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The LIFE-EnvBATTLE project aims to implement advanced techniques for water reuse in textile SMEs, promoting sustainable practices and reducing environmental impact. The project includes the demonstration of a water reuse plant in a medium-size enterprise and the proposal for a new BAT for optimizing water cycle in textile SMEs.
The LIFE-EnvBATTLE Project BAT for water reuse in TextiLE SMEs www.life-battle.bologna.enea.it Maurizio Casarci
the Italian National Public Agency for • New Technologies, Energy and the Environment • ENEA is mainly called upon: • to promote and carry out basic and applied research and innovation technology activities, also through prototypes and product industrialization; • to disseminate and transfer technologies, encouraging their use in productive and social sectors; • to provide high-tech services, studies, tests and evaluations to both public and private bodies and enterprises.
With regard to Water Resource Management, • ENEA EnvironmentDept carries out projects on: • wastewater treatment, • water re-use, • re-qualification of water bodies, • development of new technologies as well as demonstrative and pre-industrial projects • for civil, industrial, agricultural uses.
Environmental Dept. contact persons: • ENEA Office in Brussels (Rue de Namur 72-74) • Massimo Busuoli +32 2 5120448 massimo.busuoli@bruxelles.enea.it • ENEA Office in Rome • Maurizio Casarci +39.06.3048.3263 • maurizio.casarci@casaccia.enea.it • Marcello Peronaci +39.06.3048.4702 • peronaci@casaccia.enea.it • Anna Maria Sàlama +39.06.3048.3092 • salama@casaccia.enea.it
BATTLE BACKGROUND • IPPC directive • Previous research projects
Battle in the LIFE Programme • Specific objective • Implementation of more advanced techniques (in connection with environmental protection) than those described as Best Available Techniques in BAT reference documents. • Side objective • Support of activities addressing obstacles to the development of clean technologies not covered by IPPC, particularly those undertaken by SMEs
Expected results • BATs applicability in SMEs • Demonstration of the new BAT in the Italian medium-size enterprise Stamperia di Martinengo (BATTLE’s partner): water reuse plant reducing at least 50% of fresh water consumed and the same amount of wastewater discharged in the environment by a fully reliable, innovative, totally automated, reclamation system, based on the combination of membrane technology for effluents treatment and Expert System for plant control and operation. The plant will be at demonstrative scale (500 m3/day of wastewater treated) assuring the production of treated water of constant good quality for the textile processes. • BAT for optimisation of water cycle in textile SMEs (for proposal to the IPPC bureau for the inclusion in the BREF). Results will be disseminated, with the full support of the Textile Associations, to reach most of the European companies.
BATs applicability in SMEs • Identification and analysis of BAT on water (use and discharge) in the BREF • Questionnaire dissemination and collection in IPPC companies • Audits/interviews in IPPC companies • Identification of BATs feasible in SMEs and assessment of applicability • Proposal of modification and/or substitution to comply with different needs and constrains of SMEs
New BAT definition • Definition of the targets for a new BAT for the optimization of water use and reuse. (Textile BREF contains only general advices on wastewater treatment and reuse) • The proposed BAT will integrate the BREF indications with the results of the EU project TOWEF0. • The proposed BAT is conceived to be included in the sector BREFs. It has the characteristics to be considered “best” and “available” according to the requirements of the IPPC Directive • The techno-economic feasibility of the proposed BAT will be assessed in the Stamperia di Martinengo (a SME close to the threshold of the IPPC Directive) • A manual for the BAT will be issued with guidelines for the application in other textile SMEs all over Europe.
Demonstration plant Stamperia di Martinengo – present situation: • No reuse of water is implemented • Primary water (in some cases pretreated by softening is fed to all machines to carry out the processes • Discharged effluents are mixed together before final treatment in company WWTP and discharge into river Serio
Characterization Treatability evaluation Effluent classification
Design of water reuse schemes Demonstrative pilot plantPlant monitoring and control
State of the Art • Stamperia di Martinengo Audit • Analytical protocol for effluents monitoring • Preliminary filtration tests • Web site