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An Urban Encounter: contemplating the pedestrian experience

An Urban Encounter: contemplating the pedestrian experience. Erik Palmer Schmahl LAR 510 | Blazquez | Fall 2013 College of Architecture + Planning + Landscape Architecture The University of Arizona. Project Information. Site: Empty Lot [Euclid Aved | Broadway Blvd.] Tucson, Arizona

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An Urban Encounter: contemplating the pedestrian experience

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  1. An Urban Encounter:contemplating the pedestrian experience Erik Palmer Schmahl LAR 510 | Blazquez | Fall 2013 College of Architecture + Planning + Landscape Architecture The University of Arizona

  2. Project Information Site: Empty Lot [Euclid Aved | Broadway Blvd.] Tucson, Arizona • 10,000 Sq. Ft. • 20 Visitors • Distinct Marker [Sundial] • Reception Space • Display Path w/ 10 “Broadway Blvd. Project” Posters • Contemplation Space

MOUNTAIN-TOP JEWELS - BASHO http://9.media.tumblr.com/GiDXB9HWwpq3lfasyXAkLx7Jo1_500.jpg

  4. Typology Study ShunmyoMasuno – Canadian Embassy Terrace Garden, Tokyo. http://kidcityny.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Rock-Climbing-Central-Park-5.jpg Central Park, New York City http://jto.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/fe20111030a1a.jpg Günther Vogt – Novartis Campus, Basel. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fFO6nsEwfMM/SYz5yA6PwiI/AAAAAAAAEC8/a5Ctz31EsXI/s1600-h/gunther+vogt+(32).jpg

  5. GOAL: to embrace the genius loci of the site by using familiar materials and forms, but rethinking and dramatically contrasting the banality of the urban landscape to invokeboth wonder and contemplation. Is there room in pedestrian corridors for adventure? Is the common engineered solution a design failure? Is there excitement in walking the urban landscape?

  6. Graphic Site Analysis

  7. Preliminary Design Concepts

  8. Sketches | Process

  9. Sketches | Process

  10. Materials Tucson http://texturezine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/ 10/Concrete_Textures_3.JPG http://livingloudinmidtown.files.wordpress.com/2011/ 08/broken-sidewalk-474.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5122/5366317121_5a4b3b7b46.jpg http://serp-stock.deviantart.com/art/Rusty-Steel-Poles-2133018

  11. Explored Forms http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/6527/gevi.jpg http://wikitravel.org/upload/en/5/54/TucsonSkyline.jpg http://moroccomama.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/inception.jpg http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_ksj6agtOIq1qzpx6ho1_1280.jpg? AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI6WLSGT7Y3ET7ADQ&Expires=1386530477&Signature= P3cFSbI12pAGZhpe31elrPfiVPk%3D#_=_

  12. SUBLIME http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bmbBF4zLZqA/TePR99v4KkI/ AAAAAAAABhw/sKQ1U67Gemw/s1600/2011-05-12+ Kolob+Zion+NP+-+Marta+sleeping+on+rocks+%2528 1%2529.JPG http://www.terraingallery.org/NYC-Photoshow-2011/Stern-3-0933- Central-Park-people-on-rock-600px.jpg BANAL

  13. SUNDIAL December 21st at 12:00 PM (Winter Solstice) July 4th at 12:00 PM (Summer) http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070623021846/indianajones/images/2/29/Staff_of_Ra.jpg

  14. Site Plan • Based on aerial view form 3d digital model

  15. Site Plan • Based on aerial view form 3d digital model

  16. Site Plan • Based on aerial view form 3d digital model

  17. Site Plan • Based on aerial view form 3d digital model

  18. Site Plan • Based on aerial view form 3d digital model

  19. Site Plan • Based on aerial view form 3d digital model

  20. Physical Model

  21. View of the approach and sundial from Euclid Ave.

  22. View from the entry threshold looking into the site

  23. Display path with informative posters describing the “Broadway Blvd. Project”

  24. View of the site from Broadway Blvd.

  25. Major space / secondary transition with view of shaded seating area

  26. Sonoran meditation garden

  27. View from contemplation space looking over the site

  28. View from beneath shade structure

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