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VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AND WORK. Vocational Guidance and Work. CONTENTS Introduction and general aspects Integration of deaf people into Labour Market and expected development Function and performance given by specialized social cooperative (ENS -Ente Nazionale Sordi). Actors.
VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE AND WORK 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
VocationalGuidance and Work CONTENTS • Introduction and generalaspects • Integrationofdeaf people intoLabour Market and expecteddevelopment • Function and performance givenbyspecialized social cooperative (ENS -Ente Nazionale Sordi) 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
Actors • Deaf-and-dumb National Authority (ENS) ENS offers a dailysupportto the family and the deafimpaired. Itrepresents the national authority forprotecion and assistanceofDeafimpaired in Italy aswellasanassociationthatpromotes welfare services. Credited authority totrain the school staff; Disabledsports’ PromotionalOrganization. • ANIMU National AssociationSignLanguageInterpreter, supplyinterpretingservices and aims at safeguarding the rights and promoting the respectofdutiesconcerning the deaf, the interpreters and the hearingsubject. • Associationssupport the studyofmethodology, didactic, ecc. AIES (italianassociationsdeafteaschers) FIACES ( ItalianFederationofAssociations and deaf educational centres) • Socio-Educational Centres (C.S.E) (vocational training - ASL) • CentresofDocumentationfor the Integration (regionalregulation) 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
Actors The Region • Decree 17, law 104/92 provides the Professional Training The regions, implementatingwhatisprovidedbydecree 3, first comma, words l) and m), and 8, first comma, words g) and h), Law 21 december 1978, n. 845, realize the integrationof the handicappedsubjectinto the ordinaryprofessional training in public and private centres and guaranteeto the handicappedstudentswho are notabletomakeuseofordinarylearningmethods, the acquisitionof a titlethroughspecificactivitiesrelaredto the activitiesof the professionale training centre, considering the curriculum counsellingduring the scholastic iter. Forthisreason, aid and necessarytools are givento the centres. 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
Vocational Training organization The vocational training accessofdisabledisregulatedbyindividualregions. • Ordinarycourses: training coursesfor a specificprofessionalisationwhichallow the presenceof 1 or 2 disabledstudents per eachcourse and a supportteacherforevery 5 students , and thesestudents can attend more different training courses (up to 8) whereasotherstudents can attendonly 4 courses. • Training on the job fordisabled : training coursesfinalizedtoachieveexperience and workingcompetencestobe spent in more professional working areas .In thesecoursesbecomesveryimportant the global action that considers the cognitive, affective, behavioral and communication and is implemented through symbolic play and drama . Thesecourses involve mainlyyoungdisabledstudentswithoneteacherforevery 4 students, and mayhave a duration up to 4 years. • Training coursesfundedby UE (FSE): thesecourses are funded and designedto facilitate the market entry fordisabled and the accessisbased on requirementsspecified in competitionnotices. • Preparatorycourses : oneyear , fordisabledwhoneed a guidance and training tovocational training. 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
Statement on disabilities • Regulations for the right to work of disabled people. " published in the Official Gazette No. 68, March 23, 1999 – finalized to the promotion of inclusion and integration of disabled people into employment through services support and targeted employment 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
Employmentsupportfordeaf people The current legislation provides for the intervention of interpretation between deaf and hearing in specific areas : school, university , labor market, legal , drive licence, information and communication, medical and social needs. the figure of the interpreter plays a professional role (Article 56 of Law 89/13) : “If the deaf can not read, he must have an interpreter, who shall be appointed by the President of the tribunal among people accustomed to deal with it and that can be understood with signs and gestures . The interpreter must have the necessary requirements to be a witness, and must take an oath to the Act, as provided for in paragraphs. 10 and 12 of 'Rule 51. 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
Distributionemploymentofdisabled ( > 15 yearsold) 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE IN ABRUZZO 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE PERCENTAGE OF INCLUSION TO WORK 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
HEARING IMPAIRED LISTED 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION 2010-1-TR1-LEO04-15973 Project n. LLP-LDV-PA-09-IT-277 Meeting in Italy Feb 2011