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So far all our functions were linear. In many situations, it might not be the case.

So far all our functions were linear. In many situations, it might not be the case. Example : Production cost. c 1 = $11 /unit for first 5 items c 2 = $8 /unit for next 4 items c 3 = $5 /unit for next 7 items c 4 = $7 /unit for next 10 items

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So far all our functions were linear. In many situations, it might not be the case.

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  1. So far all our functions were linear. • In many situations, it might not be the case. • Example: Production cost. • c1= $11/unit for first 5 items • c2=$8/unit for next 4 items • c3=$5/unit for next 7 items • c4=$7/unit for next 10 items • The cost of producing x items is an example of so-called piecewise linear function:

  2. How to include piecewise linear cost functions in an objective function of LP? • Idea: Introduce a new variable for each cost segment. For i=1,2,3,4 yi = number of items produced at cost ci Then the total number of items is x =y1+y2+y3+y4 . We need constraints 0  y1  5, 0  y2  4, 0  y3 7, 0  y4 10 , (*) and the production cost in the objective function is 11y1 + 8y2 + 5y3 + 7y4 • What is the shortcoming of this model?

  3. We should require that • y2>0 implies that y1=5(1) • y3>0 implies that y2=4(2) • y4>0 implies that y3=7(3) • Introduce new variables to translate these requirements into linear constraints. For i=1,2,3,4, • Proper constraints relating wi and yi will provide that requirements (1)-(3) are satisfied. y2  4w1and 5w1  y1provide (1) y3  7w2 and 4w2  y2provide (2) y4  10w3and 7w3  y3provide (3)

  4. Summarizing, the bound constraints in (*) should be substituted with 5w1  y1 5, 4w2  y2 4w1 , 7w3  y3 7w2 , 0  y4  10w3 . • Generalizing, suppose we have k segments with lengths L1, L2, …, Lk . Then the necessary constraints: L1w1  y1 L1 , Liwi yi  Liwi-1for i = 2, …, k-1 0  yk  Lkwk-1

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