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CHANGE MANAGEMENT IN MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN KOSOVO. PhD. Candidate ENVER DACI European University Of Tirana e nver_daci@hotmail.com. ABSTRACT.
CHANGE MANAGEMENT IN MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN KOSOVO PhD. Candidate ENVER DACI European University Of Tirana enver_daci@hotmail.com
ABSTRACT • Change management is an important issue in today's business environment, which changes constantly. Change has become a constant for business organizations and microfinance institutions, which need to change in order to remain competitive in the market. • Organizations and microfinance institutions must anticipate and respond to environ- mental changes in order to remain competitive and survive. Therefore, need more information about how to run, managed and in particular how to change organizations.
INTRODUCTION • Organizations are shown in the form of various sizes; they offer a variety of products and services and face many challenges. "Perhaps the only common factor for all organizations is change" • Making changes and management of this process have been important for organizations all the time, especially in today's environment. 'Organizational change is as old as the organization itself. • Three of the most important challenges for management in the 21st century are: changing, technology and globalization
The purpose of the study • This paper aims to answer several research questions related to the management of change in organizations. The main goal is to show the factors that influence the success of the change in business organizations in Kosovo. • To achieve this goal a review of several models of change to understand who are the main factors affecting the process of changing his success. • Organizations implement changes of various kinds and operate in different environments.
The importance of the study • Why was elected management of change? • Today change is everywhere. Even more static organizations are changing. Looking at the speed at which this change is happening, strategic challenge remains the management of this change. • Pressure for change will continue to grow. According to Kotter (1996) the change will happen fastest rates in the business environment in the future and the pressure on organizations to transform will increase.
LITERATURE REVIEW ON MANAGEMENT CHANGES • Change management studies show that the changes come in all forms and the ability to manage these changes is seen as an important component of the organization's ability to compete successfully (Burnes 2009). • Review of literature begins with the definition of change and management changes, the kinds of changes and the reasons for the resistance, and continuing on the second main stock theories of change.
What is the management of change? • Change management is an important issue in today's business environment, which changes constantly. • Today leaders are working in one of the most dynamic environments we have ever seen, where change is rapid and frequent (Robbins 2008). • Organization will change because everything around them is changing. • In order to change the function people should follow a plan to move from the current situation to the future situation.
What is the management of change? • In the case of the image of 'leaders' of the manager is on hand to guide the organization to change in certain ways to achieve the required change. • 1 Tinkering- refers to small changes remedial (Abrahamson 2000) • 2 Kludging- is similar to tinkering with the distinction that has to do with knowledge; it has wider reach and include more parts of the organization (Abrahamson 2000).
Types of changes • The first step in managing the change is to understand what type of changes needs to be implemented in the organization. • As a result the types of changes required to achieve these organizations have become more complex. • Managers need to understand the types of change in order to develop effective implementation plans
Resistance to change • As mentioned above, management of change is becoming increasingly important in today's business environment. • Change management has to do with acceptance of the amendment and its results from all those involved and affected by it, as well as effective management of resistance to change. • . According to various researchers, wherever there is change there is resistance.
Resistance to change • "Resistance to change in itself is neither good nor bad", it can be the basis or not, but always it is an important signal that requires further investigation by the management • Some important moments about the resilience during changes should be considered are: • Resistance conveys a message; it is a way of saying that a person has needs that are not met. • Resistance is a sign to understand that the process of change has started.
Resistance to change • Resistance is often misinterpreted as if people do not want to change. In fact people want to grow and develop within the organization. But how change is managed brings distress to people and they show resistance. • Open resistance is 'healthy' because people understood the concerns and is easier to work with. While unspoken resistance is more difficult to treat because as long as the problems are not expressed can’t be treated. • The way we treated resistance will affect whether it will become an obstacle to change or not (Gregory 2003). Ford & Ford (2009: 100) consider the resistance 'as an important form of feedback.
CONCLUSION • Changes faced by various organizations are ranked from small changes to major changes / transformation. • Resistance is a phenomenon that accompanies change, and its mismanagement or misunderstanding of the causes of resistance can make it turn into an obstacle to change. • Three of the most important challenges for management in the 21st century are: changing, technology and globalization.
CONCLUSION • In today's business environment organizations face the changes of various kinds. • The ability to change management is considered as an important component of the organization's ability to compete successfully. • Today leaders are working in one of the most dynamic environments we have ever seen, where change is rapid and frequent.
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