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ALC 32 Hoy es lunes el 25 de noviembre . . The ALC is a listening activity. The front row is to turn their desks around. If you don’t’ have a partner get one. You will listen to five phrases that your partner will read to you and write them on your ALC paper.
ALC 32Hoy eslunes el 25 de noviembre. • The ALC is a listening activity. The front row is to turn their desks around. If you don’t’ have a partner get one. • You will listen to five phrases that your partner will read to you and write them on your ALC paper. • Those reading the phrases are to correct any mistakes. Please make sure that your partner spells and punctuates correctly. • When your desks are turned and you are facing your partner that will indicate who has understood what is to be done.
Compañero 1 • Me levantoa lasseis de la mañana. • Después de levantarmeyo me ducho. • Me lavo el cuerpo con jabón. • Me seco con unatoallaverde. • Me cepillo los dientes con la pasta dentifrica.
Compañero 2 • Tengosueño. Voy a cepillarme los dientes. • Me pongo los pijama. • Después de ponerme la pijama me arreglo el pelo. • Me acuesto en la cama y leo un libro. • Yo me duermo a lasdiez de la noche.
Please tell your partner to turn their desk around and write the objective. Content objective • I can do my best on my test today.
Por favor, entreguenlasnotas de Cornell en la mesa y agarren un examen.
Por favor, turn in your Cornell notes and pick up a test from the table. • Face your partner. • Give them your test. • Go to the section marked Bienvenida. • You will be asking questions from the bienvenida. • You will record or write your partner’s answer on their own paper.
What to do • Exchange papers with the person you will be doing the bienvenida with. • Ask your partner the 16 questions that will be shown on the screen. • Write their responses on their paper with short answers. • Once you finish, exchange places with your partner and they ask the questions and write the responses. • Once you have both asked, and answered the questions and written the answers, return the paper to your partner, turn the desks around and continue with the test. • If you are in the front row you will now need to turn your desks around when you have understood the directions.
Hoy lunes el 25 de noviembre. • ¡Hola! ¡Buenos días! • Bienvenido/a a la clase de español. • ¿Cómote llamas? • ¿De dóndeeres? • ¿Cómoestás? • ¿Quédíaeshoy? • ¿Cuáles la fecha? • ¿Dondevives? • ¿Hacecuántotiempoquevives en West Valley? • ¿Cuálestunúmero de teléfono? • ¿Cuántosañostienes? • ¿Cuándoestucumpleaños? • ¿Quéhoraes? • ¿Cómo se dice I don’t like en español? • ¿Quétegustahacer? • ¿Quétiempohace?
Please turn the desks around. • Work on the test. • When you are finished please sit quietly and read or draw