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PowerPoint Project

PowerPoint Project. Create Powerpoint presentation about a time period, or historical event, and it’s influence on a literary work. The Witch Hunt. R evisited. A mock report by gerson cortes. The Red Scare.

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PowerPoint Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PowerPoint Project Create Powerpoint presentation about a time period, or historical event, and it’s influence on a literary work.

  2. The Witch Hunt Revisited A mock report by gersoncortes

  3. The Red Scare After World War II ended, America was left under the looming shadow of communism. USSR was gaining ground, and China had fallen to communism as well. The fear of Communist spies infiltrating America was renewed.

  4. McCarthy Senator Joseph McCarthy used this fear to instigate massive hysteria in order to push his anti-communist agenda without resistance. He started what is considered one of the most shameful movements in modern America.

  5. Witch Hunts Under McCarthy’s time as chairman of the Senate Committee on Government Operations, people suspected of sympathizing with communism were put in trials that could end careers in one night. Often, there was no evidence to prosecute, but the mere fact of being accused black listed people, marking them as undesirables.

  6. The Crucible The Crucible is a play By Arthur Miller that debuted in 1953, at the height of McCarthy’s communist hysteria. It is a dramatization based on the Salem Witch trials.

  7. An Allegory Miller’s The Crucible was an allegory to McCarthy’s use of public hysteria. It was a direct response to an entire nation’s paranoia, and mirrored the damage irrational fear could deal.

  8. Themes Two of The Crucible’s major themes: Hysteria and Reputation play an especially powerful role in paralleling the events in the play with the red scare society. A society in which fear drove people to do things they would normally see as wrong, and others would lose every shred of credibility after being black listed as deviants.

  9. The Mirror, the Warning Like many works before it, The Crucible was a literary work designed to force society to look at itself. To see itself twisted and exaggerated, and to force it to grow. To this day, the Crucible is taught in schools across the nation, and is deemed one of the most influential American screen plays, and for this distinction, it has served its purpose.

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