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Study Notes

Study Notes. 11 th Grade American Literature 2 nd Semester Final Exam. What will be on the final?. Periodicals Informational text Hemingway and Old Man and the Sea Thoreau and Walden Bach and Illusions, Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Allegory. PERIODICALS - what to study.

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  1. Study Notes 11th Grade American Literature 2nd Semester Final Exam

  2. What will be on the final? • Periodicals • Informational text • Hemingway and Old Man and the Sea • Thoreau and Walden • Bach and Illusions, Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah • Allegory

  3. PERIODICALS - what to study • What is a periodical? • What are the various types of periodicals? • What is a press release? • What’s the impact of the digital age?

  4. PERIODICALS • The word periodical is a generic term • Refers to materials published in PERIODically • Daily • Weekly • Monthly • All periodicals require readership to exist

  5. PERIODICALS • Examples of periodicals include: • Magazines: glossy, colorful, interest driven • Newspapers: newsprint, more geographically, classifieds, obituaries • Trade newsletters: printed newsletters, bulk mailed • E-zines: electronically distributed, web-based • Blogs and vlogs: electronic, individually funded • Scholastic journals: educationally focused/funded, printed text

  6. Periodicals • Press Release: • Written by anyone • Call to action • Gets to the point • Covers: Who, what, • when, where, why, • and how

  7. INFOMATIONAL TEXT - what to study • Types of informational text • Their importance

  8. Informational text • Law - IE: The Civil Rights Act and Miranda Rights • Binding Agreements – IE: marriage vows, wills • Warnings – IE: smoking labels • Instructional manuals - IE: car manual • Safety tips – IE: FFA instructions for flying

  9. Informational Text Why is informational text important? • Governs society • Prevents mishaps or emergencies • Informs • Protects against harm or death • Identifies terms of contracts

  10. HARLEM RENAISSANCE - what to study • What was it? • When was it? • What came from it? • Artists, performers, and writers • Know the works of Langston Hughes

  11. HARLEM RENAISSANCE What was it? • A great migration of blacks • Harlem was one of the largest destinations • An expression of freedom from slavery • Enormous cultural impact on the US

  12. HARLEM RENAISSANCE When was it? • Came decades after the Emancipation Proclamation • Started in 1919 • Ended in 1935 • It was over by WW2

  13. HARLEM RENAISSANCE What came from it? • Black artists, musicians, singers, and writers • Blues: sad lyrics from past wrongs • Jazz: joyful lyrics of a hopeful future • Artistic roots of American art culture

  14. HARLEM RENAISSANCE What came from it? • Black artists, musicians, singers, and writers • Blues: sad lyrics from past wrongs • Jazz: joyful lyrics of a hopeful future • Artistic roots of American art culture

  15. HARLEM RENAISSANCE - Artists Aaron Douglas Archibald Motley Palmer Hayden

  16. HARLEM RENAISSANCE - Singers • Billy Holiday: blues singer, Strange Fruit • Ella Fitzgerald: Queen of Jazz, scat, How High the Moon • Louis Armstrong: jazz, trumpeter, What a wonderful World • Duke Ellington: big band, movies, Take the Train

  17. HARLEM RENAISSANCE Langston Hughes • Theme for English B: his experience at Columbia University • I Too: a response to Walt Whitman • The Negro Speaks of Rivers: rivers connected to black history • Yes M’am: narrative on values

  18. Hemingway – what to study • Hemingway’s background • His writing style • Old Man and the Sea

  19. Hemingway His background • A newspaper man • A combat reporter • Avid fisherman • Large game hunter • Battled depression and alcoholism • Committed suicide

  20. Hemingway Writing style • Wrote in a journalistic style • Short sentences • Was inspired by hunting and fishing • Includes his life value principals

  21. Hemingway Old Man and the Sea • Spiritual • Overcoming something greater than yourself • Being a friend; having a friend • Losing someone you love • Inspired by nature • About living simply • Fiction

  22. Thoreau – what to study • Transcendentalism • Thoreau’s writing style • Walden

  23. Thoreau • Transcendentalism: it has two aspects • Life goes full circle • Nature teaches us everything • It was inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson • It only lasted about 25 years • Emily Dickenson: transcendental poet

  24. Thoreau Thoreau’s writing style • Uses imagery • Is inspired by nature • Long descriptive sentences • Goes into great detail • Uses alliteration (repetitive sounds)

  25. Thoreau Walden • Spiritual from a transcendentalist perspective • Micro-living and living simply • A 2-year experiment • Writes of his own experience • Learning from nature • Non-fiction

  26. Bach – what to study • Bach’s background • Bach’s writing style • Illusions, Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

  27. Bach Bach’s background • Pilot of small planes • Flew for the military • Still living • Family man • Survived a plane crash

  28. Bach Writing style • Writes fiction • Find interesting perspective angles • Is inspired by flying • Uses imagery

  29. Bach Illusions, Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah • It’s all an illusion • Tells parables(illusions) within an illusion • Writes himself into the novel • Survives the loss of a loved one • Includes a journal, the story, and a manual • Fiction

  30. Allegory • Allegory: a story with hidden meaning • Theodore Seuss Geisel was Dr. Seuss • Wrote children stories • Wrote political satire • Wrote allegories • Examples of Allegory • Yertle the Turtle – about Hitler and communism • The Lorax– about ecology • The Wizard of Oz – about the economy

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