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System Definition Review Team III

System Definition Review Team III. Derek Dalton Megan Darraugh Sara DaVia Beau Glim Seth Hahn Lauren Nordstrom Mark Weaver. Design Requirements. Alternative fuel: l H 2 Mid-sized 8 passengers Ultra long range business jet

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System Definition Review Team III

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  1. System Definition Review Team III Derek Dalton Megan DarraughSara DaViaBeau GlimSeth HahnLauren NordstromMark Weaver

  2. Design Requirements • Alternative fuel: lH2 • Mid-sized • 8 passengers • Ultra long range business jet • Providing non-stop service between locations such as Los Angeles-Tokyo

  3. Design Mission 3 2 7 4 1 8 6 0 5 9

  4. Market Overview • Projected 10-year revenue is $50B for the entire ultra long range market • Acquire 15% market share within 10 years • Approximately 20 aircraft sold annually • $1B in potential annual sales, 2% of total business aviation market • Expect to enter market in 2040 • Assuming $1B in development costs, will break even in 10 years

  5. Concept C Concept H Concept I Concept J Concept Generation

  6. Concept Generation

  7. Pugh’s Method

  8. Trade Study: SFC Range = 6000 nmi Cruise = .80 M Passengers = 8

  9. Hydrogen • Benefits: • Low SFC: 0.2 hr-1 • Able to complete design mission • Low emissions: H2O • Disadvantages: • 20 % increase in empty weight • 14% decrease in L/D • 4 X Volume

  10. Trade Study: Cruise Velocity Range = 5700 nmi L/D = 16 # Pass. = 8

  11. Trade Study: GTOW

  12. Trade Study: Range Range vs. # of Passengers at Design for Varying Mach Range (nmi) L/D = 16 GTOW = 48,463 lbs Cruise at 0.8 M # of Passengers

  13. Trade Study: Cost ($2005) GTOW vs. Range for Varying Mach $60 Mil. $50 Mil. GTOW (1000lbs) $40 Mil. $30 Mil. Cost = $36.7 Million Range (nmi)

  14. Selected Concept

  15. 27’’ 95’’ 48’’ 72’’ 54’’ 67’’ 39’’ 18’’ Cockpit Cabin Length = 35 feet Cabin Width = 7.5 feet = walk in closet = couch = insulation and partition Cabin Height = 6 feet = end table = seat = kitchen area = fold out table = lavatory Fuselage Layout

  16. 2 2 3,4 4 3 11 ft Passengers 8 ft 1 Pax Area 1 35 ft 78 ft Fuel Storage Fuel Weight = 12273.7 lbs LH2 Density = 4.23 lbs/ft3 • D = 8 ft, L = 43 ft, V = 2161 ft^3 9143 lb LH2 • D = 3 ft, L = 78 ft, V = 551 ft^3 2332 lb LH2 • D = 1.5 ft, L = 78 ft, V = 137.84 ft^3 583 lb LH2 • D = 1.5 ft, L = 78 ft, V = 137.84 ft^3 583 lb LH2 • Total: V = 2988.44 ft^3 12641 lb LH2 Nose: 2*8 = 16ft Tail: 3*8 = 24ft Total: 78 + 16 + 24 = 118 ft

  17. Constraint Diagram • Aircraft Constrained by Cruise and Landing • Thrust to Weight: 0.26 lbf/lbm • Wing Loading: 88 lbs/ft2 TSL/WTO WTO/S(lbs/ft2)

  18. Aircraft Parameters

  19. Comparison

  20. Future Consideration • More accurate cost model - especially development costs • Finalize sizing - utilizing FLOPS • Hydrogen Fuel Storage - safety - volume - additional hardware • Avionics Systems Integrations

  21. Questions ?

  22. Additional Information

  23. Trade Study Weight Fractions Wpay = 200*(4 Crew + 8 Pax)

  24. Empty Weight & Cost • We/Wo = A*WTOa*MCrb • A = 1.705571, a = -0.0762, & b = 1.1418 • [$]Aqcu. = A*WTOa*MCrb*Rangec • A = 577.7389, b = 0.0586, & c = 1.0027

  25. Trade Study: Range

  26. Cruise Speed at 6000 nmi

  27. SFC vs. GTOW Non-Cryo GTWO vs. SFC Trade Study Range = 5700 nmi Cruise = 0.8 M # Pass. = 8 L/D = 18.6 GTOW (1000 lbs) SFC (hr-1)

  28. Pugh’s Method Overview Purpose: To generate best aircraft concept using important design criteria which reflect customer needs and engineering requirements • Chose important criteria: 10 - 15 • Cost, drag, weight, interior design, stability, safety perceptions… • Create easy to share matrix of criteria and concepts • Create concepts and share with group • Clarify aspects of proposed design • Chose “datum” • Good concept • Used as source of comparison

  29. Pugh’s Method Overview [cont.] • Compare each concept to datum • Input data to matrix • (+) if concept better than datum, (-) if worse, (s) if same • Evaluate Ratings • Attack negatives and enhance positives • Eliminate negative features, keep positive features • Add hybrid concepts • Select new datum • Re-run matrix • Eliminate inferior concepts • Choose best concept

  30. Constraint Calculations • Thrust to Weight calculated as a function of Wing Loading. • Area above Takeoff and Cruise lines and left of Landing Line gives acceptable Thrust to Weight and Wing Loading. • Minimum thrust to weight and wing loading desired. • Takeoff: • STO = 1.21*(W/S)/(g*ρ*CLmax*(T/W)) • Landing: • SL = (1.15)2*β*(W/S)/(g*ρ*CLmax*μ) • Cruise: • TSL/WTO = (β/α)*[ρ*V2*CD0/(β*(WTO/S)+2/(ρ*V2)*1/(π*AR*e)*β*(WTO/S)]

  31. Parameter Calculations • Wing Area, S [ ft2] • W/S * (WTO) = 1/S • Wingspan, b [ft] • AR = 9 = b2 / S

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