm) Quantum confinement causes energy levels to be discrete Engineering the quantum dot structure allows control of the band gap Control over the emission spectrum

  15. Experimental results Finite response time Of the detector causes All events in the time Frame to up 0.5ns to Contribute to the value At causing

  16. Parametric Down-Conversion - introduction Linear optics – the classical description Light frequency is fixed and cannot be changed Light cannot interact with light polarization- expresses the density of permanent or induced electric dipole moments in a dielectric material. Linear susceptibility To create new frequencies we need non-linear optics

  17. Non-linear optics Polarization depends on higher powers of the Electric field Focus on the second order susceptibility: Applying a field of results in Nonlinear process New frequencies generated

  18. Sum frequency generation w1 c w3 (2) w2 L w3=w1+w2 Classically – two wave mixing creates a wave with new frequency Quantum description: two photons are annihilated, while one is created

  19. Intensity of the resulting wave Wavevector mismatch - k1 – k2Δk=k3 Motivation for Δk = 0

  20. Parametric Down-Conversion Quantum description: One photon annihilates, two photons created Interaction Hamiltonian - We assume the non depleting pump approximation: PDC SHG Energy and momentum conservation: , is the polarization mode

  21. Fock representation Our input state is , represent the coherent pump beam First order approximation of the wave function: We get Or depends also on the interaction time with the crystal PDC output is linear with pump power

  22. Heralded single photon source from PDC Herald - One that gives a sign or indication of something to come Emission from a two level quantum system can produce Single photons which do not posses any preferred direction PDC process is a quantum phenomena in which two photons are emitted in Defined spatial modes Measurement of one photon ensures us his twin existence

  23. Detection of the signal photon in A triggers measurement in B for 20ns resulting in an integer m If m occurs N(m) times in N cycles then If every down-converted photon is detected (quantum efficiency 1) and no dark counts then In the experiment: Signal to noise ratio is 1/5 Quantum efficiency is small Defining the probability to produce n Idler photons

  24. Accounting for probability to detect m background Photons If is small for then also In this case we can invert the equation and get M Linear equations in

  25. Methods for achieving phase matching condition Phase matching condition: Δk = 0 Temperature tuning: refractive index changes with temperature - LiNbO3 Quasi phase-matching: Periodically poling of the nonlinearity - LiTaO3 Angle tuning: the use of birefringence – BBO, BiBO

  26. Normal materials KSignal KIdler In a degenerate collinear case: KPump Impossible because of dispersion

  27. Δk = 0 Achieved with Birefringence How to do it? Index of refraction in anisotropic crystals depends on polarization 2ne(2w)= ne(w) + no(w) possible!

  28. The index ellipsoid – a measure for crystal symmetry • Δk = 0 Achieved with Birefringence nz kpump nslow Ѳ ny nfast Ф nx For every propagation direction there are 2 normal modes of polarization

  29. PDC processes • Collinear Non-Collinear • Type I – PDC products posses same polarization • Type II – PDC products posses orthogonal polarization KSignal KIdler KSignal KIdler KPump KPump

  30. Scheme of non-collinear type II PDC process KSignal KIdler Degenerate case - Signal and Idler with the same wavelength KPump Nonlinear crystal H polarized Pump beam 2 1 Momentum and Energy conservation: V polarized

  31. Experimental setup Residual pump Low noise Camera Band pass filter Crystal Ti:Sapphire laser Rep. rate – 76MHZ Pulse duration Low pass filter Dichroic mirror Why pulsed laser? 1. Knowledge of the arrival times of the down-converted photons within the pulse duration 2. Improved probability of higher order events Broadband spectrum of the pump beam and the PDC photons Pulsed laser drawback 31

  32. Angular dependency in the pump beam propagation direction

  33. Comparing simulation to experimental results with BBO Experiment Simulation

  34. Polarization of the down-converted circles Horizontal polarization Vertical polarization

  35. Quantum entanglement Separable state Entangled state Entangled photons states are essential for quantum optics experiments

  36. Generated Wave function 1 2 Polarization entangled state The photons are labeled by their spatial mode and their polarization

  37. :References • M. Fox, Quantum optics – An inroduction, Oxford university press (2006) • H.J. Kimble et al., “Photon antibunching in resonance fluorescence”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 691- • 695 (1977) • T. Basche et al., “Photon antibunching in the flouescence of a single dye molecule trapped in a solid”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 7, 1516-1519 (1992) • K. Kurtseifer et al., “Stable solid-state source of single photons”, Phys. Rev. Lett 85 (2000) 290-293 • P. Michler et al. ,”A quantum dot single photon turnstile device, Science 290 2282-2285 (2000) • (R.W Boyd, Nonlinear optics, 2nd edition , Elsevier (2003 • M. Rubin et al., “Theory of two-photon entanglement in type-II optical parametric down-conversion”, Phys. Rev. A 50 5122-5133 (1994) • C. Hong and L. Mandel, “Experimental realization of a localized one-photon state”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 58-60 (1986) • P. G. Kwiat et al., “New high intensity source of polarization-entangled photon pairs,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4337-4341 (1995)

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