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WEEK 2 SLIDES. AGENDA. Choice Reading Introduction to Macbeth. OVERALL PICTURE. Read the Summative Assessment on Macbeth. BUILDING BACKGROUND. Read “ Sources, Early Performance and Publication ” Turn and talk: What did you learn?. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. JAMES I. Shakespeare ’ s
AGENDA Choice Reading Introduction to Macbeth
OVERALL PICTURE • Read the Summative Assessment on Macbeth
BUILDING BACKGROUND • Read “Sources, Early Performance and Publication” • Turn and talk: What did you learn?
JAMES I Shakespeare’s Patron of The King’s Men
ACT I – 1st hour Scene summaries Paige Narrator Monica First witch Teagan Second witch Aly Third witch Lidia Duncan Sean Malcolm Josh Captain Skye Ross Austin Lennox Timmy Macbeth Jake Banquo Trevor Angus Anna Lady Macbeth Bri Messenger Lussine
ACT I – 2nd hour Scene summaries Christina Narrator Jon First witch Haiden Second witch Melanie Third witch Madison Duncan Ethan Malcolm Matt Captain Blake Ross Ryan Lennox Gabe Macbeth Zach Banquo Devon Angus Noah Lady Macbeth Gabby Messenger Jade
ACT I – 4th hour Scene summaries Natalie Narrator Taylor First witch Toni Second witch Kenzie H. Third witch Selma Duncan Tyler Malcolm Adam Captain Devon Ross Ryan Lennox Matt Macbeth Austin Banquo Drew Angus Aaron Lady Macbeth Kenzie W. Messenger Julie
AGENDA Holinshed’s Chronicles Act I, scenes iv-vii
from Holinshed’s Chronicles (1577) • Then Banquho; "What manner of women (saith he) are you, that séeme so little fauourablevnto me, whereas to my fellow heere, besides high offices, ye assigne also the kingdome, appointing foorth nothing for me at all?" "Yes (saith the first of them) we promise greater benefits vntothée, than vnto him, for he shall reigne in déed, but with an vnluckie end: neither shall he leaueanie issue behind him to succéed in his place, where contrarilie thou in déed shalt not reigne at all, but of thée those shall be borne which shall gouerne the Scotishkingdome by long order of continuall descent."
from Holinshed’s Chronicles • The same night after, at supper, Banquhoiested with him and said; "Now Mackbeth thou hast obteined those things which the two former sisters prophesied, there remainethonelie for thée to purchase that which the third said should come to passe. WherevponMackbethreuoluing the thing in his mind, began euen then to deuise how he might atteine to the kingdome: but yet he thought with himselfe that he must tarie a time, which should aduance him thereto (by the diuineprouidence) as it had come to passe in his former preferment.
AGENDA Type-Two Writing Macbeth Podcast Act I, scene vii
TYPE-TWO WRITING When Lady Macbeth receives a letter from her husband about what the witches told him, she becomes hungry with ambition. She suggests that Macbeth kill King Duncan that very night. How is her argument both logical and manipulative? Write as much about the topic as you can in ten minutes.
SHAKESPEARE FOLGER LIBRARY http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=2545
ACT ISCENE vii • With your partner • Read/listen to Macbeth’s soliloquy, beginning with line 1 • Explain how he feels about killing King Duncan • How does Shakespeare craft this speech to make Macbeth’s concerns particularly strong?
ACT II – 1st Hour • FleanceCaitlyn • Porter Arianna • MacDuffKirsten • Lennox Samantha • DonalbainSean • Old man Josh
ACT II – 2nd Hour • FleanceJosee • Porter Harry • MacDuffDanijel • Lennox Connor • DonalbainAustin • Old man Daphne
ACT II – 4th Hour • FleanceKatherine • Porter Sarah • MacDuffEm • Lennox Autumn • DonalbainMcKenna B. • Old man Kimy
GROUP ACTIVITY – ACT II Divide into 4 groups Each group takes one scene Read the scene closely and explicate Break the scene down to a manageable size and read to the class, so that the meaning stays intact Introduce your scene by explaining what is happening (1-2 sentences) EACH GROUP WILL TAKE 3-4 MINUTES