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Explore the importance of mentoring and multiplying leaders in Christian leadership development. Learn about the mentoring relationship range, broad areas for mentoring S-Leaders, and understanding leadership styles. Discover how to guide, delegate, direct, and excite others in developing purpose, vision, core values, and strategies. Dive into knowing your key responsibilities, setting goals, and planning daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly activities. Uncover the significance of purpose, vision, and core values in fulfilling your personal destiny and call. Mentoring and multiplying S-Leaders is crucial for a flourishing ministry and impactful leadership.
ChristianLeadership DevelopmentMentoring and Multiplying Leaders31 October 2010
What do you understand by the term Mentoring? Why do we need to multiply leaders? 7 Broad Areas for Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders Moses Joshua Elijah - Elisha Jesus Christ - the 12 - the 3 Paul Timothy - Faithful Men - Others 2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others”.
The Mentoring Relationship Range of Mentoring Relationships Model Teacher Coach Discipler Sponsor Counselor Spiritual Guide From PASSIVE to INTENSIVE From LESSto MORE DELIBERATE
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders 7 Broad Areas to look into: 1. Understanding leadership styles. 2. Knowing purpose. 3. Having a vision / mission. 4. Developing core-values. 5. Forming strategies. 6. Responsibilities of spiritual leadership. 7. Effective Communication.
1. Understanding leadership styles (Spectrum of Leader Behavior) القائدالمُتسلِّط • التخاطب من أعلى إلى أسفل • الأوامر (عن طريق الأمر المباشر) • سُلْطة المنصب • الأشخاص يخضعون: • يفعلون الأشياء لأنّهم مرغمين • الأشخاص يقضون وقتاً فيالعمل:يُنتجون بحسب المعاييرالطاقة تتناقص(عديمو الطاقة) • Communication is downward AUTHORITARIAN L • Orders (tell oriented) • Positionpower • People give complianceDo things because they have to • People put in time • produce to standard • energy decreases(energyless)
PARTICIPATIVE L • Two- & multi-waycommunication • القائد المُشارِك • التخاطب باتّجاهين أو أكْثر • النفوذ (قائم على الإخبار والطلب) • سُلْطة شخصيّة • الأشخاص مُلْتزمون:يفعلون الأشياء لأنّهم راغبين • الأشخاص يقضون وقتاً وطاقةً في العمل: يُنْتجون أكْثر مِمّا هو متوقّع الطاقة تزداد (متحمّسون( • Influences (tell & ask oriented) • Personal power • People are committed. Do things because they want to. • People put in time and energy. • perform beyond expectation • energy increases (enthusiastic)
Factors Influencing Leadership Styles العوامل المؤثّرة في أنْماط القيادة Personality of the leader His value system His confidence in his group His leadership inclination Personality of the group members Their need for independence Their desire for responsibility Their skills, etc شخصيّة القائد نظام القِيَم لديه ثقته بمجموعته ميله القياديّ شخصيّة أعضاء المجموعة حاجتهم للاستقلال رغبتهم في تحمُّل المسئوليّة مهاراتهم، الخ. طبيعة الجوّ المُحيط بُنْية المنظّمة الضُغوط الخارجيّة: الاجتماعيّة والاقتصاديّة والسياسيّة طبيعة المهمّة أهمّيّتها وتعقيدها مدى إلحاحها Nature of the Environment Structure of the organization Outside pressures : social, economic and political Nature of the Task It’s importance and complexity It’s urgency
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders WILL- want to do The How? Guide Delegate Direct Excite SKILLS- can do
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders • 2. Knowing Purpose • Purpose asks the question: WHY? • WHYare you born? • WHY are you here on this earth? • WHY does your church-ministry exist?
Purpose Driven Life God has planned for you & I :- i. To be a certain type of PERSON (Romans 8:29) ii. To fulfill His particular PURPOSE (Ephesians 1:11; 2:10) WHO am I becoming? Am I fulfilling God’s CALL AND PURPOSE for my life? Your Personal Destiny
CALL AND PURPOSE Romans 8:29 “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son” Ephesians 1:11 ”in whom also we were made a heritage, having been foreordained according to the purpose of him who works all things after the counsel of his will” Ephesians 2:10 ”For by his act we were given existence in Christ Jesus to do those good works which God before made ready for us so that we might do them”.
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders • 3. Have a Vision / Mission • Vision asks the question: WHAT? • WHAT do you believe God wants you/your church/ministry to be involved in to fulfill your purpose? Impact Local Community Plant Local Churches Be a House of Prayer for the Nations Make Disciples who will multiply
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders • 4. Develop Core-values • Biblical Principles • Convictions to build Faith About Provision Protection Wisdom and Favour Perseverance Offenses Spiritual Life Faith Unity in the Body
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders • 5. Form strategies to achieve purpose-vision • Strategies asks the question: HOW? • HOW will we achieve our vision? As a leader know my key responsibilities Set goals based on my key responsibilities
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders 5. Form strategies to achieve purpose-vision A. Everything must be done to the Glory of the Father. B. Everything must be done under the Lordship of Christ. C.Our Help is the Holy Spirit D.Strategy of Ownership
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders • 6. The responsibilities of spiritual leadership - The “LOW Principle”. • A. L - LEAD • i. We must lead boldly and courageously. • ii. We must lead diligently[Romans 12:11].
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders • 6. The responsibilities of spiritual leadership - The “LOW Principle”. • A. L - LEAD • iii. We must provide leadership to our people. • iv. We must grow as a leader. • v. We must deal with the struggles of leadership.
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders • 6. The responsibilities of spiritual leadership - The “LOW Principle”. • B. O - OVERSEE • i.e. To shepherdand to Pastor. How
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders 6. The responsibilities of spiritual leadership - The “LOW Principle”. B. O - OVERSEE i. Engage every leader and member under your oversight. ii. Communicate effectively. iii. Pray for and with them.
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders 6. The responsibilities of spiritual leadership - The “LOW Principle”. C. W - WORD 1 Corinthians 14:3(NIV) But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. 1 Corinthians 14:3(NKJV) edificationand exhortationand comfort
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders 7. Communication. It must be: E - Effective C - Clear and Creative P - Personaland Passionate
Mentoring and Multiplying S-Leaders Wisdom - Isaiah 11:2 The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. 2وَيَحُلُّ عَلَيْهِ رُوحُ الرَّبِّ، رُوحُ الْحِكْمَةِ وَالْفَهْمِ، رُوحُ الْمَشُورَةِ وَالْقُوَّةِ، رُوحُ الْمَعْرِفَةِ وَمَخَافَةِ الرَّبِّ