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40 th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting ICT for Transport Research activities

40 th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting ICT for Transport Research activities. Francisco FERREIRA ICT for Transport Unit European Commission Directorate-General Information Society and Media. Workprogramme 2009-2010 Overview of the calls…. Call 4 ICT for Safety and Energy

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40 th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting ICT for Transport Research activities

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  1. 40th eSafety ForumSteering Group MeetingICT for TransportResearch activities Francisco FERREIRA ICT for Transport Unit European CommissionDirectorate-General Information Society and Media 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  2. Workprogramme 2009-2010Overview of the calls… Call 4 ICT for Safety and Energy Efficiency in Mobility Focus: ICT for Intelligent Vehicle Systems ICT for Clean and Efficient Mobility Coordination and Support Actions Call 6 ICT for Mobility of the Future Focus: FOTs for Integrated Safety Systems & Co-operative Systems ICT-based Systems & Services for Smart Urban Mobility & New Mobility Concepts Coordination & Support Actions International Cooperation • Call 5 • Objective 10.3 • ICT forFully • Electric Vehicle • 20 M€ Funding 53.0 M€ funding 10 projects Call Open (closes 13 April 2010) 37 M€ funding + 2 INCO complementary to existing projects ••• 2 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  3. Objective ICT-2009.6.1Funding Recommendation + 2 INCO complementary to existing projects • Overall quality very good; large majority of key players are involved • Area of Intelligent Vehicle Systems is very well covered, especially sensors • Area of Energy Efficiency covered by one IP and one STREP on Fully Electric Vehicles • The CSAs will contribute to more efficient, environmentally responsible and sustainable logistics operations and support the promotion, deployment and use of Intelligent Vehicle Systems 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  4. Call4 - Objective ICT-2009.6.1 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  5. Mission: “To develop a combination of cooperative systems and tools using vehicle-infrastructure communication to help drivers sustainably eliminate unnecessary fuel consumption, and road operators manage traffic in the most energy-efficient way.” eCoMove (IP) - Inefficient deceleration - Wronggear & engine speed - Excessive speed, acceleration - Poor anticipation - Congestion - Poorlysynchronisedsignals - Choice of inefficient route - Lack of know-how, motivation Goals: • Show that a combination of cooperative systems will reduce fuel consumption by 20% • Develop eCoMove use cases, system concept and architecture • Develop a common V2V & V2I platform based on CVIS project results • Develop a strategic model of macroscopic energy consumption for an entire road network • Develop, test and validate the applications: ecoSmartDriving, eco Freight & Logistics, and ecoTrafficManagement & Control • Assess applications in 4 field trials (3 cities & 1 interurban motorway) • Assess implementation issues, carry out a cost-benefit analysis, and propose an implementation roadmap Coordinator: ERTICO ITS Europe Total costs: ±22.5 M€ EC contribution: ±13.7 M€ Start date: Q1/2010 Duration: 36 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  6. interactIVe (IP) Mission: To develop new high performance and integrated safety applications, enhancing the intelligence of vehicles and promoting safer and more efficient driving Goals: • Extend the range of possible scenarios and the usability of Active Safety Systems by multiple integrated functions and active interventions • Improve decision strategies for Active Safety and Driver-Vehicle-Interaction • Develop solutions for collision mitigation that are able to improve the market potential towards low segments • Create an innovative model and platform for enhancing the perception of the driving situation Coordinator: FORD Total costs: 29 Mio € EC contribution: 17 Mio € Start date: January 2010 Duration: 42 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  7. MOSARIM GRC MOSARIM (STREP) • MOre Safety for All by Radar Interference Mitigation • Duration: Jan. 2010 - 31.Dec. 2013 • PROJECT-COORDINATOR: Dr.-Ing. Martin Kunert • Robert Bosch GmbH • TheMission: • Investigation in automotive radar interference • Definition of possible countermeasures • Realization of a norm radar interferer • Validation of applied countermeasures • TheConsortium: 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  8. MiniFaros (STREP) The MiniFaros consortium will develop totallynew low-cost miniature Laserscanner technology that opens up the Advanced Driver Assistance System market for small and medium size cars and broadens the range of possible applications by its low cost (40 €), small size (4 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm) high performance, like field of view of up to 300 deg confidential 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  9. OVERSEE (STREP) Mission Providing an open communication and application platform for vehicles. Ensuring security, reliability and trust of communication and applications. OVERSEE will provide • Generic and open source platform for secure partitioning • Secure and simultaneous execution of automotive applications • Secure and reliable runtime environments • Open, standardized and secure single point of access to in-vehicle communications networks • Standardized API for accessing security and reliability services • Tools and validation support for OVERSEE implementations • Capabilities for secure, trustworthy and non-deniable recording Facts Coordinator: escrypt - Embedded Security Total costs: ±3,91 M€ EC contribution: ±2,83 M€ Start date: 01/01/2010 Duration: 30 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  10. ELVIRE (STREP) Mission “Provide Electric Vehicle users with relevant on-board and off-board services through usable and tangible ICT system prototypes, which are supporting E-Mobility to become a viable mass market alternative.” Coordinator: Continental Automotive GmbH Total costs: ±9.900 M€ EC contribution: ±5.200 M€ Start date: Jan 4, 2010 Duration: 36 months Goals • Research and develop relevant E-Energy related information services for EV users. • Build EVs which are equipped with ICT hard- and software prototypes. • Create exemplary ICT service back-end system to host services. • Develop usable on-board and off-board EV ICT Services. • Develop fundamental algorithms for tangible on-board and off-board services. • Develop Use cases and E-Energy HMI examples for On-Board systems. • Define open system interfaces to support roaming EVs. • Find collaborative solutions to avoid "Range Anxiety". • Conduct system and usability test and analyse results. 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  11. Mission: The project aims at providing European automotive industry with the next generation of imaging sensors beyond the current CMOS imagers. The core sensing technology is a cost-effective InGaAs focal plane array with wide spectral response (VIS-NIR-SWIR) and wide dynamic range (120dB). The benefits deriving from the additional SWIR bandwidth allow enhancing preventive safety functions and car energy efficiency. 2WIDE_SENSE (STREP)WIDE spectral band & WIDE dynamics multifunctional imaging SENSor Enabling safer car transportation Goals: • implementation of the paradigm of ‘application independent’ multifunctional camera; • hybridization of InGaAs detector on silicon read out circuits; • deposition of low cost interferential bandpass optical filters at pixel level; • design of AR coatings and plastic lenses; • development of multi-spectral wide dynamic range camera engine; Coordinator: ALCATEL THALES III V LAB Total costs: 5,112,359 € EC contribution: 3.2 M€ Start date: 01/01/2010 Duration: 36 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010 ••• 12

  12. Logistics for Life (CA) Innovative ICT solutions to ensure long-term sustainability of the logistic industry by increasing its operational efficiency Goal Driving European ICT for transport research in the direction of making logistic operations more efficient and more environmentally friendly, financially and socially sustainable on the long term. • Objectives • To create a multi-disciplinary network of logistic companies, technology providers and researchers • To establish a reference framework • To develop a strategic roadmap to facilitate the effective implementation of ICT for energy efficiency in logistics • To promote the Logistics for LIFE vision and findings • To establish a common working platform for the community of users and researchers • Stakeholdergroups • Logistic services providers • Logistic users • Communities and authorities Coordinator: INSIEL Total costs: 1.96 M€ EC contribution: 1.42 M€ Start date: 01/01/2010 Duration: 30 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  13. iCar Support (SA) This includes: • support to the eSafety Forum and its constituencies • support the development of the Implementation Road Map for all eSafety systems • contribute to the implementation process of the European eCall system by promoting the eCall toolbox and by supporting the European eCall Implementation Platform • support the i2010 initiative in particular the activities dealing with user outreach and deployment of smarter, safer, and cleaner vehicles in the future • launch minor studies on topics identified and endorsed by the eSafety Forum. Intelligent Car Support is a Support Action with the objective to support the implementation of actions and recommendations resulting from the work of the eSafety Forum and the Intelligent Car Initiative. Intelligent Car Support will establish a Secretariat that will be a key contact point for all stakeholders. 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  14. Mission: “Increase the take-up of Intelligent Vehicle Systems to enhance the development of safe, efficient, and clean mobility” eSafety Challenge (SA) Goals: • Increase the deployment and use of Intelligent Vehicle Systems • Support the implementation process for priority systems • Demonstrate to end users the benefits of eSafety applications • Run national public outreach activities • Support international awareness activities Coordinator: FIA Foundation Total costs: 1.80 M€ EC contribution: 1.63 M€ Start date: 01/01/2010 Duration: 24 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  15. TeleFOTinco (IP) Complementary to the IP TeleFOT Inco Research Topics: • The project supports international cooperation between the FP7 project TeleFOT (224067) and the projects “SafeTrip-21” (California, USA); “VMC project” (Korea) and “Ubiquitous Transportation Systems” (Korea), via facilitating: • Getting together, discussing methodological issues, exchange views on testing, services and business models and • Finding a common methodological basis in order improve comparability of tests TeleFOTinco FOTs of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devices in Vehicles; International cooperation aspects Coordinator: VTT Total costs: ± 133 k€ EC contribution: 100 k€ Start date: 1/10/2009 ? Duration: 36 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  16. Comparing ROADIDEA concept and results in the EU, the USA and Canada Partner projects: Clarus initiative of the FHWA and road services of Environment Canada Visits in three phases: - Introductory and planning, - Organising Innovation seminars with partners and stake holders in Quebec and Washington - Final seminars Final Report contains analyses of existing data policies, availability and content of road information, methods and models, and provision and innovation of mobility services ROADIDEA-inco (STREP)Complementary to the IP ROADIDEAIn the USA and Canada Partners: Foreca Consulting Ltd, DLR, Amanova EC funding 99 k€. Start date 1. Nov 2009, Duration 9 months. 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  17. P3ITS P3ITS Pre-commercial Public Procurement for ITS innovation and deployment • A proposed project responding to Call FW7-ICT-2009-4 Horizontal CSA 2009.9.3: Networking actions to raise awareness of pre-commercial procurement in Europe • 13 Partners including Public Authorities with ITS procurement aspirations, 18 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010 • To network, discuss, learn, increase awareness how to avoid lock-in situations and market fragmentation, how to lower financial barriers for authorities for procuring competing developments and to create opportunities for more innovative solutions in the field of Intelligent Transport Services • Focus on cooperative ITS

  18. Call 5 - Objective ICT-2010-10.3ICT for the Fully Electric Vehicles • New solutions for overall efficiencygains in the electric vehicleelectrical and thermal management,electrified auxiliaries, closed-loop control andinteraction of subsystems • Safe and robust sub-systemscommunication, sensors, actuators,power electronics • Electrical architectures, vehicle-to-road integration (V2X), ADAS, active safety • Support measuresto identify the needs in terms of research, components, systems integration, standardisation;European FEV roadmap STREPs 19 M€ CSAs 1 M€ 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  19. Call 5 - Objective ICT-2010-10.3ICT for the Fully Electric VehicleCoverage of the retained proposals CSA (d) Overall Efficiency Gains (a) ICT4EV EcoGem ID4EV eFuture MAENAD CASTOR Architectures, V2X, ADAS, safety (c) Safe sub-systems (b) P-MOB 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  20. EcoGemCooperative Advanced Driver Assistance System for Green Cars 11 Partners, 7 Member States, 1AC: • TEMSA AR-GE ve Teknoloji A.S. (TR) • PININFARINA S.p.A. (IT) • Planung Transport Verkehr AG (DE) • European Virtual Engineering (ES) • HI-IBERIA Ingenieria Y Proyectos SL (ES) • University of Bradford (UK) • Motor Transport Institute (PL) • ICCS (GR) • COSMOTE (GR) • SOFTECO Sismat S.p.A. (IT) • NAVTEQ B.V. (NL) • On-board ADAS for route planning and recharging optimisation • Enhanced traffic and recharging management platform • V2V, V2I, I2V interactions and interfaces • Tools for data security, user privacy, safety and acceptability • Traffic simulation platform EU contribution ~ 2 M€ Total cost ~ 3.15 M€ Duration: 30 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  21. ICT for the Fully Electric Vehicle Draft Electric Drive & Electronic Components Energy / Power Storage Systems Target outcomes: Integration of the FEV in cooperative transport Infrastructure Vehicle 2 Grid Interface Functional Safety & durability of the FEV Communication Architecture for Energy, Communication & thermal management, Vehicle Stability Control Coordination and Support Action “FEV made in Europe” Closing 2 Dec Call FP7-2011-ICT-GC 30M€ Streps Call FP7-2012-ICT-GC 30M€ Streps/CSA 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  22. FP7-2012-ICT-GC Work Programme 2012 Indicative budget 30M€ Draft Main Objectives (1) • Objective 6.8 • ICT for the Fully Electric Vehicle • Electric drive and Electronic Components • Integration of the FEV in the cooperative infrastructure • Functional Safety and Durability of the FEV • Coordination and Support Action “FEV made in Europe” 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  23. FP7-2012-ICT-GC Work Programme 2012 Expected impacts • Objective 6.8 • ICT for the Fully Electric Vehicle • • Improved energy efficiency and extended driving range of the FEV • • Reduced costs of the electronic components and the overall FEV at increased performance • Mitigated constrains for the user of the FEV versus the ICE vehicle • The FEV seamlessly implemented in the smart grids and existing infrastructure • Significant improvement of FEV's safety, comfort and new information and comfort services for FEV users. • Strengthened global competitiveness of the European automobile, ICT and battery sectors. Market penetration of key components of FEVs. 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  24. Workprogramme 2009-2010Call 6 –Topics open Call 6 - Objective 6.2: ICT for Mobility of the Future Field Operational Tests for Integrated Safety Systems and Co-operative Systems  IP, STREP, CSA assess improvements in efficiency, safety and comfort analysis of user acceptance, performance and benefits ICT-based Systems & Services for Smart Urban Mobility & New Mobility Concepts  STREP address the environmental footprint and safety of mobility, while fostering economic growth Coordination and Support Actions  CSA Including International Cooperation Call Open (closes 13 April 2010) 37 M€ funding ••• 25 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  25. Objective ICT-2009.6.2ICT for Mobility of the Future Call 6 - Evaluation Results 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  26. Future directionsWorkprogramme 2011-2012 (2) Topics currently proposed for Calls: Under Challenge 6 – ICT for Low Carbon Economy Low carbon multi-modal mobility and freight transport ICT for low-carbon multi-modal freight and logistics ICT for clean and efficient multi-modal mobility Cooperative Systems for energy efficient and sustainable mobility Cooperative Systems for low-carbon multi-modal mobility European Wide Service Platform (EWSP) for cooperative system’s enabled services Under the Green Cars PPP Fully Electric Vehicle based, main focus on Cooperative Systems The following horizontal issues should be addressed as well: Security, privacy Co-modality Field Operational Tests (FOT) Standardisation Methodologies for the measurement of the impact of ICT applications in reducing CO2 emissions of road transport International cooperation ••• 27 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  27. To speed up the achievement of specific societal goals The EC is considering to support under FP8 a set of focused projects of significant scale and duration that cut across the innovation cycle to develop modern pan-European service infrastructures ELSAs will mobilise a critical mass of resources, including grants for R&D, pre-commercial procurement and support for innovation and deployment Future directionsEuropean Large Scale Actions (ELSA)bridging the innovation cycle to address societal challenges ELSA in Transport ••• 28 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  28. 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  29. Indicative Budget Overview for 2007 - 2013 • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) 2166 m€   of which eco-innovation (430 €mio)    of which financial instruments (1130 €mio) • ICT Policy Support Programme  728 m€ • Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (IEE) 727 m€ TOTAL 3621 m€ 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  30. Intelligent Cars Thematic Network Objectives: • Contribute to the deployment of ITS by exchanging knowledge and experience among a wide variety of stakeholders on specific topics: • exchange of information between the world of ITS development and the world of pre-commercial procurement • exchange of good practices between organizations who deal with dissemination of information and awareness actions among authorities, businesses and end-users • exchange of methods and evaluations of impact assessment methods for ITS • exchange on ITS technologies having a possible positive effect on energy efficiency in road transport and developing a road map on the introduction of these technologies 16 Partners: These objectives are in line with the general goal of the ICT/PSP: To stimulate innovation and competitiveness through the wider uptake and best use of ITS by citizens, governments and business. Coordinator: FIA Foundation Total costs: 334.000 € EC contribution: 334.000 € Start date: 1-July-2008 Duration: 24 months 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  31. Four Thematic Groups: Intelligent Cars Thematic Network 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  32. FREILOTA holistic approach towards energy efficient urban freight What: 1. Reduce fuel consumption by 25% 2. Expand the implementation 3. Ensure after-project life When and where: April 2009 – October 2011 Bilbao, Helmond, Lyon, Krakow Find out more: www.freilot.eu How: 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  33. IN-TIMEIntelligent and Efficient Travel Management for European Cities Goal: Implementation of a pan-European multimodal Real-Time Travel Information System through the • implementation of a standardised harmonised interface between operators and service providers, • aiming at the reduction of the energy consumption of the single traveller by changing his travel behaviour. Impacts: • modal shift away from individual traffic: around 3%, as private users will be enabled to compare transport modes and make a choice. • improved customer acceptance of PT operation. • reduction of road traffic jams • improved safety • higher mobility of people and goods across different transport modes through the provision of accessible and reliable information services. • reducing emissions through an improved traffic management system. • lowering energy consumption 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  34. ICT-PSP Call 4 2010Objectives related to ICT for Mobility Objective 1.3: Energy efficient co-operative transport management systems Objective 1.4: Support to eCall implementation based on 112 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  35. Timing for ICT PSP call4 • ICT PSP WP2010 published on the ICT PSP web-site • Information day on 14 January 2010 in Brussels • ICT PSP Call4 open from 21st January to 1st June 2010 (17:00) • Evaluation: 21st to 23rd of June 2010 • Negotiation (September 2010) and contracts (end 2010 / early 2011) 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  36. More information eSafety Website:http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/ activities/esafety/ecall/index_en.htm eCall standards http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/ esafety/ecallstandards/ 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

  37. Thank you for your attention! 40th eSafety Forum Steering Group Meeting, Brussels, 23th June 2010

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