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The Skeletal System

The Skeletal System. The Skeletal System. What is a Bone? The Inside of a Bone Four Main Jobs of a Bone The Spine Ribs Hands and Feet Hips and Legs Arms Joints Joints Movie Quiz About the Author References Concept Map. Quit. What is a Bone?.

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The Skeletal System

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  1. The Skeletal System

  2. The Skeletal System • What is a Bone? • The Inside of a Bone • Four Main Jobs of a Bone • The Spine • Ribs • Hands and Feet • Hips and Legs • Arms • Joints • Joints Movie • Quiz • About the Author • References • Concept Map Quit

  3. What is a Bone? • The skeletal system is made up of the bones and cartilage that forms the framework of your body. • We have bones so that we are not a puddle of skin and guts on the floor. • Babies have more bones in their bodies. • Adults have 206 bones. Main Menu

  4. The Inside of a Bone • A bone is made up of salts, water, and tissue. • 2 Types of Bone: Compact and Cancellate • Inside a bone there is a jelly substance called bone marrow. • Bone marrow produces blood cells for the body. Quit Main Menu

  5. Four Main jobs of a Bone: • To protect your body and give it shape. • To protect your internal organs. • To provide a scaffolding for your muscles, allowing you to move. • To store minerals and make blood cells. Quit Main Menu

  6. The Spine • The spine is the central support for the body. • The spine is made up of separate bones called vertebrae. • Between each vertebrae is cartilage which keeps bones from rubbing against each other. • FUN FACT: there are 26 vertebrae in the human body. Quit Main Menu

  7. Ribs • “Your rib cage is made up of 12 vertebrae, 24 ribs and a breastbone in three parts. It protects your heart and lungs from knocks and bumps.” Quit Main Menu

  8. Hands and Feet • The bones in your hands and feet are VERY flexible. • The foot has 26 bones. (tarsals, metatarsels, and phalanges) • The hand has 27 bones. (metacarpals, carpals, and phalanges) • Bones in the toes are shorter and fatter than the bones in the fingers. This helps us to balance on two feet. Quit Main Menu

  9. Hips and Legs • The hip bone helps us to stand upright and move. Hip bones support most of weight • The main bones of the legs are the tibia, fibia, and femur. • The patella (kneecap) is in-between the leg bones. Quit Main Menu

  10. Arms • The bones in the arm are very flexible. • The three bones that make up the arm are the ulna, radius, and humerus. • The two bones that form the shoulder are the clavicle and the scapula. Quit Main Menu

  11. Joints The Pivot Joint Hinge Joint The Gliding Joint Ball-and-socket Joint View More on Joints! Quit Main Menu

  12. Pivot Joint • The only pivot joint in your body is located in your neck. • It allows you to turn your head left and right.

  13. Hinge Joint • Hinge- 
A hinge joint allows extension and retraction of an appendage. (Elbow, Knee)

  14. Glidding Joint • Gliding- 
In a gliding or plane joint bones slide past each other. Mid-carpal and mid-tarsal joints are gliding joints. (Hands, Feet)

  15. Ball and Socket Joint • Ball and Socket- 
A ball and socket joint allows for radial movement in almost any direction. They are found inthe hips and shoulders. (Hip, Shoulder)

  16. Quiz • How many bones are in an adult? 4. What is another name for kneecap? • 342 bones A. Sternum • 100 bones B. Phalanges • 85 bones C. Tibia • 206 bones D. Patella 2. What is the jelly substance inside a bone called? 5. The legs are connected to what ? • Cartilage A. The Hips (Pelvis) • Bone Marrow B. Skull • Compact Bone C. Hands • Joints D. Heart 3.What Bone protects the internal organs BONUS QUESTION!!! like the lungs and heart? What joint is found in the ankle? • The Spine A. Pivot Joint • The Femur B.Gliding Joint • The Ribs C.Hinge Joint • Pelvis D.Ball-and-socket Joint Quit Main Menu

  17. Video Review • http://www.discoveryeducation.com/administrators/curricular-resources/science/index.cfm • Minutes 6:44-13:00/ 13:38-15:00

  18. References • Great Source Education Group. Science Saurus: A Student Handbook. Wilmington: Great Source Education Group, 2006. • http://library.thinkquest.org/5777/ske1.htm • http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/biology/humananatomy/skeletal/skeletalsystem.html • http://www.dhmc.org/dhmc-internet-upload/file_collection/ms.web.ms5347.xray.jpg • www.unitedstreaming.com • http://services.epnet.com/getimage.aspx?imageiid=4695 Main Menu Quit

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