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Geography – Country Study

Discover the physical characteristics of East Tennessee and learn how culture and geography intersect. Compare to global landscapes and study a foreign country using geographic tools.

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Geography – Country Study

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  1. Geography – Country Study Library Class

  2. Day 1

  3. BELLRINGER • Name three ways East Tennessee is different from other areas of the country? • Activating: What’s in your head? • Can you name the five themes of geography?

  4. Standard • 7.1.03 Appreciate the relationship between physical environments and culture. • a. Identify characteristics of a physical environment that contribute to the growth • and development of a culture. • b. Compare how cultures differ in their use of similar environments and resources. • c. Evaluate the effect of technology on various cultures.

  5. Standard TPI • • 7.1.tpi.1 research a country for a fictional visit. • • 7.1.tpi.2. host a cultural food fair bringing in recipes and/or food items from • varying cultures. • • 7.1.tpi.3. decide what is needed to define the character of a place. • • 7.1.tpi.4. draw a thematic map.

  6. Essential Question • Compare and contrast the physical characteristics of East Tennessee with other areas of world.

  7. Key Terms • Elevation • Coves • Plateau • Escarpment • Bottoms • Watershed • Hydroelectric power • Ecosystem

  8. Focal Questions • What are the major physical features of Tennessee? • What are Tennessee’s weather and climate like? • What important natural resources does Tennessee have?

  9. What is Geography? • Geography is the study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create.

  10. Germany Rhine River : Western part of Germany Rolling countryside in Germany

  11. Geographers Ask Questions • Why a place gets tornado? • Why a place gets tsunami activity more than other regions?

  12. Geography is also like a Social Science • Social Science studies people and how they relate to each other. To study people, geographers visit places, and talk to people about their lives. Children in vineyard, location South Africa Northern Cape.

  13. Geographers Study Three Levels • Local- May ask people why they live there. • Region- Study the common features of a place. • Global- Study how people interact all over the world. May study how people’s action affect other people and places.

  14. Geographer’s Tools • Geographer’s use maps and globes.

  15. Maps and Globes • Map- flat drawing that shows the Earth’s surface. • Globe- Spherical (round) model of the whole planet. • Both show what Earth looks like.

  16. Geographers Use Other Tools • Satellite images, computers, notebooks, tape recorders, and other forms of technology. • http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/13/world/asia/satellite-photos-japan-before-and-after-tsunami.html

  17. Assignment • Students you will log onto your computers and research foreign country. You cannot select Mexico or the United States. You will develop the most complete picture possible of this place and its people. Make a list of questions to ask and tools you would use to find the answers. By the end of class, tell me the country you would like to research more fully.

  18. Summarizing • Tell what you know. • On your computer you will create a folder titled Summarizing Notes. Each day you date it and the end of the day type in what you have learned for the day.

  19. Five Themes and Six Essential Elements • Themes • Location • Place • Human-environment interaction • Movement • Regions • Six Essential Elements • The World in spatial terms • Places and Regions • Physical Systems • Human Systems • Environment and Society • The Uses of Geography

  20. Day 2

  21. Bellringer/Activating • Bellringer: What are some features in our area that a physical geographer might study? • Activating: Can you formulate a theory of why and how people came to this area?

  22. Learning Target • I can discover the physical and human characteristics of my country. • I can discover how people may cause or create regions to interpret Earth’s complexity or difficult areas. • I can discover how a culture and experience can influence people’s perceptions of places and regions.

  23. Standard • 7.1.03 Appreciate the relationship between physical environments and culture. • a. Identify characteristics of a physical environment that contribute to the growth • and development of a culture.

  24. EQ • How does using the five themes help geographers understand the places they study?

  25. Review • What tools do geographers use? • Geography is the study of ________. • Name the five themes of geography.

  26. Place • Place is closely related to location. Place doesn’t refer simply to where an area is. It refers to the area’s landscape, the features that define the area and make it different from other places. Features include land, climate, people. They give a place its character.

  27. Place- East Tennessee

  28. East Tennessee

  29. East Tennessee

  30. Places and Regions

  31. Sources • Internet (updated cite) • Encyclopedia • Print sources (books) • Cite these sources in your notes file. • Summarizing: • Today’s date, what did you discover today about your country?

  32. Research the Place of your Country • Include: • The physical and human characteristics of your country. • How people create regions to interpret Earth’s complexity. (Complication) • How culture and experience influence people’s perceptions of places and regions.

  33. Physical System • The physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth’s surface.

  34. References: • http://www.southafrica.info/pls/cms/show_gallery_sa_info?p_gid=2922&p_site_id=38 • http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112187/germany_geography.htm • http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/13/world/asia/satellite-photos-japan-before-and-after-tsunami.html • Tennessee Geography.

  35. http://www.replayphotos.com/tennesseephoto/ • http://www.discoveret.org/index.php?p=Images

  36. Day 3

  37. BELLRINGER/ACTIVATING • BELLRINGER: If someone were to ask you about the location of Lenoir City, what answer would you give? • Activating: Draw a map of Lenoir City in relationship to Knoxville, Maryville, Oak Ridge, and Chattanooga.

  38. Learning Target/EQ • I can discover the physical processes of my country and how it shaped the patterns of Earth’s surface. (Think in terms of satellite images) • I can discover the characteristics and spatial distribution of ecosystems of my country.

  39. Standard • 7.1.03 Appreciate the relationship between physical environments and culture. • a. Identify characteristics of a physical environment that contribute to the growth • and development of a culture.

  40. EQ • Identify the physical characteristics of East Tennessee that would increase population growth.

  41. Location • Every point on Earth has a location, a description of where it is. Sometimes, a site is expressed in specific or (absolute) terms. Sometimes they are expressed in general terms. (relative)

  42. Absolute Location • Give specific numbers • 43◦, 23’ 15” north of the Equator • 34˚, 29’ 13” west of the Prime Meridian • Reads: 43 degrees, 23 minutes, 15 seconds north of the equator. • 34 degrees, 29 minutes, 13 seconds west of the prime meridian.

  43. Relative Location • Uses cardinal directions. North, south, east and west. • Lenoir City is west of Maryville and south of Knoxville.

  44. Find the Absolute Location • Keys word: Absolute+location+country or city. • Lenoir City, Tennessee – give the coordinates, write it out also. • Berlin • Tokyo • A city in Ireland • City in Finland • City in Iraq

  45. Research • Open up a new Word document and save it as Country Notes. At the bottom, type in summarizing. • Look at these countries. • Saudi Arabia – Relative location + 2 more facts • Pakistan • Australia • Sri Lanka • Oman • Argentina

  46. Research • Continue with your research and select one. • Create a Word document for you notes. At the bottom, type in the words summarizing. • Summarizing: Explain the difference between absolute location and relative location

  47. Final • You will use the essay template to guide you through and keep your thoughts organized. • Thesis example: • I. Geography is the study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create. There are five themes included in this study. In this paper I will reveal the five themes of my country and give example of each. A. XXXXXXXXXX

  48. BELLRINGER Compare and contrast the place and location of a area. Activating: Find a country in an encyclopedia and read about their culture. How is their culture different from yours?

  49. EQ: • Identify the physical characteristics of a country that would increase population growth.

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