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Epidermophyton fungal skin iNfection ~RINGWORM

Epidermophyton fungal skin iNfection ~RINGWORM. By: Carley Tiano , Brady Gallagher. When you hear the term ringworm do you imagine a collection of worms slithering in your skin?. What is ringworm?. A contagious infection caused by a micro-organism dermatophyes .

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Epidermophyton fungal skin iNfection ~RINGWORM

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  1. Epidermophyton fungal skin iNfection~RINGWORM By: CarleyTiano, Brady Gallagher

  2. When you hear the term ringworm do you imagine a collection of worms slithering in your skin?

  3. What is ringworm? • A contagious infection caused by a micro-organism dermatophyes. • Ringworm is caused by various types of fungi, like those that cause athletes foot. • Otherwise know as a “superficial fungus infection” or “tinea”. • Most cases are seen in warm tropical areas.

  4. The infection has nothing to do with worms. • Ringworm affects skin on your body, the scalp, groin area, and feet and nails. • Similar to granuloma, annlare, nummular, and eczema

  5. Classification Kingdom: Fungi Species: fungal skin infection Genus: Epidermophyton http://simple-health-secrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Ring-Worm-6.jpg

  6. Symptoms • Persistent itching • Soreness • Irritation • Burning • Flat ring shaped rash • discomfort http://images.clipartof.com/small/439280-Royalty-Free-RF-Clip-Art-Illustration-Of-A-Cartoon-Man-Scratching-Itches.jpg

  7. What ringworm looks like • Form of pustutles or pus-filled reddish bumps • Cracked skin • If infection reaches nails they will have discoloration http://images.medicinenet.com/images/slideshow/ringworm_s12.jpg

  8. HOW YOU can attract the Fungi… • This fungi lives and spreads on the top layer of the skin and hair • In warm , moist areas such as a locker room, swimming pools, and skinfolds • Skin to skin contact, or sharing items with an infected host • You can also get ringworm by touching and infected dog or cat, but it is not very common

  9. Cellular division: Meiosis • Prophase 1: Homologous chromosomes pair up and form tetra. • Metaphase 1: Homologs line up along equator, but not in pairs. • Anaphase 1: Spindle fibers move homologous chromosomes to opposite sides. • Telophase 1:Cytoplasm pinches in and 2 daughter cells start to separate. • Cytokinesis 1: Cytoplasm divides, 2 daughter cells are formed.

  10. Continued • Prophase 2: Crossing over occurs. • Metaphase 2: Homologs line up along equator. • Anaphase 2: Chromotids separate. • Telophase 2: Nuclear membrane reforms, cytoplasm starts to pinch in and 4 daughter cells begin to separate. • Cytokinesis 2: Cytoplasm divides and for daughter cells are formed.

  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/images/aqaaddsci_13.gifhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/images/aqaaddsci_13.gif

  12. Can be Treated with • Treated with a steroid like hydrocortisone • Antifungal creams - lotromine http://www.yaysave.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/l/o/lotrimin_athlete_s_foot_antifungal_cream_.85_oz.jpg

  13. Why is it ImportANT TO UNDERSTAND RINGWORM • Treatment • We get to understand how ringworm gets its nutrients by infiltrating (breaking into the hosts skin ad absorb) • Prevention • When you know how to avoid getting the fungi you will be more unlikely to be infected. • Real World: - In the future scientists could develop a detergent with the prescription of lotrimin or some antifungal cream that is completely safe for the body and clothing, but will help take ringworm away more effectively.

  14. Work Cited • Pearson Education Inc. (2012) . Meiosis. Retrieved from http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/biocoach/meiosis/intro.html • MSD Customer Care. (2011). Ringworm. Retrieved from http://www.lotrimin.com/ringworm.html • WebMD. (2005-2013). Ringworm of the skin. Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/tc/ringworm-of-the-skin-topic-overview • MediLexicon International Ltd.(2004-2013). Ringworm. Retrieved from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/158004.php • NHS.UK. (2012). Ringworm. Retrieved from http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Ringworm/Pages/Introduction.aspx

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