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Marriage And Family Dorng Jaa Caux Hmuangv Doic Colossians 3:18-21 Ko^lo^si 3:18-21 February 27, 2011

Marriage And Family Dorng Jaa Caux Hmuangv Doic Colossians 3:18-21 Ko^lo^si 3:18-21 February 27, 2011.

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Marriage And Family Dorng Jaa Caux Hmuangv Doic Colossians 3:18-21 Ko^lo^si 3:18-21 February 27, 2011

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  1. Marriage And Family Dorng Jaa Caux Hmuangv Doic Colossians 3:18-21 Ko^lo^si 3:18-21 February 27, 2011

  2. 18 Zoux auv nyei mienh aah! Oix zuqc mbuoqc ganh nyei nqox. Hnangv naaiv zoux se puix sienx Ziouv nyei mienh. 19 Zoux nqox nyei mienh aah! Oix zuqc hnamv ganh nyei auv, yaac maiv dungx zoux doqc ninh. 18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

  3. 20 Fu'jueiv aah! Yiem maanc sic oix zuqc muangx diex maac weic zuqc naaiv se zoux horpc Ziouv nyei hnyouv. 21 Zoux die nyei mienh aah! Maiv dungx cuoqv meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv. Nzauh heix ninh mbuo hnyouv namx. 20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. 21 Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.

  4. Biux Mengh Waac Introduction Naaiv douc Ging-Sou njaaux taux hmuangv doic nyei gong yiem biei nyungc jauv. This passage teach four things about family duty: (1) Zoux auv nyei mienh oix zuqc mbuoqc ganh nyei nqox, hnangv naaiv zoux se puix sienx Yesu nyei mienh. Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord (vs. 18) (2) Zoux nqox nyei mienh oix zuqc hnamv ganh nyei auv, yaac maiv dungx zoux doqc ninh mbuo. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them (vs. 19)

  5. (3) Fu’jueiv yiem maanc sic oix zuqc muangx die maa weic zuqc naaiv se zoux horpc Ziouv nyei hnyouv. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleasing the Lord (vs.20) (4) Zoux diex maac nyei mienh maiv dungx cuoqv ganh nyei fu’jueiv, nziex ninh mbuo hnyouv namx. Parents, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged (vs.21)

  6. I. A’hneiv Nyei Hmuangv Doic A Happy Family • Jiex gorn yiem nqox caux auv nyei jiu tong jauv Begins with relationship between husband and wife. • Maaih wuonv nyei jauv caux laanh bungx hnyouv laanh nyei jauv. Security and Trust to one another. • Seix hnyouv nyei sic haaix zanc yaac huing nzuonx zuov jienv mbuo, hnangv Ndaawitv caux Mbatc^qe^mbaa nyei ziangh hoc. Temptations are ever present, regardless of era. David and Bathsheba to present.

  7. Ziepc zuoqv hnyouv nyei jauv se leih go hienx nyei jauv. Fidelity goes far beyond adultery. Mbuo guangc mbuo nyei cai-doix bun fu’jueiv fai a’nziaauc doic tengx goux mangc nyei fai? Do we “run down” our partner to children or friends? Longc nzengc mbuo nyei hmuangv doic taux jomc fai? Spend our family into bankruptcy?

  8. II. Cai-Doix Caux Fu’jueivMarriage and Children “Esaau cau hmien buatc wuov deix m'sieqv dorn caux fu'jueiv, ninh naaic gaax, "Gan meih daaih naaiv deix mienh se haaix dauh?" Yaakopv dau, "Naaiv deix fu'jueiv se Tin-Hungh korv-lienh yie, ceix bun yie, meih nyei bou." (Tin Deic Douh 33:5) “He lifted his eyes and saw the women and the children, and said, ‘Who are these with you?’ So he said, ‘The children whom God has graciously given your servant.’” (Geneses 33:5)

  9. Cai-Doic Nyei Ngaengc Waac - Our Vows • Nitv fatv doic (Cleave). • Maiv gunv longx fai ciouv (For better or worse). • Maiv gunv butv zoih fai jomc (For richer or poorer). • Maiv gunv wangc-siangx fai maiv wangc-siangx (In sickness or health). • Maiv gunv jangx jienv yiem fai bun nqoi doic (In togetherness or separation) • Hnamv caux a’hneiv (To love and cherish). • Taux daic cingx caeqv nqoi mbuo (Till death do us part).

  10. III. Maaih Fu’jueiv Nyei Ziangh HocWhen Children Come • Duqv zipv hlo haic nyei fuqv yaac maaih gong oix zuqc zoux (A great blessing and a great responsibility). • Fu’jueiv se mv maaih zuiz (Their innocence). • Ninh mbuo yaac benx gorqv-zeic mienh (Their dependence). • Ninh mbuo yaac haih mv muangx waac (Their rebellion). • Ninh mbuo maiv benx domh mienh (Their immaturity). • Maaih deix ziangh hoc se aqc bun mbuo hnamv nyei jauv, dongh mbuo qiex jiez caux zuqc mun nyei ziangh hoc (It’s sometimes difficult to convey love when we’re hurt or angry).

  11. Fu’jueiv Zic Duqv Zipv - Children Deserve: • Hnamv Love – Romans 1:31; Titus 2:4. • Hatc njaaux nyei jauv Discipline – Prov. 13:24; 22:15; 23:13-14. • Bun qangx yaac oix zuqc gunv nyei (Freedom with restraint). • Oix zuqc njaaux taaih ginx nyei jauv bun fu’jueiv. Se gorngv ninh mbuo yietc liuz maiv duqv zipv taux biux mengh hnamv nor, ninh mbuo yaac hiuv (To be taught respect. They will never receive it if they don’t show it).

  12. Fu’jueiv Horpc Zuqc Duqv Zipv - Children Deserve: • Ziangh hoc – nziaauc, muangx gouv, caux Ging-Sou. Time – for play, to listen to our stories (family, Bible) and to tell theirs. • Njaaux taux Tin-Hungh nyei jauv (To be taught about God, Joshua 4:21-24). • Giduc Mienh zoux nyei kuv nyungc zeiv (An example of Christian behavior, Acts 1:1). • Oix zuqc faix fim meih gorngv nyei waac caux zoux nyei sic (Watch your language and actions). • Giduc zoux nyungc zeiv (Christ is the example)

  13. Setv Mueiz Waac – Conclusion Ih hnoi nyei Ging-Sou njaaux taux mbuo hmuangv doic hnangv haaix nor zoux cingx daaih maaih horpc fim dongh eix nyei jauv caux bun biauv zong maaih baengh orn nyei jauv. Today’s Scripture teaches us about the family duty, how to do for the unity and have peaceful home.

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