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Who we are and whom we serve. What we do.
What we do As Convener, we ENABLE UN legislative bodies (EB/HLC/GA) & UN executives (SG/Administrator/CEB members) to make informed decisions on SS & triangular cooperation, through Annual UN Day on SSC, biennial GA/HLC, policy research & Annual Global SS Development Expo. As Facilitator, we ENABLE partners to document & disseminate successful SS development solutions. Facilitates development partners to identify, produce & disseminate Southern development knowledge, experiences, expertise & technological solutions for South-South capacity development. As Collaborator, we ENABLE partners to showcase & market SS development solutions and facilitate demand-supply matching. As Catalyst, we ENABLEpartners to systematically list, match, exchange, raise funds and transfer needed Southern solutions or technologies to scale up development impact. As Fund Manager, we ENABLE conceptualize, design, manage and implement innovative South-South, Triangular & PPP partnerships & financing facilities.
Secretary-General’s Decision “Given the opportunity South-South Cooperation (SSC) presents for addressing transnational development challenges, in particular food security, climate change and AIDS, the Special Unit for SSC and relevant SSC focal points should develop a concise, action-oriented, collaborative frameworkhighlighting the UN’s specific comparative strengths in SSC in these areas, on-going initiatives, areas requiring increased collaboration, and time frames for undertaking such initiatives.” “The UN is committed to providing greater international support for SSC, including cooperation driven by innovative partnerships such as triangular partnerships and public-private arrangements, while emphasizing ownership and leadership by developing countries in such initiatives.” - SG Decision 2008/26, 25 August 2008 -
The Secretary-General encouraged Member States and the UN system to: • Optimize the use of South-South cooperation approaches in achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (post-2015 agenda); • Intensify multilateral support for South-South initiatives to address common development challenges; • Foster inclusive partnerships for South-South cooperation, including triangular and public-private partnerships; • Enhance the coherence of United Nations system support for South-South cooperation through closer inter-agency collaboration, joint programming and documentation of lessons and good practices; and • Continue to develop innovative mechanisms to mobilize resources for South-South and triangular initiatives, including through contributions to the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for South-South Cooperation. • - SG Report A/62/295 (2007)
Excerpt of the SG messageUN Day for South-South Cooperation12 September 2014 “South-South and triangular cooperation offer a path to balancing growth and equity in the context of the new Global Partnership for Sustainable Development we all want. I urge all United Nations agencies, funds and programmes to jointly coordinate their activities on South-South cooperation and to build innovative partnerships, including public-private collaboration that puts people at the centre of development and catalyses action on the ground.”
Our Business Model 1. Global South-South Development Academy: Enabling all interested partners to systematically do joint policy research, exchange expertise, document & share SS & triangular development solutions. 2. Global South-South Development Expo: Enabling all interested partners to regularly showcase & market most scalable solutions for mutual learning & building innovative partnerships. 3. South-South Global Assets & Technology Exchange (SS-GATE): Enabling all interested partners to provide, acquire or finance actual transfer of solutions & technologies in an open, cost-effective, transparent & regulated environment. +1. Multilateral South-South Policy-making: Enabling GA-HLC and other multilateral governing bodies to make informed decisions on UN support to South-South & Triangular Cooperation.
Partnership Opportunities (GSSD-Expo) Our Support Mechanism: • Regional or Thematic Expo (begin 2011): Showcasing solutions only, no scenarios. • Annual GSSD Expo (since 2008): showcasing solutions only, no scenarios. Our Instruments: • Leadership Roundtable • SSC DGs’ Forum • Thematic Solutions Forums + Demand-Supply-Matching • Physical Exhibition of Solutions Sample Partnership Products: • Expo 2008 (with UNICEF & DESA, New York); Expo 2009 (with 10+ UN agencies, hosted by World Bank, Washington D.C.); Expo 2010 (more 15+ UN agencies, hosted by ILO, Geneva); Expo 2011 (20+ UN organizations, 30+ national DGs, over 600 participants, hosted by FAO, Rome); Expo 2012 (expect 20+ UN agencies, 40+ national DGs, 600 participants, hosted by UNIDO, Vienna). • More than 300 scalable South-South and Triangular solutions in food security, climate change, HIV/AIDS & public health, education, etc. were showcased at the GSSD Expos 2008, 2009 and 2010.
Partnership Opportunities (GSSD-Academy) Our Support Mechanism: Common Roster domain, methodology and peer-review mechanism to identify, document, catalogue & disseminate Southern talents and development solutions. Our Instruments: On-line SSC Learning; On-line support to creating/managing your own roster; Methodology to identify, document & disseminate your solutions; SSC E-library Sample Partnership Products: 55 rosters of experts within the Web of Information for Development WIDE. The rosters are used by UN and UNDP bureaus/practice groups/country offices. In the past year. services also expanded to national development agencies (Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency, TIKA). To-date WIDE has information on 10,630 experts. 18 case studies documenting how I billion people have been raised out of poverty by the South has been documented in partnership with ILO. 9 good practices in reproductive health have also been documents in partnership with UNFPA and Partners in Population and Development. 31 Southern good practices in disaster risk reduction in collaboration with UNISDR, ILO AND Global Network of NGOs in 2008-2010. 52 practical and successful South-South and Triangular Cooperation solutions analyzed/published with support of JICA, UNIDO, UNESCO, UNICEF and 16 National SSC Focal Points.
Partnership Opportunities (SS-GATE) Our Support Mechanism: • SS-GATE (a development NASDAQ) is a policy-guided, regulated, market-based and transparent transactional system which allows your organization to list your offers/demands, match with tech-suppliers or tech-seekers, negotiate terms, connect with potential financiers and conclude deals and transactions. Our Instruments: • Three SS-GATE Service Tracks: TRACK 1: Agriculture/agro-industry solutions and technologies; TRACK 2: Environment and renewable energy solutions and technologies; TRACK 3: Global health solutions and technologies. Sample Partnership Products: • Enabled China to transfer to Ethiopia the strawboard technology which created 12,000 local jobs • Enabled Thailand to transfer to Viet Nam the rice husk particleboard technology which involved $20 million funding by Viet Nam • Enabled the UN Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo and Global South-South Development 2012 in Vienna to offset its carbon emission by a Turkish clean technology company.
Partnership Opportunities -Policy Our Platform: • HLC & GA (enable your organizations to contribute to SSC legislative bodies’ policy-making processes) • Enable partner organizations to make own informed executive decisions Our Instruments: • GA-approved SSC Review Guidelines & Common Results Framework • SG’s Policy Decision 2008/26 on SSC (+ forthcoming SG’s Collaborative Framework and Operational Guidelines on SSC) • Policy tools: SG’s biennial report: “State of SSC” to the GA and reports to HLC + UNOSSC’s South Report Your Benefits: • Enhance your organization’s engagement, contribution & visibility in inter-governmental policy-making processes
Sample Strategic country and institutional partnerships