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The Linguistics Society. Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4. Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4. Revision for lesson 3. Vocabulary – HK Places. 彩虹 Choi2 Hung4 Choi Hung. 坑口 Haang1 Hau2 Hang Hau. = Hang Hau. = Choi Hung. 尖沙咀 Jim1 Sa1 Jeui2 Jim Sa Jui. 中環 Jung1 Waan4 Jone Wan.
The Linguistics Society Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4
Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4 Revision for lesson 3
Vocabulary – HK Places 彩虹 Choi2 Hung4 Choi Hung 坑口 Haang1 Hau2 Hang Hau = Hang Hau = Choi Hung 尖沙咀 Jim1 Sa1 Jeui2 Jim Sa Jui 中環 Jung1 Waan4 Jone Wan = Tsim Sha Tsui = Central
Vocabulary - Transportation 巴士 ba1 si2 ba see 小巴 siu2 ba1 seal ba = Bus = Minibus 地鐵 Dei6 Tit3 Day Titt 的士 dik1 si2 dick see = MTR = Taxi
Vocabulary - Directions 左 jo2 jor 右 yau6 yau 上 seung6 song = Left = Right = Up 下 ha6 ha 直行 jik6 haang4 jick hang 轉左/右 jyun3 jo2/ yau6 june jor/ yau = Go Straight = Down = Turn Left/Right
Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4 Finals <a>
Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4 Common Terms in HKUST
Vocabulary – Common Terms 摺 Jip3 jeep = fold = Describe people who seldom social with others
Vocabulary – Common Terms 屈機 Wat1 Gei1 What gay = Describe people that possess superior ability
Vocabulary – Common Terms 屈蛇 Wat1 se4 What sand = describe people who do not have a hall place, but live in their friends room
Vocabulary – Common Terms 好 Hou2 Ho = Good = Very
Vocabulary – Common Terms 好 hea Hou2 Hea Ho Hea = Very Lazy
Vocabulary – Common Terms 灰 Fui1 Fool = grey = upset
Vocabulary – Common Terms 爛 Laan6 lend = bad/poor
Vocabulary – Common Terms 頹 Teui4 Tou = describe people who lack enthusiasm in their work
Vocabulary – Common Terms 頹飯 Teui4 Faan6 Tou fan =describe meals that are cheap and of poorer quality
Vocabulary – Common Terms 熬底 Ngaau4 Dai2 Out day =Frightened
Vocabulary – Common Terms 上莊 Seung5 jong1 Sheung john =describe people who become executive committee members of societies
Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4 練習 lin6 zaap6 Self-Practice
Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4 Places in HKUST
Vocabulary – UST Places 火雞 Fo2 Gai1 Fall gay = Roasted Turkey =
Vocabulary – UST Places 天一泉 Tin1 Yat1 Chyun4 Tin Yut Tsuen = Fountain outside LG7 Canteen
Vocabulary – UST Places 蘑菇 Mo4 Gu1 More Gu =Mushroom = a wall in Atrium
Vocabulary – UST Places 演講廳 Yin2 Gong2 Teng1 In Gong Tang = Lecture Theatre(LT)
Vocabulary – UST Places 宿舍 Suk1 Se2 Soak Sai = Hall
Vocabulary – UST Places 拉把 Laai1 Ba2 Lai Ba = Library
Vocabulary – HK Places 摺拉把 Jip3 Laai1 Ba2 Jeep Lai Ba = study in the library
Vocabulary – UST Places 圖書館 Tou4 Syu1 Gun2 Toll Su Gou = Library (in a formal way)
Vocabulary – UST Places 怪獸Lift Gwaai3 Sau3 Lift Gai South Lift = Monster Lift = Lift 21
Vocabulary – UST Places 實驗室 Sat6 Yim6 Sat1 Suck Yim Sei = Laboratory
Vocabulary – UST Places 酒樓 Jau2 Lau4 Jaw Lau = Restaurant
Vocabulary – UST Places 南北小廚 Naam4 Bak1 Siu2 Cheui4 Lam Buck Seal Chu = Name of the Chinese Restaurant in HKUST
Vocabulary – UST Places 獸醫 Sau3 Yi1 Sao E = Doctor in UST
Vocabulary – UST Places 大斜 Daai6 Che4 Die Chee = Main Road in UST
Revision - Location • 請問_____點去? • Ching2 man6 _____ dim2 heui3? • Ching man _____ dim hui? • = (Polite)How can I get to _____?
Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4 練習 lin6 zaap6 Self-Practice
Cantonese Course 2007 Lesson 4 Measure Words
Vocabulary – Measure words 杯 Bui1 booi • same as “cup of” • drinks
Vocabulary – Measure words 一杯水 Yat1 Bui1 Seui2 Yut Booi Soy = a “cup of” water
Vocabulary – Measure words 一杯咖啡 Yat1 Bui1 Ka1 Fa2 Yut Booi Ga Fair = a cup of coffee
Vocabulary – Measure words 罐 gun3 goon • same as “can of” • foods or drinks • something contained in a can
Vocabulary – Measure words 一罐可樂 yat2 gun3 ho2 lok3 yut goon hor lok = a can of cola
Vocabulary – Measure words 一罐罐頭 yāt gun3 gun3 dau2 yut goon goon tow = a can
Vocabulary – Measure words 盒 hap6 hub • same as “box of” • foods, drinks • something contained in a box
Vocabulary – Measure words 一盒朱古力 yat1 hap6 jyu1 gu1 lik1 yut hub ju goo lick = a box of chocolate
Vocabulary – Measure words 一盒雪糕 yat1 hap6 syut3 gou1 yut hub suet go = a box of ice cream
Vocabulary – Measure words 包 baau1 bao • same as “pack of”, “packet of”, “bag of” • foods or drinks • something packed in a bag like garbage
Vocabulary – Measure words 一包花生 yat1 baau1 fa1 sang1 yut bao fa sung = a pack of peanuts