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TECHNIQUES IN ELT. CONTENT 1- What is technique? 2- Why do teachers need to use technique? 3- Kinds of techniques? 4- Techniques in all approaches and methods. 5- Summary. What is technique?. Technique: (implementations) The level at which classroom procedures are described.

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  2. CONTENT 1- What is technique? 2- Why do teachers need to use technique? 3- Kinds of techniques? 4- Techniques in all approaches and methods. 5- Summary.

  3. What is technique?

  4. Technique: (implementations) The level at which classroom procedures are described. Edward Anthony

  5. Why do teachers need techniques in the classroom?

  6. Techniques; ►tool for teaching. ►promote the success of students.

  7. Kinds of Techniques

  8. 1- Controlled techniques 2- Semi-controlled techniques 3- Free techniques

  9. 1- Controlled techniques: Drills, dialogues, reading aloud, display questions/answers… 2- Semi-controlled techniques: Information gap activities, cued narratives, referential questions/answers… 3- Free techniques: Role plays, debates, problem solving, interview, discussions…

  10. GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD(GTM) TECHNIQUES: ●Translation ● Reading comprehensible questions ● Antonyms/Synonyms ● Cognates ● Fill in the blanks ● Memorization ● Use words in sentences ● Composition ●Deductive application of rule

  11. Cognates Similar spelling and sound patterns that correspond in L1 and L2. E.g: Method / Metod Modern / Modern Of course; This technique would only be useful in languages that share cognates.

  12. Fill in the Blanks Example: ●We …….got many books. ●There……a vase on the table.

  13. Use Words in Sentences ►I could not recognize him after so many years.

  14. DIRECT METHOD ● Reading aloud ● Question/answer exercise ● Getting students to self-correct ● Conversation practice ● Fill in the blank exercise ● Dictation ● Map drawing ● Paragraph writing

  15. Dictation The teacher reads the passage 3 times; 1- at a normal speed. 2- phrase by phrase. 3- again at a normal speed.

  16. Map Drawing It is used for listening comprehension practice. The students are asked to write the names of the cities on the map.

  17. Paragraph Writing ● Students write paragraphs in their own words using the target language.

  18. AUDIOLINGUAL METHOD ● Dialogue memorization ● Backward build-up drill ● Repetition drill ● Chain drill ● Single-slot substitution drill ● Multiple-slot substitution drill ● Transformation drill ● Question/answer drill ● Use of minimal pairs ● Complete the dialogue ● Grammar game

  19. Repetition Drill T: This is a pencil. (repeat after me) S: This is a pencil.

  20. Chain Drill T: How are you? S: Fine, thanks. How are you?(tothe student near him/her) Another student: Fine, thanks…. ► The activity goes on in this way.

  21. Single-slot Substitution Drill E.g: T: Ali went to the zoo. T: Zoo(cue word). S: Ali went to the zoo.

  22. Multiple-slot Substitution Drill Cue phrases T: Ali has got an apple and Ayşe has got a banana. T: Has got S: Ali has got an apple and Ayşe has got a banana.

  23. Transformation Drill First; Teacher givesthepositive form of a sentence. Then; Asks for the negative form of it.

  24. Question/Answer Drill T: What is this? S: This is a pencil. T: What are these? S: These are books. ►Students reply very quickly.

  25. Minimal Pairs E.g: - Expert/export - Firm/form - Vest/vast

  26. Complete the Dialogue A: Where …… you going? B: I ….. going to the market. A: Can ..... buy a chocolate for me? B: Yes, I …… .

  27. Grammar Game It helps students in thinking and communicating not just drilling.

  28. ORAL APPROACH and SLT ● Imitation ● Drills ● Question/answer

  29. Imitation 1- Chorus imitation. 2- Individual imitation.

  30. TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE ● Using commands ● Role reversal ● Action sequence

  31. Action Sequence Commands related to each other. • Take out a pen. • Seal the envelope. • Take out a piece of paper. • Write the address on the envelope.

  32. SILENT WAY ● Sound-color chart ● Teacher’s silence ● Peer correction ● Rods ● Self-correction gestures ● Word-chart ● Fidel chart ●Structured feedback

  33. Self Correction Gestures The teacher uses his palms as a tool while showing the students’ mistakes.

  34. Word Chart First; Teacher points to words on the charts. Then; Students read them aloud.

  35. Fidel Chart The aim: Associating the sounds of the language with their spelling.

  36. COMMUNITY LANGUAGE LEARNING (CLL) ● Translation ● Group work ● Recording ● Transcription ● Analysis ● Reflection and observation ● Listening ● Free conversation

  37. SUGGESTOPEDIA ● Imitation ● Question/answer ● Role play ● Dialogues ● Translation

  38. Dialogues Students learn the target language through the dialogues. Example:

  39. WHOLE LANGUAGE ● Ungraded dialogue journals ● Individual/small group reading/writing ● Writing portfolios ● Writing conferences ● Student-made books ● Story writing

  40. Ungraded Dialogue Journals Forms of writing: _ spontaneous _ personal _ informal _ comfortable _ ungraded _ unedited

  41. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES ● Multisensory activities & ● Use of realia

  42. NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP) ● Rapport: Working within the students’ framework, not against them.

  43. THE LEXICAL APPROACH ● Collocations of vocabulary teaching activities V+N: take a vacation Adj+N: light rain Adv+V: completely forget Longer Collocation I will give you a call.

  44. Competency-based Language Teaching (CBLT) ● Social life activities E.g: Retaining a job.

  45. COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING (CLT) ● Role plays & ● Simulations

  46. Simulations ● Roles ● Creating a rich communicative environment Example:

  47. NATURAL APPROACH (NA) ● Command ● Mime, gesture ● Question/answer ● Group-work activities

  48. Command First; Simple commands. E.g: Stand up! Turn round! Then; Complex ones. E.g: Pick up a pencil and put it under the book.

  49. COOPERATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING (CLL) ● Three-step interview ● Roundtable/Round Robin ● Think-pair-share ● Solve-pair-share ● Numbered heads

  50. Roundtable/Round Robin 3 steps: 1- One student makes a contribution. 2- He/she passes the paper and pen to another student. 3- Each student makes a contribution in turn. ♣ If done orally, it is called Round Robin.

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