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HORMONES THAT REGULATE CALCIUM METABOLISM. Prof.Dr .Arzu SEVEN. In calcium homeostasis , bones serve as the reservior There is ~ 1 kg of calcium in the human body
Incalciumhomeostasis, bonesserve as thereservior • There is ~ 1 kg of calcium in thehuman body • Theskeletoncontains 99% of calcium as hydroxyapatitecrystals, theremainder is distributed in thesofttissues, teethand ECF
Bone is a dynamictissue, it undergoesconstantremodeling • Inthesteadystatecondition, there is a balancebetweennew bone formationand bone resorption • About 1% of skeletalCa+2 is in a freelyexchangeablepool
Total serum calcium is maintainedbetween 8.8-10.4 mg/dl • Calciumexists in thecirculation in 3 forms
If serum protein concentrations (dehydration, afterprolongedvenousstasis) protein_boundcalciumand total serum calcium
Inconditions of reduced serum proteins (liverdisease, nephroticsyndrome, malnutrition) protein _boundcalcium is reduced, decreasing total calcium (ionizedcalcium is withinthereferencerange)
Inclinicalsituations, it is importanttocalculatetheadjustedcalcium(total serum calcium, adjustedforthepatient’sprevailingalbuminconcentration) • AdjustedCa =measuredCa (mmol/L) + 0.02 (40_ albumin g/L)
Ionızedcalcium is maintainedwithin a narrowrangethrough an extracellularcalciımsensingreceptor(Ca SR) that is a cellsurface G_protein coupledreceptorpresent in thechiefcells of parathyroidgland, thyroidal_C cellsandalongkidneytubules
Minutechanges in ionizedcalciummodulatecellularfunctiontomaintainnormocalcemia
Hormonalcontrol of calciumhomesotasis • PTH • PTH is an 84_amino acidsinglechainpeptidehormone, secretedbythechiefcells of parathyroidglads • preproPTH: 115 amino acidwithhydrophobic amino terminal extension of 25_amino acids (leader/signalsequence) • proPTH: 90 amino acid, havinghighlybasicdexapeptideextension
No biologicfunctionforthecarboxy terminal segment of PTH has beendefined • Cathepsin B cleaves PTH into 2 fragments : PTH1-34and PTH35-84 (biologicalactive ( inactivecarboxy terminal ) amino terminal )
Pro_PTH has neverbeenfound in circulation • Theliver(Kupffercells) andkidneyareinvolved in peripheralmetabolism of secreted PTH • secretion is inverselyrelatedtoambientconcentrations of ionizedcalcium
A decrease in extracellularionizedcalciumor an increase in serum phosphateconcentrationstimulates PTH secretion • Chronic severe Mg deficiency can inhibititsreleasefromsecretoryvasicles • Lowconcentrations of 1,25(OH)2 cholecalciferolinterferewithitssynthesis
PTH actsvia a membranereceptor • Thehormone_receptorinteractioninitiates a typicalcascade
Activation of adenylylcyclase intracellularcAMP intracellularCa phosphorylation of specificintracellularproteinsbykinases Activation of specificgenesandintracellularenzymesthatmediatethebiologicactions of PTH
The PTH responsesystem is subjectto DOWN_REGULATION of receptornumberandto DESENSITIZATION, whichmayinvolve a post_cAMPmechanism
PTH restores normal extracellularfluidcalciumconcentrationbyacting DIRECTLY on kidneyand bone andbyacting INDIRECTLY on theintestinalmucosa(throughstimulation of 1,25(OH)2cholecalciferolsynthesis)
Themostrapidchangesoccurthroughtheaction on thekidney but thelargesteffect is from bone • Phosphate is releasedwithcalciumfrom bone whenever PTH increasesdissolution of mineral matrix
PTH increasesrenalphosphateclearance, thus, net effect of PTH on bone andkidney is toincreasethe ECF calciumconcentrationanddecrease ECF phosphateconcentration
Pathophysiology • Insufficientamounts of PTH result in hypoparathyroidism • Thebiochemicalhallmarks: serum ionizedCaand serum phosphate • Symptoms: neuromuscularirritability, which, whenmild, causesmusclecrampsandtetany
Severe acutehypocalcemiaresults in tetanicparalyses of therespiratorymuscles,laryngospasm,severe convulsionsanddeath • Long_standinghypocalcemiaresults in cutaneouschanges, cataractandcalcification of thebasalganglia of thebrain
Themostcommoncause of hypoparatyhroidism is accidentalremovalordamage of theglandsduringnecksurgery (pharyngealorlaryngealtm, thyroidorparathyroiddisease)secondaryhypoprathyroidsm • Autoimmunedestruction of theglandsresults inprimaryhypoparathyroidsim
Pseudohypoparathyroidism(PHP) • An inheriteddisorder,characterizedbyhypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, increased PTH concentrations • Theclassictype of PHP is duetoend_organ resistanceto PTH, causedby a geneticdefectresulting in an abnormalregulatorysubunıt of G_protein of adenylatecyclasecomplex
Developmentanomaliessuch as shortstature, shortmetacarpalormetatarsalbonesandmentalretardation • Confirmation of diagnosis : lack of increase in plasma/urinarycAMP in responseto PTH infusion
Hyperparathyroidism • Theexcessiveproduction of PTH, may be dueto • Parathyroid adenoma • Parathyroidhyperplasia • Ectopicproduction of PTH orPTHrP
Thebiochemicalhallmarks: • Elevated serum ionizedCaand PTH anddepressed serum phosphatelevels • Inlong_standinghyperparathyrodism ; extensiveresorption of bone andrenaleffects ( kidneystones, nephrocalcinosis, frequenturinarytractinfections, in severe casesdecreasedrenalfunction)
Secondaryhyperparathyroidism • Characterizedbyhyperplasia of theglandsand PTH hypersecretion, may be seen in patientswithprogressiverenalfailure
Parathyroid_hormonerelated protein(PTHrP) • Synthesized as 3 isoformscontaining 139, 141 and 173 amino acids, as a result of alternativedifferentialsplicing of RNA • Structurallyandfunctionallysimiliarto PTH, especially in amino terminal region
İmportant in regulatingfetalcalciumhomeostasisandskeletaldevelopment • Has an important role in thehypercalcemiaassociatedwithmalignancy(HCM)
Vitamin D • Is synthesized in the skin by UV radiation • Vitamin D2(ergocalciferol) is synthesized in the skin by UV radiation of ergesterol • Vitmain D3 (cholecalciferol) is derivedalsoby UV radiationfrom 7_hydro_cholesterol in the skin of animals (nonenzymaticphotolysisreaction)
Vitamin D3 anditsmetabolitesaretransported in theplasma, boundto a specificglobulin, vitamin D_binding protein(DBP)
25-hydroxylationoccurs in theendoplasmicreticulum of liver • Itrequires Mg, NADPH, molecularoxygenand an uncharacterisedcytoplasmicfactor • NADPH_dependentcytocrome P450 reductaseandcytocrome P450 areinvolved (hepaticmicrosomalenzyme)
Rate limiting step in theconversion of vitamin D3 toitsactivemetabolite • 25(OH)D3 is themainliverstorage form of vitamin D • Itslevels in thecirculationreflecthepaticstores
A significantproportion of 25(OH)D3 is subjecttoenterohepaticcirculationbilereabsorbed in thesmallbowel • Secondhydroxylation at position C1 occurs at therenaltubulesby a mitochondrialenzyme, requiring • NADPH, Mg andmolecularoxygen
3 componentmonooxygenasereactionrequires : renalferredoxinreductase, cytocrome P450 andrenalferrodoxin(ironsulfur protein) • Theproduct 1,25 (OH)2D3 = calcitriol is themostpotentnaturallyoccuringmetabolite of vitamin D3
1 αhydroxylaseactivity is stimulatedby PTH, low serum concentrations of phosphateorcalcium, vitamin D deficiency, calcitonin, growthhormone, prolactinandestrogen
Therenaltubules, cartilage, intestineand plasenta contain 24_hydroxylase, producingtheinactive 24,25(OH)2D3 • The 24,25(OH)2D3 in circulation is reciprocallyrelatedto 1,25(OH)2D3
Vitamin D may be described as a hormone • Intheintestinalepithelialcells, it bindsto a cytoplasmicreceptorlikeothersteroidhormones • Thisligand_protein complex is transportedtothenucleus 1,25(OH)2D3 induces gene expressionaffectingCametabolism
Calcitriol • Increasescalciumandphosphateabsorptionfromthe gut viaactive transport bycalciumbindingproteins • Togetherwith PTH, it stimulates bone resorptionbyosteoclasts • Theseeffectsincrease serum calciumandphosphateconcentrations
Pathophysiology • Rickets: a childhooddisordercharacterizedbylowplasmacalciumandphosphoruslevelsandbypoorlymineralized bone withassociatedskeletaldeformites • Mostcomonlydueto vitamin D deficiency