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High Fidelity Prototyping

High Fidelity Prototyping. Lynne Hall. Overview. High Fidelity Prototyping Advantages Disadvantages Creating Hi-Fi Prototypes GUIDS IDEs. High Fidelity Prototypes. Represent core functionality of product’s user interface Can be so realistic that user can’t tell them from product.

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High Fidelity Prototyping

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  1. High Fidelity Prototyping Lynne Hall

  2. Overview • High Fidelity Prototyping • Advantages • Disadvantages • Creating Hi-Fi Prototypes • GUIDS • IDEs

  3. High Fidelity Prototypes • Represent core functionality of product’s user interface • Can be so realistic that user can’t tell them from product. • Fully interactive • possible to enter data • use widgets • Simulate functionality of final product • Can be horizontal or vertical or both

  4. When to use Hi-Fi Prototyping • For testing user interface issues • For demonstrating product to potential customers (internal or external) • To clarify the specification

  5. Creation of Hi-Fi Prototypes • Trade off speed for accuracy • More difficult and time consuming to create than low-fi prototypes • Often vertical, due to need to test certain features • Address issues related to navigation and flow • Serve as a living specification

  6. Prototype Development • Do not develop 3+ prototypes during requirements gathering • Requires good programming skills • Expensive of resource • Wiser to use vertical prototyping for specific subset of features • Use Graphical User Interface Development System (aka prototyping tools)

  7. Advantages • Permit test and exploration • Aid with customer / user buy-in • Produces useful user evaluation results • Look and feel of final product • Can be used as marketing / sales tool • Can be easily converted to a real system

  8. Disadvantages • User frustration as product appears to be finished when really it was only a prototype • Expensive and time consuming to develop • Inefficient for proof of concept designs • Not effective for requirements gathering • Very difficult to actually discard and start again • Users can be reluctant to change design

  9. Graphical User Interface Development Systems 1 • Packages that assists in creating GUIs • Wide variety of packages available • Free to expensive • Diversity of languages / platforms

  10. Graphical User Interface Development Systems 2 • Developed specifically to enable rapid creation of GUIs • Different and usually more useful than Integrated Development Environments • Provide set of tools • buttons, menus, icons • text areas, list boxes, etc.

  11. Free GUIDS • Amulet • http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/amulet/www/amulet-home.html • Groupkit • http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/projects/grouplab/groupkit/ • Tcl/Tk • http://www.sunlabs.com:80/research/tcl/

  12. GUIDS: Advantages • Specially created for Graphical User Interface development • Wide (often very complete) widget set • Often generates cross / multi platform code templates • Possible to customise and extend widget sets • Code tends to be efficient

  13. GUIDS: Disadvantages • Can be time consuming to learn • May be difficult to integrate interface with back-end code • May use scripts rather than a known language • Potentially little developer or technical support

  14. Integrated DevelopmentEnvironments • An alternative to Graphical User Interface Development Systems • Development Studios (C++, Visual Basic, etc.) • Delphi (Pascal based) • Semantic Café (Java) • Access (End user database development)

  15. IDEs: Advantages • Integration of GUI development • Easy to use editing • Builds on language ability • Can be very fast if you know what you’re doing • Reasonable widget toolkits • Wizards often available

  16. IDEs: Disadvantages • “Fatware” memory and processor hungry • Tend to generate lazy code • Often code slow and cumbersome • Lack complete set of widgets • May result in compromises being made because of limitations • Not good for innovation

  17. Summary • Positive points: • High Fidelity Prototyping is a useful tool • Powerful method of validating design • Wide range of tools exist • Negative points • Expensive and time consuming to produce • Requires considerable programming skills • Can be difficult to throw away • User expectations may be incorrectly raised

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