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This chapter discusses the parts and functions of the skeletal system, including bone structure, ossification, divisions of the skeleton, common bone categories, and parts of the long bone. It also covers the bones of the skull, jaw, and spinal column, as well as joints, tendons, ligaments, and sinuses.

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  2. Objectives Objectives After studying this chapter, you will be able to: • Name the parts of the skeletal system and discuss the function of each part. • Define combining forms used in building words that relate to the skeletal system.

  3. Objectives Part 2 Objectives CONT’D • Name the common diagnoses, laboratory tests, and clinical procedures used in treating the skeletal system. • Define the major pathological conditions of the skeletal system.

  4. Objectives Part 3 Objectives CONT’D • Define surgical terms related to the skeletal system. • List common pharmacological agents used in treating the skeletal system.

  5. Structure and Function Structure & Function Forms the body framework Protects and supports internal organs Stores the mineral Calcium Consists of bones and joints

  6. Bones Structure & Function Bones • Bone cells are called osteocytes • Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells • Osteoclasts are responsible for reabsorbing dead bone tissue • Contain a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves

  7. Ossification phosphorus calcium vitamin D Structure & Function Bones The development of osteocytes and the hardening process is called ossification. Ossification depends on:

  8. Divisions of the Skeleton • Axial • Skull • Spinal column • Ribs • Sternum • Appendicular • Upper & lower extremities • Pelvic girdle

  9. Common Bone Categories Structure & Function Bones The adult skeleton has 206 bones. Common Bone Categories • Long bones • (Femur) • Short bones • (Wrist bones) • Flat bones • (Skull) • Irregular bones • (Vertebrae) • Sesamoid bones • (Kneecap)

  10. Spongy bone Articular cartilage Epiphyseal disks Proximal epiphysis Space containing red marrow Compact bone Medullary cavity Yellow marrow Diaphysis Periosteum Distal epiphysis Femur Parts of the Long Bone • Diaphysis • Shaft or longest portion • Compact bone • Hard dense part of bone that does not bend • Spongy bone • Covers medullary cavity • Epiphysis • Ends of long bone • Epiphyseal plates: growth plates • Contains red marrow

  11. Spongy bone Articular cartilage Epiphyseal disks Proximal epiphysis Space containing red marrow Compact bone Medullary cavity Yellow marrow Diaphysis Periosteum Distal epiphysis Femur Parts of the Long Bone • Medullary cavity • Hollow space • Contains yellow marrow • Tissues of a bone • Periosteum-outer covering of bone • Endosteum-lines medullary cavity

  12. Parts of Long Bones • Bone marrow • Red bone marrow • Manufactures erythrocytes & leukocytes • Yellow bone marrow • Composed of fat cells • Functions as fat storage

  13. Parts of Long Bones Part 2 Spongy bone Articular cartilage Epiphyseal disks Proximal epiphysis Space containing red marrow Compact bone Medullary cavity Yellow marrow Diaphysis Periosteum Distal epiphysis Femur Parts of a Long Bone • Articular cartilage is a thin flexible substance that provides protection at movable points.

  14. Bones of the Skull • Cranium: encloses the brain (skull) • Frontal • forehead • Parietal • Roof and upper sides of cranium • Occipital • Posterior floor and walls of cranium • Temporal • Sides and base of cranium

  15. Bones of the Jaw • Mandible • Lower jaw bone • Only moveable part of skull • Maxilla • Upper jaw bone

  16. Fibrous joints or Sutures • Consisting of inflexible layers of dense connective tissues; don’t allow movement • Ex: Where cranial bones join & fuse • Fontanelles: • Soft spots on infant skull

  17. Other joints • Cartilaginous joints • Ex: ribs connect to sternum • Slight movements; bones are connected to cartilage • Synovial joints: permit movement • Ex: ball and socket, hinge, etc. • Lined with a synovial membrane • Synovial fluid • A joint lubricator • Helps synovial joints move easier • Bursa • Sac lined with synovial membrane • Helps reduce friction

  18. Tendons and Ligaments Tendons are bands of fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bone. Ligaments connect bones to other bones. Structure & Function Tendons and Ligaments

  19. Sinuses • Frontal sinuses • Ethmoid sinuses • Maxillary sinuses • Sphenoid sinuses Sinsuses Cavities that reduce the weight of a bone.

  20. Spinal Column Structure & Function Spinal Column • Cervical = 7 • Thoracic = 12 • Lumbar = 5 • Sacrum = 5 • Coccyx = 1 Consists of five sets of vertebrae

  21. Thoracic cavity • Ribs • 12 pairs • Called costals • Attach posterior to thoracic vertebrae • 7 pairs • True ribs • Attached anterior to sternum • 3 pairs • False ribs • Attached anterior to cartilage • Joins with sternum • 2 pairs • Floating ribs • Not attached anteriorly

  22. Thoracic Cavity Sternum: • Manubrium • Upper portion of sternum • Body of sternum • Middle portion of sternum • Xiphoid process • Cartilage • Lower portion of sternum

  23. Shoulders • Clavicle • Collar bone • Connects sternum • Scapula • Shoulder blade

  24. Pelvic girdle HIPS • Ilium • Upper blade shape • Ischium • Lower portion near hips • Pubic bone • Fuse together with sacrum • Pubic symphysis • Cartilage joint that holds bones together

  25. Bones of the Extremities Upper Arm Lower Arm • Humerus • Ulna • Radius Hand and Fingers • Carpals (wrist) • Metacarpals (palm) • Phalanges (fingers) Structure & Function Bones of the Extremities

  26. Bones of the Extremities Part 2 Upper Leg • Femur (thigh) Structure & Function Bones of the Extremities (Cont’d) Lower leg • Tibia (shin) • Fibula (little fibber) • Patella (kneecap) Feet and Toes • Tarsals (ankle) • Calcaneus (heel) • Metatarsals (arch) • Phalanges (toes)

  27. Pathology Pathology Causes of skeletal disorders • Birth defects • Injury • Degenerative disease • Systemic disorders

  28. Pathology-Birth Defects • Spina bifida • Incomplete closure of spinal cord & protrusion-meningocele

  29. Pathology-Birth Defects • Talipes • AKA: club foot • congenital deformity of the foot • curled shape or twisted position of the ankle, heel & toes

  30. Pathology-Injuries • Herniated disk • Disk is compressed & protrudes • Presses on nerve causing sciatica • Pain radiates from butt down leg to foot/toes

  31. Pathology-Injuries • Fractures • Incomplete fracture • Fracture line doses not extend through bone or disrupt the entire thickness of bone • Greenstick fracture • Incomplete break that occurs almost exclusively in children

  32. Pathology-Injuries • Fractures, cont. • Comminuted fractures • Bone broken in several places and splinters of bone can be embedded in surrounding tissue • Compression fracture • Bone collapses due to disruption of bone tissue

  33. Pathology-Injuries • Fractures, cont • Compound: • Causes disruption of skin and soft tissue • Fragment of bone punctures skin • Often complicated by infection

  34. Pathology-Injuries • Tendinitis: overuse of a joint • Dislocation: when bones in a joint become displaced or misaligned • Subluxation: partial dislocation

  35. Pathology-Pain & Discomfort • Arthritis: inflammation of joints • Arthralgia: joint pain • Ankylosis: stiff joints • Osteoalgia- bone pain

  36. Pathology-Abnormal Postures • Kyphosis • Rounded bowing of back at thoracic area • Scoliosis • Lateral curvature of spine

  37. Pathology-Abnormal Postures • Lordosis • Abnormal inward curvature of lumbar vertebrae

  38. Surgical Terms Surgical Terms Almost any major part of the skeletal system can now be surgically repaired. Supportive devices • Traction • Prosthetic devices • Cast • Splints

  39. Surgical Terms External fixation • Splints or casts Internal fixation • Pins or rods

  40. Surgical Terms • Reduction: return of a part to normal position • Open reduction: done surgically • Closed reduction: external manipulation of dislocated bones

  41. Surgical Terms • Traction • Aligns ends of a fracture by pulling the limb into a straight position

  42. Surgical Terms • Amputation • Surgical removal of limb • Prosthesis replaces limb or joints

  43. Surgical Terms • Osteoplasty: surgical repair of bone • Osteoclasis: breaking of bone when not healed properly • Osteotomy: incision into a bone • Tenotomy: cutting of tendon to repair muscle • Arthroplasty: joint repair • Arthrocentesis: puncture of a joint

  44. Surgical Terms • Bunionectomy • Removal of bunion on hallux • Laminectomy • removes parts of the vertebrae) that is narrowing the spinal canal and squeezing the spinal cord and nerve roots.

  45. Pharmacology Part 2 Pharmacology Common medications for the Musculoskeletal System • Analgesics- relieves pain • Steroids- reduce inflammation • NSAID’s- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  46. Apply Your Knowledge "Apply Your Knowledge" Mrs. Jones is concerned with the “soft spots” she feels on her baby’s head. You realize the medical term for these “soft spots” is: A. Fontanelle B. Fissure C. Foramen A. Fontanelle

  47. Apply Your Knowledge Part 2 Head & Trunk Arms & Legs "Apply Your Knowledge" Identify the axial and appendicular portions of the skeleton.

  48. Apply Your Knowledge Part 4 "Apply Your Knowledge" Relieves pain 1 A. steroids B. analgesics C. NSAIDs Reduces swelling 2 Anti-inflammatory 3 Match the correct medication with its action.

  49. Combining Forms Combining Forms Match the following combining forms and meanings. heel bent joint arm ankyl (o) arthr (o) brachi (o) calcane (o)

  50. Combining Forms Part 2 Combining Forms Match the following combining forms and meanings. carp (o) cephal (o) chondr (o) dactyl (o) kyph (o) cartilage hump head wrist fingers, toes

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