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Staffordshire Engagement Network

Alex Green and Ed Hockey Snap Surveys. Staffordshire Engagement Network. surveyshop@snapsurveys.com. Why are we weighting?. Figures have changed slightly Changes do not effect all findings Main issues likely to be at subgroup level

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Staffordshire Engagement Network

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Alex Green and Ed Hockey Snap Surveys Staffordshire Engagement Network surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  2. Why are we weighting? • Figures have changed slightly • Changes do not effect all findings • Main issues likely to be at subgroup level • Weights and inflation factors have been issued to Primary contacts • Snap will amend all reports to be in keeping with the new data set • …but please be patient!

  3. Public land clear of litter surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  4. Response rate surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  5. IMD and response rate

  6. Nationally surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  7. “BV 3” 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 2001 2003 2006 2008 All England Unitaries County District

  8. Main positive movements Main negative movements National trends: main variations - 17%: People not treating each other with respect and consideration -13%: People using or dealing drugs +5%: Satisfaction with the area +2% : Theatres and concert halls - 8%: Overall satisfaction with the authority - 8%: Local tips -11% Public land clear of litter and refuse -12%: Sport and leisure facilities -12%: Provides value for money

  9. Satisfaction with the council

  10. ‘Perception gaps’ Mean satisfaction with services Satisfaction with Council

  11. ‘Perception gaps’

  12. IMD vs Overall Satisfaction Overall satisfaction Deprivation surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  13. Overall satisfaction vs NI 5 area as a place to live Satisfaction with area Overall satisfaction surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  14. Value for money vs Overall satisfaction Overall Satisfaction Collinearity? Value for money surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  15. Refuse collection vs Satisfaction Satisfaction R2 = 0.1374 Refuse collection surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  16. Overall satisfaction vs NI 4 Ability to influence decisions Overall Satisfaction surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  17. Involvement indicators surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  18. Can influence decision making (NI 4) surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  19. Involved in decision making surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  20. Involvement and influence % can influence decision making Been involved

  21. Would like to be more involved surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  22. Given unpaid help (NI 6) surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  23. Seek people’s views about ASB surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  24. Successfully dealing with crime & ASB (NI 21) surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  25. Understanding & Dealing with ASB Seek people’s views about ASB Successfully dealing with ASB

  26. ASB surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  27. ASB a problem in the neighbourhood surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  28. Deprivation and ASB % High level of perceived ASB R2 = 0.645 Deprivation surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  29. IMD vs drug dealing in area Drug dealing as a problem Deprivation surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  30. IMD vs drunk or rowdy behaviour as problem Drunk or rowdy behaviour Deprivation surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  31. NI 5 Satisfaction with area vs NI 17 Perceptions of ASB Perceptions of ASB Area as a place to live surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  32. End of presentation surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  33. Performance Matrix Absolute performance Absolute performance

  34. NI 5 Satisfaction with area vs NI 17 Perceptions of ASB Perceptions of ASB Area as a place to live surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  35. Satisfaction vs like to be involved Like to be more involved Overall Satisfaction surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  36. IMD – NI 5 Satisfaction with area Satisfaction with the area Deprivation surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  37. Refuse collection vs Value for money Value for money Refuse collection surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  38. Public land clear of litter surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  39. Waste collection surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  40. Doorstep recycling surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  41. Local tips surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  42. Local transport info surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  43. Local bus service surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  44. Sport and Leisure facilities surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  45. Libraries surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  46. Museums and galleries surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  47. Theatres and concert halls surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  48. Parks and open spaces surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  49. Value for money surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

  50. Overall satisfaction surveyshop@snapsurveys.com

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