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Hoy es lunes, el 25 de Agosto. ¡Vámonos!. PICK UP A NEW PASAPORTE on your way in the door and go to your assigned seat ! Answer the following math problems in Spanish . Write out the answers ! (Siete instead of 7). *in the Vamonos section of your binder * Ocho – tres = _________
¡Vámonos! PICK UP A NEW PASAPORTE onyourway in thedoorandgotoyourassignedseat! Answerthefollowingmathproblems in Spanish. Writeouttheanswers! (Siete instead of 7). *in theVamonossectionofyourbinder* • Ocho – tres = _________ • Dos + cinco = _________ • Uno + tres = __________ Whenyou are done, raiseyourhandand Señorita Puckettwillstampyour pasaporte. End
My commitments to you • I commit to being on time. • I commit to keeping you safe, both physically and emotionally. • I commit to having high expectations for you. • I commit to making class interesting. • I commit to being open-minded. • I commit to helping you as much as I am able, when you ask for help. • I commit to communicating with you individually on a regular basis. • I commit to treating you fairly. • I commit to coming to class prepared and with a purpose. • I commit to believing in you.
MetasGrandes • Academic: • 80% Mastery • Writing • Speaking • SLO growth • Personal • Global Perspective, Cultural Respect • Advocating and Valuing Education
Why am I here? • Because I believe this language is important. • Because I believe in YOU.
Your commitments • Why are you here? • You already signed our syllabus to show me that you commit to our rules, but this is more than rules and behavioral expectations. • 5 commitments, due next class for homework • They must be about THIS class, not in general • At least 1 academic (with a number goal, like 85 average on tests…) • At least 1 personal (that you will use in this class)
SLO test… • Expectations • Silent • Desks in rows • No cell phones • When you finish, work on your commitments homework • FULLY filled out scantron, RETURNED numbered test • I know you do not know all of this material… but we are looking for effort and growth! You will have 50 mins.
Quiz grades • Your quiz grades are on Infinite Campus • If you would like to retake the quiz, I will be here afterschool everyday until 3:45 and have tutorial on Thursday • Unless it is on THURSDAY, you must SIGN UP for a retake so that I know to be in my classroom.
Recuerda… • BINDER on shelf, I will randomly check for ALL to be present • Homework folder for class everyday. Homework turned in to my tray DURING vamonos. • If you work on homework in class the day it is due, you will receive a zero. • TA Applications DUE ON TUESDAY (available online and in the classroom, due on my desk) • ¿Ausente? Your responsibility. 3 days for makeup work.
Gracias • Remember, commitments homework! • 5 commitments, due next class for homework • They must be about THIS class, not in general • At least 1 academic (with a number goal, like 85 average on tests…) • At least 1 personal (that you will use in this class)
¡Vámonos! Pasaporte out, Vamonos in binder! TURN IN COMMITMENTS HOMEWORK! *If I seeyouworkingonhomeowrkduringVamonos, youwillget a zero. I do nottake late HW. Writethefollowing in complete sentences in SPANISH: (write out numbersas words. Ex. Siete insteadof 7) *Hint, look at the FECHA Todayisthe 16th of August. Todayisthe 11th of August. Todayisthe 4th of August. Whenyou are done, raiseyourhandand Señorita Puckettwillstampyour pasaporte.
Repaso: ¡Vámonos! Todayisthe 16th of August. Todayisthe 11th of August. Todayisthe 4th of August.
Nuestra Meta MLI.IP1A Students will understand that Spanish is a phonetic language, and will be able to both spell words, and be able to recognize what word is being spelled. MLI.CCC1A Students will be able to identify to Central American countries and capitals
Practica conmigo • Voy a decir una letra en español. Escríbela en su pizarrita y levantarla.
¿Cómo se escribe? Escucha cuando yo digo como se escribe cinco palabras en español! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Practica en parejas • Con un compañero de su mesa, elige una persona famosa. • Di las letras de su nombre. Tu compañero tiene que escribir mientras hablas • Repita con cinco nombres. B-E-Y-O-N-C-E
Ahora, escucha … 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Hechos interesantes • There is no spot in Central America that is more than 125 miles from the ocean • One road can take you through the whole region, the Pan American Highway • Central America is part of the “ring of fire”, which means it is home to an abundance of volcanoes • When the volcanos erupt, the soil is fertilized with many essential nutrients that allow crops to grow • Because of this, many foods are grown in Central America, and it is a center of coffee production. They use mainly fresh ingredients in their cooking
El Calandario: Vocabulario • Hoy Today • Ayer Yesterday • MañanaTomorrow • Anteayer The day before yesterday • Anochelast night • Pasadomañana The day after tomorrow • El díaThe day • La semanaThe week • El fin de semanaThe weekend • El mesThe month • El añoThe year • La FechaThe date
HECHOS DIVERTIDOS • You don’t capitalize Spanish days of the week or months unless they are at the beginning of a sentence! • In the Spanish calendar, the week starts on LUNES!
Practica con frases • La Fecha: Hoy es el ______(día) de __________(mes). • Hoy es _______. Mañanaes ______. Ayer fue ______.
El Proyecto • Due on QUIZ DAY next week (so either Thursday the 4th for A DAY, or Friday the 5th for B DAY) • Instructions are printed out, PUT IN YOUR HOMEWORK FOLDER, not your binder… so you can take it home! • You can use my computers, paper, dictionaries after school as much as you need to!
Billete de Salida ON THE BACK OF YOUR PASAPORTE, in THE 2nd box! • Writethewordthat I spelltoyou • Writethewordthat I say out loudtoyou. • Hoy es miércoles. Complete thefollowing 2 sentences. Mañana es ____________. Ayer fue ______________. • Write out thephonenumberthat I readtoyou (justwritingthenumbersis fine) • Nametwocountries in Central America and theircapitals (do your best withspelling)
Recuerda… • Check Infinite Campus for your grades! • I don’t take late HW, but the first HW (spanish cognates) I will accept late because • Project is due next Thursday/Friday! • Quiz retakes: sign up to take them after school!