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This report highlights the importance of energy efficiency in buildings for the EU, focusing on the impact on global warming, energy security, and achieving the Lisbon objectives. It quantifies the potential for CO2 savings, identifies the gap in regulation implementation, and examines the impact on competitiveness and job creation. The report also addresses the challenges and opportunities for energy efficiency in the new member states.
The Ecofys Reports – key arguments to support energy efficiency in buildings EU STRUCTURAL FUNDS TRAINING DAY March 06, 2006
What is at stake? Global Warming – Europe’s reputation at stake Under the Kyoto Protocol Europe is committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 8% by 2008-2012. Not only are current policies insufficient to achieve this goal, failure to meet it will severely undermine the moral authority of Europe in negotiating future commitments. Security of Energy Supply – more dependence, less stability The EU’s dependence on foreign energy supplies is expected to increase to 70% by 2030. Given the current potential for conflicts in major energy exporting regions, we are gambling with the future of the economy. The Lisbon Process – action not words needed The reform process needed to implement the Lisbon Strategy is way behind schedule. In the recent report from the High Level Group Chaired by Wim Kok this was recognised and action on eco-efficiency was seen as an area for focus.
Meeting these challenges EU unlikely to meet Kyoto objectives z Buidlings alone have the pontential to reach Kyoto objectives z Global Warming Action No action z Increasing dependence on foreign energy sources Reducing energy demand in buildings can help limit our exposure to supply issues Security of Energy Supply No action Action Lisbon objectives not achieved Improving energy efficiency improves economic efficiency No action Action The Lisbon Process
ECOFYS reports – quantifying the potential Climate Protection Regulation Competitiveness Enlarged EU
Potential from buildings (EU 15)- CO2 savings Annual CO2 Emissions in the European Building Stock (EU 15) Reduction Potential from Buildings 398 (Mt/a) 725 Total heat related emission Technical potential emission reductions
Onlyten percentof thepotential for buildings is being seized by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Transport Industry Buildings Quantyfing the gap in the EU
Key findings - in detail • Technical potential for buildings > 1000 m² amounts to 82 Mt/a • Technical potential for all buildings: 398 Mt/a • Main potential in moderate and warm climate
Key findings All small buildings ECOFYS Study Existing large buildings New buildings Current EU rules
Potential from buildings (EU 15) - cost savings Societal 8 Billion EURO
Conclusion for jobs • Impact on jobs based on: • Construction market • Equipment • Maintenance of equipment • Impact expected to lead to up to: 300,000* new jobs per year * Eurima estimate
STEP 4 - Extending all the results to the new Member States (EU 8)
New Member States – commonopportunities • Same potential of energy savings • 40% of Energy Use • Large potential of CO2 reduction • 60 million tonnes • Significant potential of cost savings • 0.5 Billion EURO • Major job potential • 230 000extra jobs
New Member States – different challenges • Crisis in the Housing Sector • Suffer from inadequate condition of their homes • High energy bills • Very poor energy efficiency levels • Need for urgent refurbishment
Specific in new Member States – job creation Up to 230,000* New Jobs * Eurima estimate
New Member States – barriers • Barriers to energy efficiency investment • Political and institutional • Financial and economic • Legal • Capacity and social
STEP 5 - Adjusting the results to the new energy prices (EU 25) ECOFYS VI
What needs to be done? Correct implementation EPBD to be fully extended to all buildings Used to refurbish buildings National Action Plans to focus on buildings The need for actions • What is the EU Doing? • EPBD • Green Paper • Structural Funds • Energy Services Directive