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3 rd and 4 th Conjugation Present System

3 rd and 4 th Conjugation Present System. Latin II Grammar Review: Lesson 3. Review of Terms. Conjugation: a group of verbs that share the same infinitive form - ā re = 1 st Conjugation - ē re = 2 nd Conjugation -ere = 3 rd Conjugation - ī re = 4 th Conjugation. Review of Terms.

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3 rd and 4 th Conjugation Present System

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  1. 3rd and 4th ConjugationPresent System Latin II Grammar Review: Lesson 3

  2. Review of Terms • Conjugation: a group of verbs that share the same infinitive form • -āre = 1st Conjugation • -ēre = 2nd Conjugation • -ere = 3rd Conjugation • -īre = 4th Conjugation

  3. Review of Terms • Present System tenses are formed from the present stem • Present Tense • Imperfect Tense • Future Tense

  4. Review of Terms • 1st P.P: 1st person singular, present tense • 2nd P.P. present infinitive; present stem • 3rd P.P. 1st person singular, perfect tense; perfect active stem • 4th P.P. perfect passive participle

  5. The Formula for Present System • Basic formula for present system • Present Stem + Tense Sign + Personal Endings • Present Stem formed by removing the “ere” or “re” from the 2nd P.P. • If the vowel is long, it’s strong, so it stays

  6. Formation of Present Stems Third Conjugation • pono, ponere, posui, positus – a, um • ponere (-) “ere”  pon- Third Conjugation –io • facio, facere, feci, factus– a, um • facere (-) “ere” + i  faci- Fourth Conjugation • audio, audīre, audivi, auditus – a, um • audīre (-) “re”  audī

  7. Personal Endings Singular • -o/m (I) • -s (you) • -t (he, she, it) Plural • -mus (we) • -tis (y’all) • -nt (they)

  8. pono, ponere Stem = pon Pres Stem + o/i/u + P.E. ponoponimus ponisponitis ponitponunt I am placing you are placing he is placing we are placing y’all are placing they are placing Third Conjugation Verbs:Present Tense

  9. capio, capere Stem = capi Pres Stem + o/i/u + P.E. capiocapimus capiscapitis capitcapiunt I am capturing you are capturing he is capturing we are capturing y’all are capturing they are capturing Third Conjugation –io Verbs:Present Tense

  10. audio, audīre Stem = audi Pres Stem + o/i/u + P.E. audioaudimus audisauditis auditaudiunt I am hearing you are hearing he is hearing we are hearing y’all are hearing they are hearing Fourth Conjugation Verbs:Present Tense

  11. pono, ponere Stem = pon Pres Stem + eba + P.E. ponebamponebamus ponebasponebatis ponebatponebant I was placing you were placing he was placing we were placing y’all were placing they were placing Third Conjugation Verbs:Imperfect Tense

  12. capio, capere Stem = capi Pres Stem + eba + P.E. capiebamcapiebamus capiebascapiebatis capiebatcapiebant I was capturing you were capturing he was capturing we were capturing y’all were capturing they were capturing Third Conjugation –io Verbs:Imperfect Tense

  13. audio, audīre Stem = audi Pres Stem + eba + P.E. audiebamaudiebamus audiebasaudiebatis audiebataudiebant I was hearing you were hearing he was hearing we were hearing y’all were hearing they were hearing Fourth Conjugation Verbs:Imperfect Tense

  14. pono, ponere Stem = pon Pres Stem + a/e + P.E. ponamponemus ponesponetis ponetponent I shall place you will place he will place we shall place y’all will place they will place Third Conjugation Verbs:Future Tense

  15. capio, capere Stem = capi Pres Stem + a/e + P.E. capiamcapiemus capiescapietis capietcapient I shall capture you will capture he will capture we shall capture y’all will capture they will capture Third Conjugation –io Verbs:Future Tense

  16. audio, audīre Stem = audi Pres Stem + a/e + P.E. audiamaudiemus audiesaudietis audietaudient I shall hear you will hear he will hear we shall hear y’all will hear they will hear Fourth Conjugation Verbs:Future Tense

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