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The First Step in Cybersecurity

The First Step in Cybersecurity. Past Threats and I ncident of Cybersecurity. 76 % of organizations polled by CompTIA said they experienced them [a cybersecurity attack] in 2011 Victims: Google, TJX Companies, Target, LinkedIn, RSA Security, US Senate, and the CIA Port of Antwerp

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The First Step in Cybersecurity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The First Step in Cybersecurity

  2. Past Threats and Incident of Cybersecurity • 76 % of organizations polled by CompTIA said they experienced them [a cybersecurity attack] in 2011 • Victims: Google, TJX Companies, Target, LinkedIn, RSA Security, US Senate, and the CIA • Port of Antwerp • Drug traffickers recruited hackers to breach IT systems that controlled the movement and location of containers. • Two companies that operated within the port. • Installed firewall and still managed to install keyloggers • http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-24539417

  3. Methods of infiltration • Resident/Partner Companies • Remote Hacking • Vendor Applications • Network Enabled Hardware • Social Networking • BYOD • Physical Access

  4. Compliance Initiatives • Port Specific Compliance • President Issued Executive Order 13636 • NIST Framework Released in February 2014 • Industry Compliance: • HIPAA ACT • HITECH ACT • GLBA • Sarbanes-Oxley • Telecommunications Act of 1996

  5. Identify

  6. Identify

  7. Identify

  8. Protect

  9. Protect

  10. Protect

  11. Detect

  12. Detect

  13. Respond and Recover

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