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Effective Use of Data for Learner Support

Explore how data can inform interventions and support strategies to enhance student achievement. Reflect on practices and analyze data for targeted actions. Investigate resources and opportunities for school-wide planning. Enhance learning outcomes through data-driven decisions.

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Effective Use of Data for Learner Support

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  1. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Assessment Data Module 6 How do I use data to plan for learning?

  2. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Assessment Data How do I use data to plan for learning?

  3. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Aims: Assessment Data • To investigate the role of data as a part of Curriculum Accountability • To consider the issues related to the use of data • To further develop knowledge about the use of data

  4. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Assessment Data • The third dimension of accountability as described in the Curriculum Accountability Statement states that all learners can expect: • ‘INTERVENTION AND SUPPORT STRATEGIES BASED ON AN ANALYSIS OF LEARNER ACHIEVEMENT DATA’ Activity 1 • Describe a recent example where you have used learner achievement data to intervene and support a learner. • How do the five dot points for educators listed on the next slide compare with the process you worked through? • What were the strengths of your process? • What are the areas that need development?

  5. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Dimension 3: Intervention and support programs based on an analysis of learner achievement data Assessment Data • analyse learner achievement data to inform planning and practice • actively involve learners, their families and specialist personnel in the construction of intervention and support strategies • monitor the effectiveness of these strategies and document progress and modifications • identify learning targets associated with intervention and support strategies • reflect critically on their practice based on learner achievement data

  6. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Activity 2 Assessment Data • Reflect critically on your practice based on learner achievement data. Examine one of the examples of when you used learner achievement data to intervene and support a learner in more detail. • In examining this data you may like to consider the following ideas: • Patterns and trends in the data • Has a long term pattern emerged for this learner that is different from other learners? • Was there a similar pattern for other learners in the class? • Was this learner a part of a targeted group? • What other support and intervention strategies have been tried? • Sources of data • Is this one of a range of data sources you are analysing? • Did you consider possible errors in the data? • Did colleagues agree with your analysis? • If there has been little or no progress so far what else can you do?

  7. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Benefits of using dataActivity 3 - Improving student learning using student achievement data Assessment Data • How can this information improve the learning outcome for that individual student or particular group of students? Data analysis has shown an achievement pattern that is different for an individual student or particular group of students.

  8. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Additional resources Assessment Data • Two DETE resources that should be in your school are: • Student Achievement Information at Work - SA DETE 1997 • Turning Data Into Information- SA DETE 1999

  9. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Where to now - Other possibilities for whole school planning Assessment Data • Investigate and discuss other schools’ use of data • Do a data audit and answer the question:Are we using available data strategically? • Find out about target setting • Investigate an issue in your classroom using action research

  10. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Assessment Data

  11. Accountability Assessment Data Accountability Assessment Data

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