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Technical Soil Services

Technical Soil Services. “Soil Survey Support” Module 6. Rationale. To comprehend the role of Resource Soil Scientists in Soil Survey Operations. RSS role in soil survey support is an important key to meeting customers needs in technical Soil Services and soil survey support. Objective.

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Technical Soil Services

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  1. Technical Soil Services “Soil Survey Support” Module 6

  2. Rationale To comprehend the role of Resource Soil Scientists in Soil Survey Operations. RSS role in soil survey support is an important key to meeting customers needs in technical Soil Services and soil survey support.

  3. Objective Describe the role of Resource Soil Scientists in Soil Survey operations

  4. National Soil Survey HandbookResource Soil Scientists Roles • Responsibilities (655.03) Tech. services • NSSH Program Management (608.01-f) Area and Field offices • NSSH NRCS (601.01) NCSS Responsibilities (list 10)

  5. Soil Survey Offices at Regional, State and Local Level. MLRA Regional (MO) State Offices State Office (SO) Soils Program MLRA SSO (Counties/state)

  6. RSS Support at MLRA Regional (MO) and State (SO) Soils Offices Soil Interpretations (Irrigation, drainage etc) Models (Soil data) Soil Survey Products- (Maps, publications) Soil Survey Project Activities Education and Outreach

  7. RSS Support at MLRA SSO (Counties/state) Soil Mapping/Technical Soil Services Training Project Activities: Benchmark Soils Soil Investigations ESDs STATSGO What are your roles? or do you have a role? How much time is dedicated to C0-02 ? (typically 35 to 50%)

  8. Initial Surveys and Updates SSURGO Private and Tribal lands 61.2 million acres left SSURGO • Complete on 2,463 Survey Areas • 500 to go by the end of 2008

  9. STATSGO • What support Resource Soil Scientists provide when the State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) data base is being revised ?

  10. Resource Soil Scientists activities Related to Ecological Site Descriptions • Determine Soil Properties data to sort soils for grouping • Review soils and ESDs/FSGs to validate groups • Review Soil Properties data use for sorting soils for groupings

  11. Web Soil Survey will Deliver all Publications and Data WWW.soils.usda.gov

  12. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/efotg/

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