1. Lesson 23: Words from French Many
Words from French end with -que, -gue, -et, or -age
2. Voyage voyˇage [voi´ij] n.
a trip or journey, especially a long trip over water.
My dream vacation
would be an ocean voyage to Alaska.
3. Coupon couˇpon [k(y)oo ´pon] n.
a ticket or advertisement that entitles the bearer to something.
If you have a coupon, our supermarket gives you credit for twice the amount.
4. League league [l g] n.
a group of people or organizations
that join together for a common purpose.
The Rams, Jets, and Titans are all members
of the National Football League.
5. Prairie praiˇrie [prâr´ ] n.
a large, open area of flat or
hilly land that is covered with tall grasses.
The prairie of the midwestern United States
has been called a sea of grass.
6. Portrait porˇtrait [pôr´trit or por´tr t´] n.
a rather formal painting or photograph of a person.
An portrait usually shows the face and upper
part of the body.
7. Buffet bufˇfet [boo ˘ˇf ´] n.
a meal at which the a guests serve themselves
from stationary platters of food.
At a buffet, you can usually serve yourself as much and as often as you like.
8. Ballet balˇlet [bal´ ´ or baˇl ´] n.
a kind of dance characterized by flowing, graceful movement.
Dancers of ballet use formal steps
and positions.
9. Bouquet bouˇquet [b ˇka´ or boo ˇka´] n.
a bunch of Flowers.
We sent a bouquet of roses to
Grandma on Mothers Day.
10. Dialogue diˇaˇlogue [d ´ ˇlôg´ or d ´ ˇlog´] n.
a conversation between two or more people.
How can we have a dialogue if you wont answer
11. Antique anˇtique [an t k´] n.
something that was made very long ago, often especially valuable because of its age.
That antique is from the late 1800s.
12. Unique uˇnique [yoo ˇn k´] adj.
like no other; being the only one of its kind: Hawaii is unique among the states of the United States because it is a group of volcanic islands located in the central Pacific Ocean.
13. Vague vague [v g] adj.
not clear or definite.
When the teacher asked where the state of Nevada is, Dave gave the vague answer, in the West.
14. Fatigue faˇtigue [f ˇt g´] n
the condition of being very tired.
The singer had to cancel his tour because he was suffering from extreme fatigue.
15. Technique techˇnique [tekˇn k´] n.
a particular way of doing something or dealing with a problem.
The difficulty of her program showed the pianists mastery of technique.
16. Plaque plaque [plak] n.
a flat piece of wood or metal with an inscription on it.
After ten years of service, an employee at our company
receives a bonus and a plaque.
17. Camouflage camˇouˇflage [kam´ ˇfläzh´] n.
certain materials used to change the appearance of something in order to hide or protect it.
The soldiers wore camouflage to protect themselves in the jungle.