1. 7/17/2012 1 Nursing Introduction to Literature Searching in Nursing
Database Basics
Sample searches
Promilla Bansal
Reference Librarian
Will help in learning literature searching in nursing
Will help in learning literature searching in nursing
2. 7/17/2012 2 Database Basics What is an Electronic Database?
Databases consist of citation of articles, chapters, & essays
Provides an efficient and quick means of finding materials on a given topic Different databases – some are specialized e.g. CINAHLDifferent databases – some are specialized e.g. CINAHL
3. 7/17/2012 3 Fields & Records Databases consists of records
Each record includes fields
Fields include author, title, journal title, subject headings Explain the word fields ( parts of article)Explain the word fields ( parts of article)
4. 7/17/2012 4 Searching Electronic Databases Good search strategy is the key to successful searching
Think about your topic
Is it broad or unfocused
What are the key terms
What do you want to find out about the topic
Do you need to go in depth? You are not sure of your topic.You need a search strategy. Do a little research on your topic using every day words or a thesaurus/synonym dictionary.You are not sure of your topic.You need a search strategy. Do a little research on your topic using every day words or a thesaurus/synonym dictionary.
5. 7/17/2012 5 What is a search strategy Search strategy is your search plan.
Helps you narrow your ideas and keywords to use to find information
Helps in identifying synonyms
Helps outline the major concepts to be combined Explain – keywords I.e. words that would explain what you are looking for.
Synonyms – other words meaning the same that may be used in text.
Concepts – ideas that would define the whole searchExplain – keywords I.e. words that would explain what you are looking for.
Synonyms – other words meaning the same that may be used in text.
Concepts – ideas that would define the whole search
6. 7/17/2012 6
7. 7/17/2012 7 Identify topic clearly Put your topic in a statement or question
What is the nurse’s role in caring for the elderly?
Identify key terms/concepts
What is the nurse’s role in caring for the elderly?
Combine terms with Boolean logic (OR, AND) Explain Boolean logic – this tells the database or defines how the searches are performed.
These terms (and/or) are used to narrow or expand a search term.Explain Boolean logic – this tells the database or defines how the searches are performed.
These terms (and/or) are used to narrow or expand a search term.
8. 7/17/2012 8 Boolean Logic - OR Brainstorm synonyms for your search terms
The OR is used to broaden a search or increase results
The more terms you OR the more records you find Synonyms – other words that can be used to describe the topic
If not sure ask – your instructor or the librarianSynonyms – other words that can be used to describe the topic
If not sure ask – your instructor or the librarian
9. 7/17/2012 9 Boolean Logic - AND Use AND to combine similar concepts
It helps to narrow a search
Fewer records retrieved Concepts – ideas
Narrow – decrease the number of articles retrieved
Use of AND leads to all the choices
Concepts – ideas
Narrow – decrease the number of articles retrieved
Use of AND leads to all the choices
10. 7/17/2012 10 Keyword vs. Subject searching Two ways of searching for information in a database
Keyword – simple words used by us
(“Breast cancer”)
Subject – words used by indexers
(“Breast Neoplasms”) Indexer – words used to describe the topic by specialistsIndexer – words used to describe the topic by specialists
11. 7/17/2012 11 CINAHL Database Primary database for Nursing
Indexes books, articles,dissertations
Includes abstracts but not full text articles
This database is found under EBSCOHost. There is also another one called “Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Both the databases could be searched together.Does have some full text articles also.This database is found under EBSCOHost. There is also another one called “Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Both the databases could be searched together.Does have some full text articles also.
12. 7/17/2012 12 Getting your hands on the Books and Journals for Nursing Online Full text
(example – Health Source,PubMed)
Inter library Loan
Still have questions?
Help is available at the library reference desk
Online try Pubmed (this is a free full text medical database)
ILL- thru the SLS
Ask as many questions that you can since that will help decide your searching and eventual results.Online try Pubmed (this is a free full text medical database)
ILL- thru the SLS
Ask as many questions that you can since that will help decide your searching and eventual results.