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French Study Notes. By: Kivtej 8B. Present Tense Verbs. Regular Verbs:. The first type of regular verbs are: ER When conjugating ER verbs, you remove the ER at the end and replace it with the following:
French Study Notes By: Kivtej8B
Present Tense Verbs Regular Verbs: The first type of regular verbs are: ER When conjugating ER verbs, you remove the ER at the end and replace it with the following: The red indicates the infinitive ending that is to be removed and the green indicates the present tense ending that must be added to conjugate the verb. Je regarder - Je regarde Nous regarder – Nous regardons Turegarder - TuregardesVousregarder – Vousregardez Il regarder- Il regardeIlsregarder– Ilsregardent Elle regarder– Elle regardeEllesregarder– Il/elleregardent
- IR Verbs The next type of regular verb is: IR The red indicates the infinitive ending that is to be removed and the green indicates the present tense ending that must be added to conjugate the verb. Je Finir – Je Finis Nous Finir - Nous Finissons Tu Finir - Tu Finis Vous Finir - Vous Finissez Il/elle Finir - Il/elle FinitIls/elles Finir - Ils/elles Finissent Some more -IR Verbs: Finir 5. Accomplir Choisir 6. Blanchir Rougir
- RE Verbs The red indicates the infinitive ending that is to be removed and the green indicates the present tense ending that must be added to conjugate the verb. Je Vendre – Je vends Nous Vendre - Vendons Tu Vendre – Tu vends Vous Vendre – Vendez Il/elle Vendre - Il/elle Vend Ils/elles Vendre – Vendent Other RE Verbs: Perdre 3. Descendre 5. Rendre Vendre 4. Entendre 6. Attendre For Il/elle do not add anything
Irregular Verbs There are many irregular verbs. All irregular verbs conjugate differently. Faire – to do; to make Etre – to be Je fais- I Do/I make Je suis Tu faisTues Il/elle fait Il/Elle est Nous faisons Nous sommes Vous faitesVousêtes Ils/elles font Ils/Ellessont
Verbs Cont. 3. Aller – to go 4. Avoir – to have Je vais- I’m going J’ai Tu vas- Tu as Il/elle va- Il/Elle a Nous allons- Nous avons Vous allez- Vousavez Ils/Elles vont- Ils/Ellesont Please compare these verbs carefully. They are frequently confused!
Negation In negation there is only one rule, and that rule is that: one and only one verb goes in the ne … pas sandwich, and that is the first verb. Negation and the futurproche Je vais manger du chocolat Je nevaispas manger dechocolat. Negation and le passé composé J’aimangé du chocolat Je n’aipasmangé de chocolat. Negation and the pronoun “EN” Est-cequ’il y a du chocolat? Non, iln’y en apas! Negation and Inversion A-t-il de belles soeurs? N’a-t-il pas de belles soeurs? The ne…pas sandwich is shown in red, the verb is in blue.
Futur Proche Futur Proche is formed by conjugating aller and following it with an infinitive (the – er, -ir, - re form of the verb). In French, aller means “to go” and is used, as in English, to show the immediate future Je vais- I’m going Infinitive Tu vas- you’re going nager Il/elle va- he or she is going finir Nous allons- we are going vendre Vous allez- you are going attendre Ils/Elles vont- they are going courir Je vaismangerdu chocolat- I am going to eat chocolate Tu vasjouer au hockey?- You are going to play hockey? Je ne vaispasétudier. I am not going to study. Vas-tu chanter au concert? – Are you going to sing at the concert? Non, je n’yvais pas chanter.
Double Verbs Sometimes we want to use two verbs in a sentence. When we do, we only conjugate the first verb and the second verb stays in its infinitive form (- er,- ir,- re form). This is the same as how the futurproche is formed, except a variety of verbs are used as the first (or auxiliary) verb. Example: J’aime manger. I like to eat. Je sais nager. I know how to swim. Je veux finir. I want to finish Je dois attendre. I have to wait. Puis-je aller aux toilettes? Can I go to the washroom? Voulez-vous aller au concert? Do youwant to go to the concert? Ils ne veulent pas faire leurs devoirs.Theydon’twant to do theirhmwk. J’ai voulu acheter cette robe! Je n’ai pas dû finirmes devoirs ce soir! Je ne veux pas en manger. I don’twant to eatany!
Passé Composé The 1st part of the passé compose is the auxiliary verb. Most of the time this auxiliary verb is AVOIR. There are only a small number of verbs which use ETRE as an auxiliary verb: those are the Dr/Mrs. Vandertramp verbs. The 2nd part of the passé composé is the past participle. It is not a verb in the sense that it does not conjugate. The past participle is formed by changing the –er, -ir and -re infinitive endings, to é, i, and u. Avoir: J’ai mangé Nous avonsregardé Tu as finiVousavezrougi Il/elle a attenduIls/ellesontvendu Être Je suis sortie Nous sommessorti(e)s Tues sortieVousêtessorti(e)(es)(s) Il estsortiIlssontsortis Elle est sortie Ellessont sorties
Formation of the past participle In the passé composé, the majority of past participles are regularly formed. The pattern is: Mangermangé Finir fini Vendre vendu Examples with avoir: J’aimangédu poulet J’ai finiun biscuit Examples with être: Il est sorti Je suis tombé
Irregular Past Participles that still use AVOIR Avoir eu – to have Pouvoir pu – to be able to Savoir su – to know something Devoir dû – to have to; must; ought Voir vu – to see Vouloir voulu - to want Faire fait – to do, make Ecrire écrit – to write Dire dit – to say Lire lu – to read Connaîtreconnu – to know someone Être été – to be (I was, etc) *Mettre mis – to put *Prendre pris – to take *Ouvrir ouvert – to open
DR & MRS VANDERTRAMP VERBS (THESE TAKE ÊTRE) Devenir devenu – to become Revenir revenu – to come back; to come again Monter monté – to go up; to climb Rester resté – to stay Sortir sorti – to go out; to exit; to come out Venir venu – to come Aller allé – to go Naitre né – to be born Descendre descendu – to go down; to descend Entrer entré – to enter; to go in; to come in Retourner retourné – to return; go back Tomber tombé – to fall (HINT : tumble) Rentrer rentré – to come back in ; re-enter Arriver arrivé – to arrive Mourir mort – to die Partir parti – to leave
Y/EN 1, 2 Rule: Rule 1: If there is only 1 verb, then the Y/EN goes BEFOREthe 1st verb Rule 2: If there are only 2 verbs, then the Y/EN goes BEFOREthe 2nd verb (which is an infinitive, not a participle). The pronoun Y replaces a prepositional phrase. That means that the prepositional phrase is removed and the pronoun Y is added to the sentence (see the 1, 2 rule above with respect to where it is placed). Prepositional phrases can begin with a variety of prepositions (À , dans, sur, etc), but this year we have focused on those that begin with À À+ le= au À+l’= à l’ À+ la= à la À+ les= aux
The prepositional phrase that will be replaced is shown in red and the verb(s) are shown in blue. Participles are in green. On vaà la bibliothéque On yva . 2.Elles marchentà l’école. Ellesymarchent. 3. Je vaismarcherau magasinet ellene veut pasy marcher.Veux-tuyaller? Ilsontfaitleurs devoirs à la bibliothèque. J’yaitravailléaussi.
Y/EN The pronoun en is used to replace partitive phrases that begin with the following partitives: De + le = du De + la = de la De + l’ = de l’ De + les = des The partitive phrase is shown in red and the verb is shown in blue. Nous voulonsde la salade. Nous envoulons. 2. Je veuxavoirdu café. Je veuxenavoir. 3. Tuasdûfaire des devoirs, n’est-ce pas? Oui, j’enaidûfaire.
Inversions To form a question by inversion you switch the verb with the subject. The subject pronouns are: je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles. Example: Je vais manger- I am going to eat Vais-je manger?- Am I going to eat ? Tu vas jouer au hockey- you are going to play hockey. Vas-tu jouer au hockey- you are going to play hockey? 3. Il a unesoeur. A-t-ilunesoeur? Does he have a sister? 4. N’ont-ils pas venduleurmaison? Didn’t they sell their house? Note: When the inversion, means that there are two vowels together (a-il) , a “t” is added to separate them.
B.A.N.G.S. Adjectives A,B,C, rule Almost all adjectives go after the noun they describe, But the B.A.N.G.S. adjectives go before the noun ‘Cause they do. B.A.N.G.S. stands for beauty, age, number, goodness and size because the adjectives that go before the noun they describe can be grouped into those categories. Beauty: Beau/laid Âge: nouveau/ancien/vieux/jeune Number: dernier/premier/1,2,3,4,5 etc. Goodness: bon/mauvais Size: grand/gros/long/petit In addition, many of these adjectives also have irregular feminine forms.
Possessive Adjectives My Mon Ma Mes Your (tu) Ton Ta Tes His/HerSon Sa Ses Our Notre NotreNos Your (vous)VotreVotreVos Their LeurLeurLeurs It is important to remember that possessive adjectives, like all other adjectives in French, must agree with their subject. In the case of the possessives, that means they agree in gender and number with THE THING POSSESSED, not the possessor. Voici Marie et sonchien et regarde, voila Marc et sonchien. This is Marie and her dog and look, there is Mark and his dog. Marc estfaché; Marie a prissachaise. Mark is angry; Marie took his chair.
Adverbs In English to make an adjective into an adverb we add the suffix “LY” Example: Beautiful + ly = Beautifully In French, adverbs are also formed by adding a suffix to an adjective. However, in French, the suffix is added to the feminine form of the adjective. Regular masculine adjectives end in a consonant and the feminine adjective is formed by adding “E” . The adverb is formed by adding “MENT” to the feminine form:
Adverbs formed with “ment” If theMASCULINE form of an adjectiveENDS WITH A VOWEL(i or u),the adverb is created by adding MENT to it. It is not necessary to an an “e” first.
Comparatives and Superlatives Simple Adjectives: Le garҫon intelligent- the boy is intelligent (A,B,C rule – the adjective goes after the noun) La belle fille triste - the beautiful girl (A,B,C rule – the B.A.N.G.S. adjective is going before the noun)
Comparative Adjectives There are 3 types of comparisons in French: More ….. Than - Plus … que+ Less ….. Than – Moins …. Que- Equal /As …. As - Aussi …. Que= Note the comparison is in red and the noun it modifies is in green. Il estplus intelligent que son père. He is more intelligent than his father Est-ellemoinsintelligentequesamère? Nous ne sommes pas aussicurieuxquenosancêstres.
Meilleurque et Pire que There are also two irregular comparisons: Meilleur … que better than Meilleurs …. que Meilleure…. que better than Meilleures …. que Pire …. que worse than Examples of the comparative: Note the comparison is in red and the noun it modifies is in green. Est-ilmeilleurqueson pèrecomme chef? Elleestmeilleurequesasoeur. Les maths sontpirequel’art pour moi.
Superlative Adjectives There are only two forms of superlative adjectives: Le /la/les plus – the most Le/la/ les moins – the least There are also two irregular superlatives: Le meilleur/les meilleurs La meilleure/les meilleures Le pire Examples of Superlatives: The superlative is in red, the noun it modifies is in green. Pay attention to the placement of the superlative phrase. Il estle garҫon leplus intelligent. Elle est la fillela plus bavarde de la classe. Ilssontles plus grandsgarçons de l’écolemaisils ne sont pas les meilleursjouersde volleyball.