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Syntax Revision. 1 faber murum facillime refecit The craftsman repaired the wall very easily 2 id quod mihi narravisti statim Imperatori nuntiabitur What you have told me will be reported at once to the emperor. 3 rex signum dedit. quod simulac viderunt, haruspices ad aram progressi sunt.
1 faber murum facillime refecit The craftsman repaired the wall very easily 2 id quod mihi narravisti statim Imperatori nuntiabitur What you have told me will be reported at once to the emperor. 3 rex signum dedit. quod simulac viderunt, haruspices ad aram progressi sunt. The king gave the signal. As soon as they saw it, the soothsayers advanced to the altar 4 quosdam homines novi, qui te adiuvare poterunt I know a certain man who will be able to help you.
5 subito senator quidam, cleriter progressus, silentium poposcit. Suddenly a senator stepped forward quickly and demanded silence 6 si me ad portum duxeris, pecuniam tibi dabo. if you take me to the harbour, I shall give you money 7 milites gladiis utebantur The soldiers used swords 8 servo haesitanti libertatem praemiumque obtuli. I offered freedom and a reward to the hesitating slave.
9 ab hostibus capti, de vita desperabamus When we were captured by the enemy, we were despairing for our lives. 10 senex, pecunia celata, filios arcessivit. After hiding the money, the old man summoned his sons 11 multis clientibus comitantibus, senator ad Forum profectus est. The senator set out for the Forum accompanied by many clients 12 haruspices cognoscere conabantur num omina bona essent The soothsayers were trying to find out whether the omens were good
13 barbari eos adeo terrebant ut domos suas deserere constituerunt. The barbarians were so afraid of them that they decided to abandon their homes. 14 nobis fugiendum est, priusquam custodes nos conspiciant. We must flee before the guards catch sight of us. 15 vereor ne inimici nostri tibi noceant. I fear that our enemies may harm you. • credo milites fidem servaturos esse I believe that the soldiers will keep their word
17 Lupus affirmavit se a multis clientibus cotidie vexari. Lupus declared that he was annoyed by many clients every day 18 audivimus eum multos versus scurriles scripsisse We heard that he had written many rude verses. 19 dum cives sacrificium spectant, iuvenis subito prosiluit While the citizens were watching the sacrifice, a young man suddenly jumped forward. 20 exspectabant dum centurio signum daret. They were waiting for the centurion to give the signal.