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Attend a pre-separation counseling session at the Airman & Family Readiness Center (A&FRC) at Scott Air Force Base to explore VA benefits, compensation details, and home loan options. Learn about eBenefits access, disability examples, and critical application timeframes. Gain insights into filing compensation claims, VA home loans, Tricare options, and contact details for veterans services.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PRESEPARATION COUNSELINGRetiree Airman & Family Readiness Center (A&FRC) Scott Air Force Base

  2. Agenda • Welcome – A&FRC Staff • VA Briefing – Mr. Don Gosha • Pre-Separation Counseling – A&FRC Staff • SBP (Retirees Only) – Casualty Assistance

  3. Department of Veterans Affairs

  4. Don Gosha Military Service Coordinator VA Regional Office, St Louis

  5. VA Benefits can affect you now and for the rest of your life. They can also affect your dependents…even after your death!

  6. VA • Veterans Benefits Administration • All VA benefits - Compensation, Education, Home Loan Guaranty, etc. • Administered by VA Regional Offices • Veterans Health Administration • All VA health care services • Administered by VA Medical Centers, Ambulatory Care & Community Based Outpatient Clinics, etc. • National Cemetery Administration • National and State Veterans Cemeteries • Headstones & Markers • Presidential Memorial Certificates

  7. eBenefits – My Gateway to Benefit Information • www.ebenefits.va.gov • One-stop shop for benefits-related online tools and information • You can • Apply for Benefits • See your benefits status and payments online • Download your DD 214 or loan eligibility cert • Obtain VA letters need for Veterans benefits • Set up an account using your CAAC

  8. Compensation for Service-Connected Disabilities

  9. Compensation • Disability Examples • Knee Condition • Migraines/Headaches • Heart Condition • Back Condition • Acid Reflux • Diabetes

  10. Compensation • Disabilities are rated from 0% to 100% • Additional allowance for dependents with 30% or higher rating

  11. Compensation – Sample Rates

  12. Disability Compensation Process • The application forms: • Use VA Form 21-526ez. • If you have dependents, you will also need VA Form 21-686c. • Critical 1 year timeframe for general medical exam!

  13. When Can I File a Compensation Claim?Can I file while still on Active Duty? • There is no time limit for filling Disability Compensation! • You are eligible to file a compensation claim if within 180 days of separation/retirement • The VA will need: • A full copy of service medical records • A dental record if dental issues are claimed • A mental health record if mental conditions are claimed

  14. Important VA Home Loan Notes • No down payment • Funding Fee waived for Veterans in receipt of VA Compensation

  15. Veterans of Operations Enduring& Iraqi Freedom VA provides up to five years of free health care for enrolled Veterans who served in a theater of combat operations and are seeking care for an injury or illness that was caused or aggravated from this active duty service.

  16. Primary VA Contacts • 1-800-827-1000 (general VA line) • www.va.gov • www.gibill.va.gov • 1-888-442-4551 (education line) or 1-888-GIBILL1 • http://www.facebook.com/VeteransBenefits • http://twitter.com/VAVetBenefits

  17. Thank You For Your Service to our Country!

  18. Tricare for Retirees Ms. DeAnn Berry

  19. For Information and Assistance: Looking For More Information?

  20. SAFB Vet Center Chris Figura/Mr. Tim Ojier

  21. WHO WE ARE We are Dedicated to One Single Purpose: ●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Empowering Veterans from all branches of service to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity by providing them FREE professional assistance. The DAV is a non-profit organization that specializes in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service.

  22. WHO WE ARE Fighting for the interests of America' s injured heroes on Capitol Hill Educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life Providing outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally, and to disabled veterans and their families specifically Representing the interests of disabled veterans, their families, their widowed spouses and their orphans before Congress, the White House and the Judicial Branch, as well as state and local government

  23. Scott AFB Medical Center 310 W. Losey Street SAFB, IL 62225 5th Floor Room C509 314-652-4100 ext. 68574 Office Manager at JC VAMC 314-289-6443 Hours: Wednesday & Friday 0730 - 1500

  24. PRESEPARATION COUNSELING CHECKLISTAC, AGR, AR, FTS, RPA Airman & Family Readiness Center (A&FRC) Scott Air Force Base

  25. TRANSITION GPS TAP GPS is a MANDATORY program aimed to ensure Service Members & spouses are prepared for their next step in civilian life. TAP GPS COMPONENTS: • STEP 3: • COMPLETE CAPSTONE • EVENT • Career Readiness Standards Checklist • ADDITIONAL • 2-Day • TRACKS • Career Exploration & Planning • Education • Entrepreneur • STEP 1: • BEGIN • PRE-SEPARATIONCOUNSELING • Separating = 1yr • Retiring = 2yr • Both = NLT 90 days • STEP 2: • ATTEND • TAP GPS • (5 DAY) • DOD • DOL • DVA

  26. Introduction • Purpose of Preseparation Counseling • Mandated by Title 10 • Introduce benefits and services • Answer questions • Describe assistance in place to help you • Counseling serves as reference for planning transition • Referrals provided to agency experts

  27. Overview for Transition GPS • Complete the DD Form 2648 • Transition GPS Workshop (DoD, DOLEW, VA) • Allowable exemptions (no exemptions from VA) • Explain Common Career Readiness Standards (CRSs) • Even if exempt must produce deliverables at Capstone • Additional 2 day tracks • Accessing Higher Education • Career Technical Training • Entrepreneurship • Education & Career Technical Training CRSs requirements

  28. Effects of a Career Change • Explain the effects of a career change • Identify coping techniques • Referral contact information • Chaplain • Medical professionals • Education office • A&FRC • Vet Centers • Dept of Veterans Affairs (VA) • Military OneSource • Veterans Service Organizations (VSO)

  29. Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET), DD Form 2586 • Utilization of VMET • Only updated quarterly • Eligible members can print VMET at: www.dmdc.osd.mil/tgps • NOT an official transcript • Refer to FAQs on website

  30. Civilian Occupations Corresponding to Military Occupations/O*NET • Licensing and Certificating • American Job Centers (AJC) • Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support DANTES • O*NET resources • mynextmove.org (useful information to assist in researching potential occupations) • Program and features • Career Exploration Tools, etc.

  31. Licensing and Certification and Apprenticeship Information • Credentialing • Licenses • Certifications • Department of Labor American Job Centers (DOL AJC) • www.careeronestop.org/CREDENTIALING/CredentialingHome.asp • www.veterans.gov • GI Bill utilization: www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/licensing_certification.asp • DoD TAP website: www.dodtap.mil

  32. Military Occupational Code (MOC) Crosswalk • Identify gaps between military skills and those required in civilian industry: • Develop a “Gap Analysis” • Any gaps between military skills and those required in the civilian sector? • Does your military occupation require a civilian license or certification? *NOTE: This is a Common Career Readiness Standard

  33. Credentialing On-line • Each branch of the military has a COOL website. There, Service members can: • Get background information about civilian licensure and certification • Identify licenses and certifications relevant to your military rating • Learn how to fill gaps between military training and experience and civilian credentialing requirements • Learn about resources available to help gain civilian job credentials

  34. U.S. Army Credentialing On-line • Explore information about civilian licensure and certification • Identify credentials related to an Army MOS • Learn about credential requirements and potential gaps between Army training and civilian credentialing requirements • Financial assistance • https://www.cool.army.mil

  35. U.S. Navy Credentialing On-line • Get background information about civilian licensure and certification • Identify licenses and certifications relevant to your military training • Learn how to fill gaps between military training and experience and civilian credentialing requirements • Learn about resources available to you to help gain civilian job credentials • https://www.cool.navy.mil

  36. U.S Air Force Credentialing Online (AF COOL) • Designed for Air Force enlisted personnel • Getting background information about civilian licensure and certification • Identify licenses and certifications relevant to their military AFSC • Learn how to fill gaps between military training and experience and civilian credentialing requirements • Learn about resources available to them to help gain civilian job credentials • Explore financial assistance opportunities • https://afvec.langley.af.mil/afvec/Public/COOL/

  37. U.S. Marine Corps Credentialing Online (Marine Corps COOL) • Get background information about civilian licensure and certification • Identify licenses and certifications relevant to your military training • Learn how to fill gaps between military training and experience and civilian credentialing requirements • Learn about resources available to you to help gain civilian job credentials • https://www.cool.navy.mil/umuc

  38. United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) • Apprenticeship programs for members who are serving in the United States Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Navy • Recognized by DOL • https://usmap.cnet.navy.mil/usmapss/static/index.htm

  39. DoD SkillBridge • Still evolving - not every installation currently offers programs • More than 30 installations currently offer • Initiative promotes the civilian job training authority for transitioning service members • Can participate in civilian employment training, including apprenticeships and internships • Must be 180 days from DOS • Approval from their first field-grade level commander in their chain of command • Programs must offer a high probability of employment and be provided to the service member at little or no cost • www.dodskillbridge.com

  40. Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) MORE THAN JUST CLEP TESTING… • Service member support: • Enables access to quality post-secondary educational opportunities that prepare service members for college entrance and a successful learning experience • Equips education counselors with tools and resources to assist service members with individualized guidance and face-to-face interaction • Expands the opportunities for obtaining college credits and completing degree requirements, leading to success in higher education • Supports service members during transition into the civilian workforce • For more information about programs and services visit: www.dantes.doded.mil

  41. DoD TAP Web Portal • Comprehensive resource with capabilities to support separation/retirement related issues • Service members and military spouses can: • http://dodtap.mil • Learn about the Transition GPS core curriculum • Determine how and where to prepare for their transition to civilian life • Online resources, included: • VA benefits • Financial planning assistance • Assessing and documenting their skills for transition to civilian life • Access VA website at: www.vets.gov

  42. American Job Centers – Priority of Service (POS) • Priority of service (POS) gives the Veteran and eligible spouses priority over other non-covered persons for any DOL funded employment or training programs • Relation to State Employment Offices • Types of available services • Service locator • www.servicelocator.org

  43. DOL Website • Helps translate military skills and experience into civilian terms, build a resume, search for jobs, and provides essential interview tips and resources • www.dol.gov/vets

  44. Department of Labor Employment Workshop and Service Sponsored Transition Workshops/Seminars • Department of Labor Employment Workshop (DOLEW) • Will give a first-hand look of what to expect after military service • Provides information on various job search techniques, labor market information, resume and interview skills, and more • Also will help with individual transition planning, employment assistance, small business information, POS for Veterans in all DOL funded employment and training programs • Contact the A&FRC to schedule your attendance to the Transition GPS Workshop Mandatory to attend the workshop (some exemptions)

  45. To Sign up for DOLEW • Visit www.scottafrc.com • Sign up via Appointment Plus • Call (618) 256-8668 with questions

  46. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994 • Eligibility • Timelines • Notification requirements • DOL Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS) interprets, and administers USERRA • www.dol.gov/vets/programs/userra/index.htm or www.benefits.va.gov/guardreserve • Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve • http://esgr.mil/USERRA/What-is-USERRA.aspx or call (800) 336-4590, Option 1 to speak to an Ombudsman

  47. State Employment Agencies • Dedicated veterans employment representatives • Disabled Veteran Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialist • Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) • These offices are called the American Job Center but may be referred to differently by each state • Available services • Provide employment, training and placement services • Locate nearest state office at www.servicelocator.org

  48. State Job Boards • Each state has a job board for their state • Employers can search for applicants • Applicants can search for positions • To explore state job boards go to: www.careeronestop.org/jobsearch/cos_jobsites.aspx and select the specific state

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