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New Media. By Jonathan French. What is new media?. I am going to focus on 2 aspects of new media. 1) Some of the software used in developing new media . 2) The way the software is being transformed for use. Here are some types of software used. AditAll.
New Media By Jonathan French
What is new media? I am going to focus on 2 aspects of new media. 1) Some of the software used in developing new media 2) The way the software is being transformed for use.
AditAll • This is a program that combines HTML5 and Java into a more convenient and easy to use product for all to use. • http://www.aditall.com/default.aspx
GoogleDoodle • This is a great example of new media being used to help increase user experience while utilizing a service. • http://www.google.com/doodles/halloween-2012 • http://spritely.net/documentation/
BeCreative! • I have been currently working a lot in flash and experimenting with some of it’s features. I recently made, in light of the Christmas Holiday, a Christmas list made entirely from flash. • http://cs.oswego.edu/~jfrench2/
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