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Sensor Council Technical Operations

Sensor Council Technical Operations. Tom Weller (VP, Technical Operations) weller@eng.usf.edu Presented to Sensor Council ADCOM October 28, 2004. Outline. Internal activities Distinguished Lecturer Program – Funding will be requested from Sensors Council

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Sensor Council Technical Operations

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  1. Sensor CouncilTechnical Operations Tom Weller (VP, Technical Operations)weller@eng.usf.edu Presented to Sensor Council ADCOM October 28, 2004

  2. Outline • Internal activities • Distinguished Lecturer Program – • Funding will be requested from Sensors Council • Tentative selection committee being formed (Shur, Iwai?, others) • Student Fellowship – • Funding is being solicited from industry, NSF, and others • Selection committee to be named • Standards • Education / Tutorials • GEO / IEEE CEO

  3. Distinguished Lecturer Program (Proposal) Proposed Sensors Council DLP Structure: • A DLP Committee comprised of the VP – Technical Operations, VP – Publications and at least two additional members will administer the program. Representation from multiple regions (e.g. NA, Europe and Asia) will be a priority. • Nominations for Distinguished Lecturers will be solicited from the Sensors ADCOM and selections made by the DLP Committee. One of the selection criteria will be the applicability of the lecture topic to multiple Sensors Council member societies.

  4. Distinguished Lecturer Program (Proposal) Proposed Sensors Council DLP Structure: • For the initial phase(s), one 18-month DL appointment will be made per year. • The DL will be provided a budget of ~$15K to cover travel and local expenses and with an Award Certificate. • The DL will support sections and local chapters of IEEE societies that are active Sensors Council members. Travel arrangements to be approved in advance by the DLP Committee or a designated representative. • The DL will be required to present lectures to at least four different member societies. As part of his or her lecture the DL will include a brief overview of the organization and purpose of the Sensors Council

  5. Student Fellowship (Proposal) The IEEE Sensors Council will award up to two $1000 undergraduate/pre-graduate scholarships for the 2005-2006 academic year. The purpose of these scholarships is to attract undergraduates to the sensors discipline, and to encourage them to pursue graduate degrees in this field. Funds may be used for project materials and/or stipends. Awardees are also encouraged to attend the annual Sensors Conference or another sponsored by the council. Travel expenses are partially reimbursed (over and above the $1000 award).

  6. Student Fellowship (Proposal) Eligibility • Applicant must be an undergraduate student in a scientific field (Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, etc)at the time of application, and should be enrolled full-time in his/her final year of the undergraduate program, first year of graduate studies, or combined B.S./M.S. programduring the 2005-2006 academic year. The student must identify a faculty mentor who will supervise the applicant’s project or thesis work in the sensors area. Alternatively, project work may be conducted in conjunction with industry, but a faculty mentor must still be identified. • Applicant must be an IEEE student member, and the faculty mentor must be an IEEE member. • There are no citizenship requirements. • There is no limit to the number of applicants from an institution. However, awards are limited to one per faculty mentor.

  7. Student Fellowship (Proposal) Application Procedure • Application form – The student and faculty mentor fill out an application form, available in PDF or Microsoft Word format. • Proposal – The student applicant and a faculty mentor jointly submit a two-page proposal describing how the student plans to pursue coursework, a project, and a career in sensors. • Resume – The student submits a one-page resume. • Transcript – Current official transcript showing list of courses taken and grades. Include a brief description of the grading system including the maximum possible grade (if not a standard 4.0 scale). • Letter of Recommendation – The faculty mentor must submit a letter of recommendation commenting on the applicant’s academic merit, ability to carry out the proposed project, and potential for a productive career in sensor technology.

  8. Standards • No activity • Issues: • Technical focus of the VP Technical Operations • Standards push / volunteers

  9. Education / Tutorials • Survey of society pages in progress • Slow growth in 2004 – Xcel will be investigated

  10. GEO / IEEE CEO • GEO is a multi-national entity with representation at the highest levels of government. • The IEEE CEO has an opportunity, as a recognized technical consultant to the GEO, to make long-term contributions to this effort that should be important to all engineers. • The CEO activity also presents a great opportunity for the IEEE Sensors Council to “work at the interfaces” of many IEEE societies. • Need: identify and contact members of your home societies who would like to participate in CEO-related pursuits, including the workshop that is planned for 2005

  11. GEO / IEEE CEO • GEO Goals: Promote the development of a comprehensive, coordinated, and sustained Earth observation system of systems among governments and the international community to understand and address global environmental and economic challenges • The first task is a ten-year plan to develop and implement the “System of Systems” for carrying out the observations, collecting the data, processing the data, developing reports, and distributing the reports. The first draft of the plan is to be presented in summer 2004, with the plan completed in the late winter or spring of 2005

  12. Notes (2003) • Awards • IEEE Sensors Prize for Best Technical Paper • IEEE Sensors Conference Best Paper Award • Plaques for Associate Editors; other awards for ADCOM and other support (e.g. Lina, past EiC) • IEEE Graduate Student Fellowship • Mixed support (Bob B yes, Troy maybe, Vladimir no) from ADCOM on having direct funding from our budget • Solicit industry support • Propose a trial period (e.g. two years) and assess the quantity and quality of the applications. • Wait until budget is solidified before finalizing proposal and bringing to a vote • Fellows • Chair needs to identify fellows on the ADCOM and chairs of Fellow Committees in all member societies • Conferences • We have a current liability of $190K to Sheraton for not selling enough rooms for Sensors 2003; some ADCOM members reported seeing similar problems in the past that were eventually significantly reduced • Location will rotate N.A – Europe – Asia on a 3-year basis • Registration: 2002 617; 2003 367. (Tutorials: 2002 126, 2003 61)

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