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LibQUAL+ @ Samford

This study conducted in 2003 and 2005 at Samford University focused on the perceived quality of library services. Participants included faculty, staff, and students with incentives like gift certificates. The survey was presented to various committees and emphasized addressing weaknesses and utilizing radar charts and bar graphs for analysis. Recommendations included improving electronic resources accessibility and offering targeted education programs. Written comments highlighted the importance of modern equipment for information access.

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LibQUAL+ @ Samford

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LibQUAL+ @ Samford Spring 2003 and 2005 Jean ThomasonSamford UniversityJanuary 17, 2007

  2. Participants • Invited all faculty, staff, and students • Law students exception • 4 weeks • February 24 – March 21, 2003 • March 28 – April 22, 2005

  3. Incentives • Valentine week • 2 weeks before the survey • Display in the food court • Foyer of the library for the length of the survey • Palm Pilot or $100 Riverchase Galleria gift certificate • $100 Summit gift certificate

  4. Invitation • Via e-mail • From Director • Personalized by status • Reminders with results to date • School specific person

  5. % of Samford Patron Population that Participated

  6. Presentations 2003 • Library Staff • Learning Resources Committee • Quality Council • Academic Affairs Committee of the SGA

  7. Presentations 2005 • Library Staff • Learning Resources Committee • Faculty Senate

  8. Presentation Emphasis • Explained survey • Developed by… • Participants • Focused on the represented group • Radar charts briefly • Concentrated on weak areas • Detail in bar graphs • Use superiority mean for comparisons

  9. Good Poor Good

  10. Samford Samford Faculty

  11. Print and/or electronic journal collections I require for my work.

  12. Printed library materials I need for my work.

  13. Electronic information resources I need.

  14. Easy Answers • Peoplealwayswant more resources. • Administration needs to increasefunding.

  15. A library web site enabling me to locate information on my own.

  16. Making electronic resources accessible from my home or office.

  17. Solutions? • Education • E-struction • Offer individual sessions • Summer • Faculty Institute • New Faculty • Appeal • Deans to Librarians’ Meetings

  18. Modern equipment that lets me easily access needed information.

  19. Written Comments

  20. Samford Peer Institution

  21. Opportunity • Teaching • NAAL

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