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Unsustainable consumption and production a big mouthful – also for the climate. Presentation by Lars Fogh Mortensen Head of Group, Sustainable Consumption & Production European Environment Agency European Economic and Social Committee
Unsustainable consumption and productiona big mouthful – also for the climate Presentation by Lars Fogh Mortensen Head of Group, Sustainable Consumption & Production European Environment Agency European Economic and Social Committee Public Hearing, Sustainability Consumption and Production, Brussels, 10 December 2008
Not rocket science... Achieving sustainable consumption and production is not rocket science...
It is much more complicated than that!
Messages Messages Messages • Environmental and climate pressures have increased because consumption growth has outweighed efficiency gains • Housing, food and mobility cause on average two-thirds of environmental pressures • The SCP Action Plan is a step in the right direction - the financial crisis may provide new opportunities • EEA and its new Topic Centre on SCP will support the implementation of the SCP Action Plan and the actors in the SCP triangle of change
Message 1 Environmental and climate pressures have increased because consumption growth has outweighed efficiency gains
Consumption growth outweighs efficiency gains • Today’s cars are much cleaner and more fuel efficient than 15 years ago, (dark green) but... • The number of cars on the road has more than doubled and people drive more (light green line) because of the lifestyle... • Hence, higher impacts from transport (blue line) Source: Europe’s environment – the fourth assessment (EEA, 2007)
Consumption growth outweighs efficiency gains • Dishwashers, TVs and washing machines are much more efficient than 15 years ago, (dotted lines) but... • the numbers in use have increased significantly (solid lines) • Hence, higher electricity consumption (red line) Source: Europe’s environment – the fourth assessment (EEA, 2007)
Message 2 • The production-consumption life-cycle of activities related to housing, food and mobility cause on average two-thirds of global environmental pressures from consumption in Europe, including • greenhouse gas emissions • material use Source: EEA and ETC/RWM environmental accounts of selected EU countries
Food and drink: 18% of GHG emissions 23% of material use One week‘s food of a family in the United Kingdom Source: „Hungry Planet: What The World Eats“, by Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio
Housing and infrastructure: 24 % of GHG emissions 32% of material use
Mobility: 18 % of GHG emissions 7% of material use
Message 3 The SCP Action Plan is a step in the right direction - the financial crises may provide new opportunities
Recommendations for the SCP Action Plan from 100 participants in 2007 SCP Time for Action Conference Greening of private procurement “Getting the prices right” Clearing house of SCP evidence Benchmarking Green Public Procurement 1st round 2nd round Spatial planning policies Orientation of the Action Plan Sustainability targets Coordination and coherence of policies Environmental management in public administration International definition of green / eco-product Spatial planning policies Integrated impact assessment of nat. policies “Getting the prices right” International definition of green / eco-product Sustainability targets Green Public Procurement Revision of the European Eco-label & VAT EU Directive on GPP Getting the prices right Final round Clear Sustainability Targets
The SCP Action Plan and the financial crisis • Consumption is not expected to continue to grow significantly in 2009 and 2010 – some countries in recession • Less likely to be available for private investments. But opportunities to redirect investments (public and private) towards sustainable technology • Pressures to rethink balance between market and regulation • Prices – and integrating environmental externalities - become more important. Opportunities for green tax reforms. • Increased need for business to focus on ressource efficiency
Message 4 EEA and its new European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ETC-SCP) will support the implementation of the SCP Action and the actors in the SCP triangle of change
EEA supporting SCP Action Plan and the actors in the triangle of change Public authorities EEA SCP indicators for Europe EEA environmental accounts EEA analyses on drivers of consumption EEA analyses of good practises in retailers Sustainable consumption and production EEA sustainable consumption scenarios EEA green tips Business Consumers EEA green tips EEA Environmental Technology Atlas EEA green consumption videos
Thank you for your attention lars.mortensen@eea.europa.eu www.eea.europa.eu