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First presidential press conference. 但是现在问题的关键在于我们要确保从经济衰退的境况中脱身开来。. The L1-influenced translation: But now the key to the problem is that we should make sure to get away from the economic depression. In Obama’s speech:
但是现在问题的关键在于我们要确保从经济衰退的境况中脱身开来。但是现在问题的关键在于我们要确保从经济衰退的境况中脱身开来。 The L1-influenced translation: • But now the key to the problem is that we should make sure to get away from the economic depression. In Obama’s speech: • But right now, the key is making sure that we pull ourselves out of the economic slump that we're in.
我们通过了问题资产救助方案来避免灾难。 The L1-influenced translation: • We passed a TARP project to avoid the disaster. In Obama’s speech: • we averted catastrophe by passing the TARP legislation.
我们已经将所有事情开诚布公也恢复了信誉。 The L1-influenced translation: • We have made things clear and win back some trust. In Obama’s speech: • We've got to open things up and restore some trust.
我认为我们所能做的就是降低抵押品赎回权的丧失率,并开始日益稳定住房价格。我认为我们所能做的就是降低抵押品赎回权的丧失率,并开始日益稳定住房价格。 The L1-influenced translation: • I think what we can do is to reduce the rate of foreclosure and stabilize the house price gradually. In Obama’s speech: • I think what we can do is stem the rate of foreclosure and we can start stabilizing housing values over time.
如今政治体制正起着积极的作用。 The L1-influenced translation: • The political system is now taking some positive effect. In Obama’s speech: • The political system is now functioning in a meaningful way.
团结的力量将探寻到那些可以让我们最终胜利完成使命的避风港。团结的力量将探寻到那些可以让我们最终胜利完成使命的避风港。 The L1-influenced translation: • The united power would seek out those safe ports that would help us to achieve our goals. In Obama’s speech: • The kind of concerted effort will root out those safe havens that would ultimately make our mission successful.
我们需要彻底地反省。 The L1-influenced translation: • We need a thorough self-reflection. In Obama’s speech: • we are undergoing a thorough-going review。
巴基斯坦是我们在反恐行动中最忠实的盟友。 The L1-influenced translation: • Pakistan is our faithful ally in the battle against terrorism. In Obama’s speech: • Pakistan is a stalwart ally with us in battling this terrorist threat.
有些意识形态上的障碍需要消除。 The L1-influenced translation: • We need to eliminate some ideological obstacles. In Obama’s speech: • There is some ideological blockage there that needs to be cleared up.
人们必须打破一些根深蒂固的已经僵化并造成思维堵塞的思想。人们必须打破一些根深蒂固的已经僵化并造成思维堵塞的思想。 The L1-influenced translation: • People have to break through some rooted ideas which is rigid and blocked. In Obama’s speech: • People have to break out of some of the ideological rigidity and gridlock that we've been carrying around for too long.