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New College English. Book Three. Unit Two. Myths and Legends. Unit Two. I Preparation. II Reading Activities. III Further Development. IV Translation & Writing. Part I Preparation. 1. An argument about the sun. 2. Who are they?. Activity 1 An argument about the sun.
New CollegeEnglish Book Three
Unit Two Myths and Legends
Unit Two I Preparation II Reading Activities III Further Development IV Translation & Writing
Part I Preparation 1. An argument about the sun 2. Who are they?
Activity 1An argument about the sun Directions: Read the fable and discuss in groups the questions below. When Confucius was traveling in the eastern part of the country, he came upon two children in a heated arfument, so he asked them to tell him what it was all about. “ I think,” said one child, “that the sun is near to us at daybreak and far away from us at noon.” The other contended that the sun was far away at dawn and nearby at midday.
Activity 1An argument about the sun “When the sun first appears,” said one child, “ it is as big as the canopy of a carriage, but at noon it is only the size of a plate or a bowl. Well isn’t it true that objects far awat seem smaller while those nearby seem bigger?” “When the sun comes out, “ pointed out the other, ‘”it is very cool, but at midday it is as hot as putting your hand in boiling water. Well isn’t it true that what is nearer to us is hotter and what is farther off is cooler?” Confucius was unable to settle the matter for them. The two children laughed at him, “Who says you are a learned man?”
Activity 1An argument about the sun Questions: • How would you answer the chidren’s question? • Why couldn’t Confucius settle the matter? • What is the lesson of the fable?
Activity 2Who are they? In every culture, there are some myths and classic tales whose appeal never fades, especially those beloved characters will always exist in people’s minds. Look at the pictures of six immortal characters. Discuss in groups about their names and stories.
Activity 2Who are they? Chang-er, the moon Goddess Sheung Ngo Dashing to the Moon Chang Er is Hou Yi’s Wife. She swallowed the pill of immortality and rose upwards towards the palace in the moon. She was committed to eternity alone in the moon because she had abandoned her husband. Each year on the 15th day of the eighth month, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest, people look at the moon and try to see in it the image of a beautiful maiden.
Part II Reading Activities 1. Pre-reading Questions 2. Text Organization 3. Sentence Study 4. Words & Phrases
Pre-reading Questions • What characteristics come to your mind when you think of a tortoise? Usually a tortoise doesn’t have a good teputation. A tortoise is very slow, very foolish. It is ugly but it has a long life. It is often the symble of longevity. But we have a story named “Tortoise and Hare”. Which depicts the tortoise as clever and determined, in the story, the tortoise has a race with the hare, Even though the hare runs much faster than the tortoise, the tortoise doesn’t give up and finally wins the race because the hare is too proud and takes a nap while the tortoise is crawling along.
Pre-reading Questions 2. Can you guess why the shell of the tortoise is not smooth? Give a brief explanation. I think his shell was smashed by something very hard. One day he was so hungry that he wanted to get into a castle to find some food. The place was very dangerous and because it was at night, he didn’t see that there were some traps. When he was approaching a piece of a pig’s liver, which he like very much, a big iron bar fell off and hit him. His shell was broken into piece. Some kind-hearted mice brought him to a witch, who mended his shell.
, Text Organization
Text Organization Para.1 • Ekwefi, the favorite and most skillful storyteller, • told folk stories. Para.2-21 Why the tortoise’s shell is not smooth?
Para.2 Why the tortoise’s shell is not smooth? Para.2 All the birds were invited to a feast in the sky Para.3 • Tortoise planned how he would go to the sky with all • the birds. Para.4-8 • Tortoise made all the birds agree that he was a • changed man, and they all gave him a feather, • with which he made two splendidly colorful wings Para.9-16 • Tortoise’s selfish words and deeds at the feast in • the sky. Para.17-21 • The birds’ revenge and Tortoise’s result.
Sentence Study 1. His body rattledlikea dry stick in his empty shell. (Line 13) 【译文】 他的身体就像一段枯柴棍在空荡荡的躯壳里咔咔作响。 【句型】 本句采用了明喻的修辞手法,非常形象地说明了乌龟饥饿的程度。like是介词,表示“像……一样”,是这个比喻句的比喻词,his body 是本体,a dry stick是喻体。明喻(simile)就是两个不同类对象之间的相似点进行比喻。明喻中常用like做比喻词,此外还有as, as if, as though, as … as, similar to等等。
Sentence Study 【例句】 It rainedas if the flood-gates of Heaven were opened, and it lighted awfully. Her happiness vanishedlike the morning dew.
Sentence Study 2. Slowly but surelyhe began to plan how he would go to the sky. (Line 14) 【译文】 于是他稳扎稳打地开始计划如何能到天上去。 【句型】slowly but surely: carefully in order to avoid problems 稳扎稳打地 【例句】Slowly but surelythe great ship glided into the water.
Sentence Study 3. And there he stood in his hard shellfull offood and wine butwithout any wings to fly home. (Line 69) 【译文】 他们宁可空着肚子飞回去。 【句型】 全句的主要结构是he stood there,there一词置前倒装。full of food and wine和without any wings to fly home两个短语作方式状语,说明乌龟现在酒足饭饱,但是却没有翅膀回家的窘迫状况。
Words & Phrases 1. approval n. 同意,批准 approve v. 同意 【例句】 Our teacher gave her approval to our plans for a graduation party. We will have to submit this plan forapprovalby the managing director.
Words & Phrases 2. eloquent adj. (1)雄辩的,有说服力的 (2) 清楚表明的 【例句】 Susan gave aneloquentspeech to her graduating class. Her enthusiasm made her quiteeloquent.
Words & Phrases • 3. mischievous adj. 调皮的,恶作剧的 • mischief n. 调皮,恶作剧 【例句】 • Gabby looked at him with a mischievous grin. • He needs a hobby to keep him busy and stop him fromgetting into mischief.
Words & Phrases • 4. faithfullyadv. • faithful adj. be faithful (in sth.) to sb./sth. • 1)忠实的,忠诚的,可信赖的 • 2)如实的,准确可靠的 • 3) 忠贞的,贞洁的 • 【例句】 • He isfaithfulin word and deed. • He will befaithfulto you if you marry him. • Do you think the film adaptation wasfaithfulto the book?
Words & Phrases • 5. deliver v. • 1)送递 • 2)生产 • 3)演讲 • 【例句】 • Our company willdeliveryour order to your door . • Annadelivereda healthy set of twins. • Shedelivereda talk on philosophy to the society.
Part III Further Development 1. Group Discussion 2. To Be a Good Storyteller
Group Discussion Directions:Discuss in groups the following questions. 1) What is the moral of “Beauty and the Beast”? 2) What is the moral of “The Monkey King”?
Group Discussion A good heart is more important than appearance. Although the Beast is very ugly, he loves Beauty and has a kind heart. In the end he wins the heart of beauty and the spell is broken by Beauty’s love. Nothing can be gained without any effort or hardship. If you want to succeed or make achievement, you have to face and overcome difficulties, or even great dangers. Tang Seng, Monkey and others had gone through eighty-one great dangers or hardships before they could obtain the authentic version of the Buddha’s teachings. Sample
To Be a Good Storyteller Directions:Prepare a fairytale or a legend and tell it to your class. The following titles are for your reference:” Pinnochio”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “ The Ugly Duckling”, “ Snail Girl”, “ Hua Mulan” and “ Lotus Lantern”.
All the Good Things His Spear Against His Shield In the state of Chu there was a man who had a spear and a shield for sale. He was loud in praises of his shield. “My shield is so strong that nothing can pierce it through.” He also sang praises of his spear. “My spear is so strong that it can pierce through anything.” “What would happen,” he was asked, “if your spear is used to pierce your shield?” He was unable to give an answer. Moral: It is impossible for an impenetrable shield to coexist with a spear that finds nothing impenetrable Sample
Part IV Translation & Writing 1. Translation Skills 2. Writing Practice
Translation Skills 如何处理英语否定句
Translation Skills 英语否定句的复杂性主要体现在英语否定词的多样性和否定词位置以及相互搭配的灵活性上。因此,译者可以将英语否定句划分为五个类型分类处理,即: 完全否定 不完全否定 双重否定 否定转移 意义否定
Translation Skills e.g. • I don’t know what course others may take, but, as for me, give me freedom or give me death! 我不管别人采取什么途径,对我而言,不自由,吾宁死。 2. I know you want a bigger house, but that’s neither here nor there, we can’t afford it now. 我知道你想要一幢大一点的房子,但你说了也没有用, 因为我们现在买不起。 完全否定一般只用一个否定词对意义的表达进行全面或完全否定,这类否定词标志明显,较容易掌握,比如:not, no, never, nobody, no one, nothing, neither … nor等。
Translation Skills 英语否定词与all, both, every, always等词连用时,就构成意义部分否定,即不完全否定。译者需要谨慎处理汉语的表达形式,以免造成歧义。 e.g. 1. In this opinion both parties may be right, but they cannot both be wrong. 据此看来,双方都可能对,但不可能双方都错。 2. The good and the beautiful do not always go together. 善同美并非始终相连。
Translation Skills 双重否定句既可以指意义的双重否定,同时也指句中含有两个标志明显的否定词,如no (not) … no (not), not … without, not … until等。就逻辑而言,双重否定一般是意义肯定的加强形式。因此译者可以译成汉语的肯定句,也可以根据实际情况保留双重否定的形式,加强语气。 e.g. There is no grammatical rule that has not exceptions. 没有一条语法规则没有例外(每条语法规则都有例外)。
Translation Skills 当英语否定词落在think, feel, believe, suppose等这些动词上,一般需要让英语的否定词转移到汉语句中肯定的陈述部分,即否定对象转移。 e.g. I don’t believe in letting children do whatever they like. 我认为不能让孩子为所欲为。 (比较:我不赞成让孩子为所欲为。)
Translation Skills 有些英语句中没有使用标志明显的否定词,但是句中却使用了一些含有否定意味的词。这类词多为副词性质,对全句进行修饰,比如:hardly, barely, scarcely等,这种情况可视为意义否定,译者应注意酌情处理汉语句的否定程度。 e.g. Easily was a man made an unbeliever, but hardly might he be turned to be another faith. 一个人可以轻易地变为不信宗教的人,但几乎不可能转而相信另外一种信仰。
Writing Practice Directions: Write a composition on the topic: Campus Superstitions. Your composition should be no less than 180 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1) 现代科技突飞猛进,但个别大学生有时会产生迷信念头; 2) 造成个别大学生产生迷信想法的原因; 3) 如何消除个别大学生的迷信心理。
Writing Practice Sample Campus Superstitions With the development of science and technology, we are able to control our own fate better than ever before. However, a few students are still superstitious. Some students try to find out their future on network fortune-telling games. Some are willing to pay all kinds of money just for a mobile phone number containing such “lucky” digits as 6, 8 or 9. Some students prefer to do every exam paper with the same pen or pencil with which they got high scores on previous tests. Some graduating students even go to the Buddhist temple to pray for a high score on graduate entrance exam or to find an ideal job.
Writing Practice Why does superstition have such a firm hold on campus life? There are various reasons. First of all, college students are curious about what their future holds, and online fortune-telling games could satisfy their curiosity. Secondly, like many Chinese, a lot of students believe lucky numbers can bring them good luck and fortune. Thirdly, college students face quite a lot of pressure in their study, so they seek safety and feel confident in superstitions. Last but not least, some students attribute their failure to bad luck and view their setback as “Fate would have it” (命里注定), meanwhile, they wish “Buddha could bless me” on tests or in job-hunting.
Writing Practice To break down campus superstitions, joint efforts must be made. School authorities should keep their eyes wildly open for the phenomenon. In addition, teachers, parents as well as friends or classmates should offer help to solve the problem. As for students themselves, it is crucial for them to develop healthy life styles both physically and psychologically. In short, if all sides concerned try their best, superstitions will not play such a wide role on campus.