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Inter-Club Council. Spring 2012 Returning Club Officer Orientation. ICC Contact Information. SU213 Office Hours: Monday: 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 12:00PM -1:00PM Tuesday: 10:00AM - 11:00AM and 1:00PM - 5:00PM Wednesday: 1:00PM - 2:00PM Thursday: 10:00AM - 11:00AM and 1:00PM - 5:00PM
Inter-Club Council Spring 2012 Returning Club Officer Orientation
ICC Contact Information SU213 Office Hours: • Monday: 10:00AM – 11:00AM and 12:00PM -1:00PM • Tuesday: 10:00AM - 11:00AM and 1:00PM - 5:00PM • Wednesday: 1:00PM - 2:00PM • Thursday: 10:00AM - 11:00AM and 1:00PM - 5:00PM • Friday: 2:00PM - 4:00PM
ICC and AS Meetings • General ICC Meetings- Mandatory weekly meetings for ICC representatives (Monday 1-2 pm) MUB 140 • AS Meetings- Mandatory to attend in order to complete the recognition process (Wednesday 2:15-4 pm) SU 208 • ICC Finance Meetings - Mandatory when requesting additional funds. (TBD tentatively 1:00PM Fridays) MCRC SU 104A Finance Committee Deadline: Matching Fund and Campus Wide Proposals must be turned into the VP of ICC 21 days before event to be considered.
Summary of ICC Guidelines Clubs are eligible for recognition when: • The club packet, which includes the club advisor contract, cash advance form, and signature card, completed and approved by the Vice-President of ICC or Administrative Assistant. • The E-Packet is completed and e-mailed for approval by the Vice-President of ICC or Administrative Assistant. • Club President, Treasurer, and ICC Representative must complete a training with the VP of ICC. Returning officers may complete the Online Club Officer Training. • Club Advisor must complete the Club Advisor Orientation PowerPoint and notify the Dean of Student Activities and cc the VP of ICC upon completion. • Clubs are then recognized at the official AS council meetings on Wednesdays at 2:15 in SU 208.
Summary of Important Information In order to receive the following base allocations, the club must have turned in completed club packet, the E-packet, completed officer training, and completed advisor training by: • $300 Allocation – Friday, February 3rd • $150 Allocation – Friday, February 24th • All CCSF clubs must be open to all students* • All club officers must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units and maintain a 2.0 GPA throughout the semester • A student may be president or treasurer of only one club • VP of ICC and Dean of Student Activities must be notified in writing whenever a new president or treasurer is elected, or when a new advisor is appointed. These new individuals must attend an ICC orientation Should a President or Treasurer need to resign, an emailed letter of resignation may be emailed to VP of ICC and to Associate Dean Samuel Santos (santos@ccsf.edu) The new officer will need to contact the VP of ICC to go over the ICC club guidelines and responsibilities.
Posting Guidelines • All club postings must be approved and stamped by the Student Activities office SU205, prior to posting and must include the following language: • “Name of Club, a recognized club of the associated students” AND the ADA (Americans with disabilities act) footer reading: “Persons requiring accommodation need to contact Disabled Students Programs and Services at 452-5481. Please give at least 72 hours advance notice.” • Postings not following these guidelines will be removed immediately.
Use of AS Funds • Speakers/Performers • Services (i.e. flyer printing costs) • Food and Drinks • Conference fees (must be approved by the Associate Dean of Student Activities) • Hotel and transportation (must be approved by Associate Dean of Student Activities) • Gas (must be approved prior to the event by the Associate Dean of Student Activities and you file the necessary paperwork for travel {Field Trip Forms, Travel Expense Statement, follow guidelines for keeping track of mileage (see Management Asst. for help in SU207)})
Prohibited Expenditures The following limits are set by the District financial guidelines • Equipment, supplies, forms, postage, service for curricular or classroom use or for district business • Repairs and maintenance of District owned equipment • Professional books and magazines, and memberships in professional organizations which should be District funded • Custodians’ supplies and equipment • Salaries for services which are the responsibility of the District or for District assignments • Articles for personal use of District employees, students, or others • Gifts, credit or accommodation purchases for District employees, students, or others (includes gift certificates) • Contributions to political or religious activities and campaigns • Contributions to fundraising drives for charitable organizations (can raise money and then donate but not donate allocated funds) • Memberships in and contributions to non-collegiate organizations
Keep In Mind (From AS/ICC Guidelines) • Speakers/Performs • $500 max shall be paid for all performances per event • $300 max per performing group • $100 max per performer • $50 max per student performer • $300 max may be spent on food by a club (per event, excluding fundraising purposes) • Off-Campus Food Expenditures • $10 per person per meal • To receive reimbursement, you must include a list of students that attended the off-campus meal • Must include a menu or business card of restaurant if not stated on their receipt • On-Campus Food Expenditures • $10 per person per meal (Pierre Coste, the Cafeteria, City Café) • To receive reimbursement, you must include a list of students that attended the meal
Club Finances • The base allocation should be used as “seed money” for future fundraising efforts. • All club accounts will roll over from Fall to Spring. In order to roll over club accounts from the Spring to the Fall a rollover form must be filled out and turned in by the end of the Spring semester. • A club must spend or forfeit the base allocation within one year, deadline June 1st. If the base allocation is spent, any addition funds (e.g. fundraised or donated money) will remain in the club account for the following academic year..
Club Finances • Within 2 working days of a fundraising event, insure that your treasurer has deposited any fundraised money into the club account in E104 using the fundraising deposit slip. If not done in adequate amount of time club accounts will be frozen. • Plan ahead so you don’t have to put up your own money for an event. Submit cash advance requests 2 weeks in advance of your event by filling out a payment voucher. List advisors name as the Payee. Your advisor is the only one able to pick up the check in E104. • Make sure your club advisor has reconciled any cash advances within 2 weeks after an event and submitted any payment vouchers within 30 days of event.
Additional Funds Proposals • A Club Finance proposal should be presented at an ICC Finance Committee a minimum of 21 days prior to the event. This gives time for the paperwork to be completed and the funds to be approved and transferred. If submitted later club may be subjected to 75% of what is being requested. • When submitting your proposal, include copies of “Official” meeting minutes (where the club voted and authorized this expenditure), and a detailed budget and marketing plan. • This proposal package must be submitted no later than 12:00 Thursday, to be presented at the next meeting. • Be prepared to present your proposal at the ICC Finance Committee and the ICC Meeting.
Funds • Matching Funds: for club membership events (field trips/ conferences), club must fundraise at least half of the money requested (max of $500 may be requested per semester) • Campus Wide Events:100% of funding must be for activities benefiting the ICC of campus at large. At least 75% of publicity plan must be spent on the CCSF ocean campus (max of $500 may be requested per semester) Procedure for Requesting Additional Allocations 1. Proposals must be submitted to the ICC finance committee at least 21 days before the event (or else be subject to receive only 75% of the requested amount. 2. ICC Finance Committee will make a recommendation to approve 3. Club Officer/Rep must present proposal to ICC general assembly, which will vote on the final proposal
Submitting Financial Forms • ALL financial forms must be reviewed and signed by the Advisor • Turn in completed forms to SU205 • The Associate Dean of Student Activities will sign forms (if there are no problems with the paperwork and/or issues with what you are spending money on) and SAO will process them before sending to Administrative Services in Conlan Hall
During each club meeting there should be recorded attendance and minutes. • Minutes and attendance are needed when allocations are being requested or used. • On the left are simple examples of minutes, stating expenses needed, reimbursements that need to be made, and proposals.
Sample Forms – For Reimbursements • All reimbursement paperwork must include: a completed and signed payment voucher, club minutes stating the person and amount to be reimbursed, a list of students that attended the meeting, and all original receipts initialed by the club advisor • Do not itemize receipts on form, just put receipt total in amount column • A flyer of the event would also be appreciated, but not necessary • Club fund numbers are kept in SU207 and by the VP of ICC in SU213 • Reimbursements should be turned in within 30 days of event
Sample Forms – For Cash Advances • All cash advance paperwork must include: a completed and signed payment voucher, club minutes stating the amount to be requested and approval from the club membership, a list of students that attended the meeting, and a budget • A flyer of the event would also be appreciated, but not necessary • All cash advances must be turned in 2 full weeks before your event
Sample Forms – To Settle a Cash Advance • After the event, tape all of your receipts (initialed by the advisor) on blank pieces of paper and attach them to this form, the Expense Statement • List all of your receipts on the form and the amounts • The advisor and club treasurer must sign the form before turning it in to SU205 • If you spent less than the cash advance, the remaining balance must be returned to E104 • All cash advances must be settled within 2 weeks after your event
Transfer of Expenditures (Specifically For Digital Print) • If you want to get your posters and flyers printed by Digital Print Production at the Mission Campus, these are a few things to keep in mind: • Fund number: Make sure to clearly state before anything is done that the printing is for your club and give them your club fund number. This will help the staff decipher how to bill your club for the expenses. • Transfer of Expenditure Form: Digital Print will give you a Transfer of Expenditures (ToE) form for everything you have printed. To pay off your bill, your club will need to have your advisor and treasurer sign the ToE. • Invoice: They will also give you an invoice for the printing costs. The club advisor must initial the invoice and submit the invoice with the ToE. • Club minutes: You must attach a copy of your club minutes that approved the purchase of the flyers along with the list of students that attended that particular club meeting. • Turn all the forms and paperwork into SU 207 once completed. Please see the Management Assistant in Student Activities SU 207 for help with paying off your bill.
Events and Meetings • In order to reserve a time and space for an event, club reps must submit an Event Request form to the VP of ICC 5 days in advance of a planned event. • Must submit club minutes with all additional funding grant proposals. • Only one club may sell food to fundraise on any one day (excluding non-main course type snacks, e.g. cookies, brownies, etc.) • A club can request up to 4 days within a two week span, but will only be guaranteed 2 out of 4 days. Other days may be negotiated by other clubs.
Event Request FormStudent Union • All Event Request Forms must be turned in to SU205 at least 5 working days prior to event • This form is used for rooms and spaces of the Student Union ONLY – if you are not using this space, please use the Non-Student Union form • Make sure the contact person is reliable and will respond to the SAO
Event Request FormNon-Student Union • All Event Request Forms must be turned in to SU205 at least 5 working days prior to event • This form is used for rooms and spaces that require additional approval from the Campus or Building Dean of the space you intend on using • Using another space may require you to fill out other forms; Buildings & Grounds permit, Confirmation Form, MUB usage packet
Waste Management http://www.ccsf.edu/NEW/en/employee-services/district-business-office/maintenance-buildings-and-grounds/recycling-main/wastemanagemenstrategy.html • When a club is fundraising or having an event “green” products must be used. This means compostable, biodegradable, or paper products. All clubs must use biodegradable products with the exception of plastic utensils. • NO Styrofoam products allowed! • Clubs will be charged $50.00 for using non-recyclable products during their food fundraisers. Club accounts may be frozen after first offence.
Service Hours • By the Wednesday of the 16th week of the semester every club must complete a minimum number of campus wide activities and/or service hours. • 20 Campus Service Hours • 10 Campus Service Hours +1 Campus Wide Activity • 2 Campus Wide Activities • The ICC Assistant will track service hours based on event forms submitted, but alternative forms of service hours performed will need to be logged with the ICC Assistant. • Clubs that didn‘t complete service hours or that were absent 3+ times will receive a $25 deduction • Infractions of ICC guidelines can lead to a deduction of up to $50 from base allocation or potential freezing of account
Diversity The Associated Student Council and the Student Activities Office are committed to the rich diversity of the student population of CCSF. • AcknowledgeWe acknowledge that human difference comes in many forms, including: race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs and customs, political affiliation, age, sex, and ability. We believe that meaningful exposure to diverse people and ideas has enhanced the educational experience. • Advocate It is our aim to maintain a safe and friendly environment that embodies our ideals of cooperation and mutual respect. We will not tolerate any form of behavior pertaining to racism, sexism, bigotry, harassment, intimidation, threats, or abuse, whether verbal or written, physical or psychological, direct or implied. For more information visit: http://www.ccsf.edu/Offices/Affirmative_Action/Policy_and_Procedures.htm • CelebrateWe consider the cultural diversity at CCSF as one of our finest assets. Encouraging students to embrace diversity is at the heart of our mission to provide a holistic education.
Validate Your Trained Officer Status Thank you for reviewing this presentation. There is only one more step to follow so that you may be placed on this semester’s “trained officers” list. Email: ccsf.icc@gmail.com With the subject line: “your officer position,” “club name,” PowerPoint completion ex: President, ABC club, PowerPoint completion In the body: copy and paste the statement below, insert your name where requested. I, “your name,” have reviewed and completed the ICC online officer training to the best of my ability. I agree that my club will act in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the ICC and with the Guidelines for the Management of Associated Student Funds at CCSF. Our club membership shall be open to all CCSF students regardless of race, creed, religion, sexual preference or physical ability. Upon receiving this email, the ICC will place you in this semester’s “trained officers” list. Remember that the club president, treasurer and rep must be trained. Communicate with your club members to ensure everyone has completed the appropriate steps.