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Criteria for Applications and Services within the Internet of Things Prof Anthony Furness Technical Director, AIM UK

Prague Conference – March 2011. Criteria for Applications and Services within the Internet of Things Prof Anthony Furness Technical Director, AIM UK.

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Criteria for Applications and Services within the Internet of Things Prof Anthony Furness Technical Director, AIM UK

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  1. Prague Conference – March 2011 Criteria for Applications and Services within the Internet of Things Prof Anthony Furness Technical Director, AIM UK The views expressed are those of the author and to be considered by the CASAGRAS2 (Coordination And Support Action for Global RFID-related Activities and Standardisation) partners

  2. The Internet of Things • The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that is now attracting attention across the world; yet there is still fuzziness as to what it means • Definitions often contain rhetoric that may well fuel enthusiasm and dreams of what might be achieved, but sadly without adequate consideration of the form and functionality for the concept that prompted the prediction • Fuzziness is leading to disparate, islands of developments and applications, characterised by different understanding of what constitutes the IoT • While they may be successful in there own right the differing foundations diminish the potential for a globally harmonised networked infrastructure for ‘things’ • Too important to important to be left to fragmented development

  3. The Internet of Things • Requires International Framework of Structure and Governance based upon a clear statement of structure – a structure that determines the nature of applications and services that can be supported • Such a statement is must be based upon unequivocal Imperatives - • The existing and future Internet • Interfacing with the Physical world objects

  4. The Internet of Things – Imperatives The Internet of Things is an integrated part of the Future Internet So lets step back and look a little more at the Internet as an electronic network of networks that packages application information into packets and transmits them over communications media between computers according to simpleprotocolsor rules. Email – Web - Instant Internet Application, such as world wide web - SMTP – HTTP – IMAP Protocols for creating virtual spaces of information - TCP – UDP - Protocols for exchanging information between programs on networked computers IP Protocol (IPv4, IPV6) for routing packets of information across the Internet between IP addressed computers & servers - Ethernet – PPP - Protocols for delivering packets in local networks - CSMA – async - Protocols for encoding packets onto communications media - Wire – Fibre – Radio - Physical communications media

  5. The Internet of Things – Imperatives The Web – Application on the Internet Page Link Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML) name with URL (URI) Universal Resource Locator to serve up page to Internet as web page Use URL (URI) Universal Resource Locator through Internet Service Provider to link with web site through Internet Email – Web - Instant - SMTP – HTTP – IMAP - TCP – UDP - IP Domain name server (DNS) look-up for IP addresses - Ethernet – PPP - Network access - CSMA – async - - Wire – Fibre – Radio -

  6. The Internet of Things – Imperatives Internet linkage exploiting the Internet protocol stack Servers and other computers, having IP addresses as functional constituents of the Internet Email – Web - Instant - SMTP – HTTP – IMAP - TCP – UDP - IP End point , end-user computers, having IP addresses as functional constituents of the Internet - Ethernet – PPP - - CSMA – async - - Wire – Fibre – Radio -

  7. The Internet of Things – Imperatives Internet linkage exploiting the Internet protocol stack and interfacing / interaction with the physical world through object-connected technologies Servers and other computers, having IP addresses as functional constituents of the Internet End point , end-user computers, having IP addresses as functional constituents of the Internet Object-connected entities without embedded computers Interfacing with the physical world through object-connected devices and interfaces eg bar codes and bar code readers – part of the IoT

  8. New Domains Internet of People Internet of Energy Internet of Services New layering prospects for the Internet to support IoT New Types of Network Extending the capabilities of the Internet to serve the prospects for the Internet of Things Prospects for layering Application Areas – accommodating legacy coding systems Resolver coding across the Internet

  9. The Internet of Things – Internet and Internet-independent prospects Internet Connected Internet Independent A B Object-connected entities without embedded computers The Internet – Endpoint computers Embedded prospective Endpoint computers C Object-connected entities without embedded computers Private computer networks E D To what extent will Internet endpoint computers embrace embedded, prospective endpoint computers and private networks? Prospective Internet of Things is likely to embrace A,B,C,D and E and extend the ‘Edge’ Internet component Scope and a case for new domains? Scope and a case for an additional network of networks?

  10. Further layers of Data Capture Technology ID + Additional Item-attendant data Interrogator / Gate way device Host Information Management System Wider area communications and Networks Actuators Actuators Actuators Sensory data carriers Interrogator / Gate way device Host Information Management System Networked data carriers Internet + Interrogator / Gate way device Host Information Management System Physical interface zone The Internet of Things – Imperatives – The CASAGRAS Inclusive Model

  11. The Internet of Things – The CASAGRAS inclusive model Internet Connected Internet Independent B Object-connected entities without embedded computers The Internet – Endpoint computers Embedded prospective Endpoint computers A C D Object-connected entities without embedded computers E Private computer networks CASAGRAS Inclusive Model – Internet independent CASAGRAS Inclusive Model – Internet connected

  12. CASAGRAS Inclusive Model – Edge Technologies ID + Additional Object-connected data Range of ID and data carrier types– from basic single ID read-only function to high volume data carrier and processing capabilities Sensory data carriers Range of ID, sensory and data carrier types– from basic single sensing devices to ‘first-touch’ modular sensor systems able to accommodate a range of sensor devices Types of basic data carriers Range of ID and network-capable data carrier types– from basic one-way communication devices to two-way communication structures with sensing and processing capabilities Networked data carriers Physical interface zone – Object-connected ICT technologies

  13. PDA 802.11a/b/g Wireless NIC Laptop PC 802.11a/b/g Wireless PCI Adapter DVI Cable PC LCD Panel CASAGRAS Inclusive Model – Edge Technologies • Exploiting existing and evolving communications and mobility structures: • Wireless platforms for sensor systems and mobility • Personal, local, metropolitan and extended wireless networks

  14. CASAGRAS Inclusive Model – Edge Technologies • Service oriented architecture and the applications’ space: • Exploiting developments in service oriented architecture (SOA) • Exploiting the capability of ‘Internet’ connectivity and reach in in services and applications, eg: • Exploiting developments in object-connected ICT and opportunities for multiple identification and network supported functionality in business processes (Extended Process Functionality)

  15. CASAGRAS Inclusive Model – Edge Technologies • Exploiting developments in computing and network ubiquity, particularly with respect to: • Embedded processing and communication platforms • Intelligent processing • ‘Intelligent’ sensors and sensor networks • Heterogeneous network integration Source: Nomura Research Institute, 2000.

  16. The Internet of Things – Application Space Home Appliances Human-to-Object Communication Sensors PC TV Vehicle RFID tag Camera PDA Exploiting Object space and Ubiquitous networking And seeking the value propositions to make it worthwhile Networks & Evolving Internet Object-to-Object Communication Human-to-Human Communication Database, Web, application server Home server, gateway Wearable PC Smart Card Telematics, Navigation Device Human-to-Object Communication Mobile Phone Medical Device Objects (Remote Monitoring and Information Devices) Ubiquitous Networking Humans with Attached Devices Source: Chaesub Lee, ITU-T

  17. Schematic presenting suggestions for support functionality for IoT applications and services. Access to expert data / information, eg Evidence-based medicine and diagnostic services, Super-Navigator GPS-related services information, (Human-machine-machine - Human) Internet-based facilities National / International survey data gathering eg Financial /economic/ resources / energy usage (Human-machine-machine - Human) Physical World Object-based Systems Regional, National / International sensory data gathering eg For monitoring and protection of pooled resources / flood defences – (machine-machine - Human / Actuation) Regional, National / International data gathering eg For forecasting purposes – weather/ natural disaster prevention (machine-machine-Human Activation) Cloud computing– Object-based data processing needs (Human / machine-machine-Human) Systems-defined automated software downloads and up-dates for application and service systems eg. Security support systems, surveillance systems, transport management and associated information, mobile phone-based Aps– (machine-machine) Remote data analysis, eg automated analytical services for industry, commerce and services eg. Mastitis detection (Precision livestock farming), (Human-machine-machine - Human)

  18. The Internet of Things – CASAGRAS Inclusive Model – RFID Applications Underground Assets in Smart Cities Source – Trac-ID

  19. Pressure sensor sensors The Internet of Things – CASAGRAS Inclusive Model – RFID Applications City Assets Management Source – NIA – Korea – CASAGRAS1 < Water > < Sewage > 약 500m Road conditions management underground facilities management • Management center • Collecting and analyzing sensor data • Detecting leakages, fatigue, etc. • Displaying road weather information < Road sensors >

  20. Precision AgricultureSource – NIA – Korea – CASAGRAS1 The Internet of Things – CASAGRAS Inclusive Model – RFID Applications sensor data Sensor Network Collecting and analyzing Management for optimal conditions

  21. This, and much, much more… Spanning the here and now and the future… Underpinning Smart City and smart environmental developments… Thank you for your attention www.iot-casagras.org

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