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PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES. What is persuasion?. A means of convincing people: to buy a certain product to believe something or act in a certain way to agree with a point of view. Common persuasive techniques often used in advertising. Bandwagon Testimonial Emotional Appeal Plain Folks

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  2. What is persuasion? A means of convincing people: to buy a certain product to believe something or act in a certain way to agree with a point of view

  3. Common persuasive techniques often used in advertising Bandwagon Testimonial Emotional Appeal Plain Folks Snob Appeal Slogan

  4. Bandwagon You are urged to do or believe something because everyone else does.

  5. Bandwagon “Everybody’s doing it!”

  6. Testimonial Famous people endorse a product or idea.

  7. Testimonial

  8. Emotional Appeal Words or images that appeal to the audience's emotions are used. The appeal may be to emotions such as fear.

  9. Emotional Appeal .

  10. Plain Folks Ordinary people sell a message. You are to believe that because these people are like you, they can be trusted.

  11. Plain Folks

  12. Snob Appeal A play on our desire for fancy things and the "good life". Jewelry, expensive cars, perfumes, designer clothing and accessories are often marketed using snob appeal..

  13. Snob Appeal

  14. Slogan A catchy phrase or statement often used to sell a service or a product.

  15. Slogan .

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